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The Witness Vs Time Donkey

This is rather cute. Almost immediately after Jonathan Blow announces his new game, Flashbang follow up with a parody site to announce their own. This is our way of telling you: Jonathan Blow and Flashbang have announced new games.

Blow's launch site begins with some black text on a white background, a Lao Tse quote, as above:

Called The Witness, he describes it as, "An exploration-puzzle game on an uninhabited island." And that's all you get, other than a release date for some point in the distant space year 2011.

It's a bold way to announce a game. I refuse to call it pretentious as I don't believe it is. I think, if anything, it's slightly self-parodying. But clearly some will see it as maybe a bit pompous. Pomposity so often receives a little pinprick. Which would be Flashbang's response site for their September game, Time Donkey.

You bullies.

The FB site finishes with some hidden text at the end reading,

"we love you jon blow please don't crush us with your rippling muscles -love, blurst"

While we're talking about the big meanies, they've rejigged the Blurst website such that it now has room for all their games to appear at once, with space for the many more to come. Which is as good a reason as any to go play another game of Jetpack Brontosaurus.

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