Please Donate & Support Silverman Sound Studios

I depend on your help to keep the free music online

If you found my music useful, please consider donating

Make a PayPal Donation =)

Even a small donation helps massively, and I would be so incredibly grateful.

(Psssst! You don’t need a PayPal account to make a donation).

Become a Patron!
Pledge monthly in return for some amazing perks!

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A share also helps so much:

Support Silverman Sound Studios and keep the music flowing freely! Your help is essential in ensuring that this website can continue to provide free and high-quality music to everyone.

I believe that professional music should be accessible to all creators, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why I am committed to providing free music for everyone to use and enjoy.

However, the reality is that creating and giving away music is kinda expensive. That’s where you come in. Your donation can make a significant difference in helping me cover the expenses of running this website and producing new music. By supporting Silverman Sound, you are not only helping to keep my website running, but you are also helping everyone else that needs free music!

So please, donate today and help me continue to bring music to the world. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and I thank you for your continued support. Together, we can keep the music playing!


A small donation will be very gratefully received. There’s no such thing as a small amount, remember! You can also donate monthly via Patreon and this allows you to get some cool perks, so you should check that out. You don’t need a PayPal account to donate, just a card. =)

Or there’s this Ko-Fi thing which I keep seeing everywhere, so I thought I should set one up… If you prefer (and I do like me a coffee):


Another simple way you can help is by purchasing or streaming my music. It’s on all the popular platforms that the kids use these days. Try Spotify:

Or any of these fine establishments:

Reviews, Ratings & Testimonials

Please give me an amazing review on an online platform (bonus points if it’s funny). These ones will do nicely!:

If you’re feeling extra generous with your time, you can write me a testimonal, and email it over. Then I can feature it on my home page!

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I'm very glad you like the track enough to download it, but

I depend on your help

to keep the free music online:

So, if you found my music useful, you appreciate that it’s free for anyone to use, or you’re just an awesome person, please consider donating.

Make a PayPal Donation =)

Even a small donation helps massively, and I would be so incredibly grateful.

(Psssst! You don’t need a PayPal account to make a donation).

You can also help if you...

Become a Patron!
Pledge monthly in return for some amazing perks!

Join the Mailing List
Get email notifications every time a fresh track drops!

Subscribe on YouTube
Support my work, and see cool animations – go on! It’s free!

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