Code Of Conduct

1.   Introduction

Our founder Phil spent many years working in international hospitality and the global corporate housing sector.  His experiences led him to set up Situ in 2008 to resolve the cumbersome processes for searching, booking and managing corporate housing across the world that he identified.

And the rest as they say, “is history”.  Today Situ is a modern thriving global hospitality business with bespoke technology solutions, an incredible team of industry experts, an unrivalled worldwide accommodation offering and a fierce pride in its down-to-earth and transparent approach that the entire business takes with its clients, partners and suppliers.

Project teams, corporate travellers, relocation assignees, global nomads – the title doesn’t matter to us.  They are all people on the move who need to find somewhere to call home – when they aren’t at home.  And that’s what we do all day every day – working with you to make finding and booking serviced accommodation effortless.

Since Situ began, we have believed that it is the responsibility of this company to conduct ourselves in such a way that will not only help us to achieve our vision ‘to revolutionise how serviced accommodation is booked’, but to also consider the impact that this company has on anyone that we encounter, whether they are part of our people or not.

We are aware of the importance of various stakeholders putting their trust in us, as it sustains our long-term strengths and growth.   We want all our clients to experience and trust the dedicated personal service provided by our skilled professionals in our field of expertise. We want to serve with the highest standards of integrity, behaviour & honesty. We also want our people to feel confident that they are working in a safe, rewarding and fulfilling environment, whilst driving in the same direction to achieve our purpose of 'making finding and booking serviced accommodation effortless'.

This Code of Conduct reflects how we should all think, behave and feel in our business activities. This is based on our core values of:

  • INTEGRITY / HONESTY / TRUST – Led by head and heart - We act with integrity. We celebrate honesty and treat others as we expect to be treated. We always do the right thing, for ourselves, our clients and our business.
  • AMBITION / PASSION – Enterprising souls - We're enthusiasts. Likeminded doers tackling every challenge head on. Pushing ourselves without limits to achieve success both individually and as a company.
  • RELATIONSHIPS / CONNECTION + RESPECT / RECOGNITION – Champions of connection - We’re people-people. We believe that’s where our magic lies. So we champion openness, togetherness and understanding. We give recognition to everyone around us, and respect one another in everything we do.

We pride ourselves on the reputation that we have created within the industry and understand that this is affected by the actions of every member of our people.  We also believe that our reputation comes from our corporate social responsibility, which we are fully committed to. We encourage customers, clients, suppliers and stakeholders to act with the same level of commitment as we do.

Our Code of Conduct has been devised to guide all members of the Situ team and stakeholders on how to behave and tackle whatever situation they may find themselves. This Code commits us to:

  • Conduct ourselves in an ethical, honest and integral manner.
  • To treat everyone fairly and with respect.
  • Acting in a socially responsible manner.
  • Create positive business relationships.
  • Uphold our reputation with good and fair service.


2.    Objective of the Code

The ultimate objective of this Code of Conduct is to provide an ethical and behavioural guide which should govern Situ’s activities. It forms the framework of all Situ members’ internal and external interactions. The objective and purpose of this Code of Conduct are to:

  • Communicate to Situ people the guidelines which we expect our business to be conducted.
  • Provide consistency in our approval of all operations and business activities
  • Promote open and honest conduct including fair and ethical dealing
  • Promote compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Ensure the protection of the company’s legitimate business interests

This Code of Conduct is intended to be an ethical guide in which we operate and is not a comprehensive description of the quality of Situ’s professional and personal behaviour. This Code of Conduct complements our company policies contained with the Situ Staff Handbook.

The entirety of the Situ team, at all levels, are expected to be familiar and adhere to the principles contained within this Code of Conduct.


3.   Who must comply with this code?

This Code of Conduct applies to all persons working for or with us, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, intern and individual temporary or fixed term contractors, wherever located.

We also ask that our accommodation partners and sub-contractors adhere to this Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct does not form part of any contract of employment or contract to provide services and we may amend it at any time.


4.  Situ’s Principals

We believe that our reputation is built and maintained by the high standards that we keep, whether that's expressed through our mission, purpose or culture. This section details the principals that all members of the Situ team and partners are required to follow.

(a)     Professional Behaviour & Conduct

Situ members are expected to be trustworthy and to conduct themselves reasonably and responsibly, at all times, as representatives of the company.  Our people must treat colleagues and others with dignity and respect.  

We take appropriate steps to ensure that no-one suffers abuse, bullying or harassment and take all allegations of these practices seriously and address them promptly. Together, we want to support and nurture our people, thus empowering our team to deliver unforgettable service.

(b)     Fair Business Practices

We believe that achieving our mission, vision and purpose, whilst also being at the forefront of the serviced accommodation  industry can be done through fair business practices, prohibiting any unethical or illegal practices that could provide a competitive advantage.

All our people should be fair with all our clients, partners, competitors and other Situ team members. We do not practice, tolerate or appreciate manipulation, misrepresentation, concealment, harassment, abuse or any other form of unfair practice.

(c)     Confidentiality

We understand the importance of the information that we hold, across everyone involved within our business activities. We take the handling of this information very seriously and take all steps possible to ensure that it is handled in a confidential and secure manner, in line with relevant laws. The Situ team are aware of their responsibility when handling information, courtesy of ongoing training.

(d)     Anti-Bribery and Corruption

It is our responsibility to conduct all our business in an honest and ethical manner, complying with all applicable regulations relating to anti-bribery and corruption. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. We commit to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate, enforcing effective systems to counter bribery.

Our people shall comply with all applicable laws, statues and regulations relating to the prevention of bribery and corruption (including but not limited to the Bribery Act 2010).

To that end, members of the Situ team shall not accept, offer, promise, pay, permit or authorise:

  1. bribes, facilitation payments, kickbacks or illegal political contributions;
  2. money, goods, services, entertainment, employment, contracts or other things of value, in order to obtain or retain improper advantage; or
  3. any other unlawful or improper payments or benefits.
(e)     Equal Opportunity and Diversity

We, as a team, value promoting equal opportunities within our people. We have created a workplace in which individuals can be themselves, make the best use of their skills and are free from discrimination or harassment, where all decisions are based solely on merit. These principles also apply to how Situ’s people treat visitors, our clients and customers, and stakeholders.

The Situ team shall not discriminate in hiring, compensation, training, advancement or promotion, termination, retirement or any employment practice based on race, caste, colour, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, marital or pregnancy status, disability, union membership or political affiliation or any other characteristic other than the worker’s ability to perform the job subject to any accommodations required or permitted by law.

(f)      Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking

Situ supports the UK Government’s objective to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking. We take a robust approach to achieve this. We undertake due diligence on our global suppliers to ensure that they also adhere to this principle.  Situ also looks to all organisations that we engage with to influence their global supply chains by improving transparency and accountability in this area.

We expect the Situ team to comply with all applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws, statues and regulations from time to time in force including but not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This includes, but is not limited to, not supporting or engaging or requiring any forced labour, the use of child labour, bonded labour, indentured labour and prison labour.

(g)     Environmental Impact

We understand that all business practices have an impact on the environment around us and we are committed to acting responsibly towards lowering the impact that we have. We actively promote recycling and reuse, energy efficiency, and educate about environmental issues inside and outside the workplace.

We also take care of the environment when conducting our business and when travelling is required we do so via our electric company cars and if not possible, we opt for the most environmentally friendly option.

The Situ team shall ensure that its respective operations comply with all applicable environmental laws, including laws and international treaties relation to (but not limited to) wast disposal, emissions, discharges and the handling or hazardous and toxic materials and that it will only use packaging materials that comply with all applicabl environmental laws and treaties.

(h)     Social Responsibility

As a company, we take positive steps to foster opportunity for the people at the heart of our community – both inside and outside the business. We support worthy causes by partnering with charities and encourage our team to contribute on a personal level.


5. Non-Compliance with Situ’s Principles

We aim to maintain the principles of this Code of Conduct and any business activities, behaviours or practices by the Situ team. Any actions that do not adhere to these principles will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary proceedings, which could ultimately lead to dismissal or, if you are a partner, may result in the termination of the relationship with Situ.

Situ maintains a culture of openness and integrity where anyone is encouraged to report any concerns about activity or behaviour that is not in line with this Code of Conduct, relevant law or regulation. Situ team members should report these concerns to their Line Manager or a member of the Situ People team.

Situ’s whistle-blowing procedure ensures that there is protection and support in place for anyone, in good faith, that has raised a concern. We vow that no one will suffer detrimental treatment, retaliation or threatening behaviour.

6. Review Cycle

This Situ Code of Conduct will be reviewed as it is deemed appropriate, but at least yearly to ensure continuing relevance and applicability. 

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