Award-winning SEO is a core Stella Rising offering which drives an average of 60% of total traffic and 40% of all conversions for our clients.

We’re especially proud that Stella Rising was named Search Engine Land ‘Agency of the Year’ and VP of SEO John Morabito was Highly Commended by the Drum Awards as Search Personality of the Year. Our SEO work has been recognized many times over by the U.S. Search Awards and the Drum Awards. Each of our client partners receives senior leadership from this stellar team, which leads industry conversation through thought leadership and up-to-the-minute experience in SEO driving to ecommerce, brick-and-mortar retail, and marketplace.

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Spotlight Interview

An Introduction to Brand SEO

John Morabito, VP SEO


Q: What is Brand SEO and how should we think about it?

A: Strong Brand SEO equals a strong brand. As marketers, if we’re doing things right, we should see growth in brand demand. As SEO marketers, we optimize the brand experience through optimizing brand keywords.

So, brand keywords, or branded keywords, are those that either include your brand name, your product name, or they can include your domain name. Brand SEO comes down to a simple question: do you like what you see when you search your brand name in Google? If not, we need to use SEO tactics to improve that experience for users.

Q: Do a lot of brands overlook the importance of their Brand SEO because they just assume that—because they are the brand—Google is going to know who they are? And furthermore, do they assume no action needs to be taken because Google will automatically prioritize them?

A: 100%—not only do brands overlook Brand SEO, but the SEO industry overlooks Brand SEO, too. For that reason, I’m very passionate about Brand SEO because it is such an opportunity. Brand SEO will not just happen automatically for brands in Google search results; we need to make sure that we are proactively ensuring that the most accurate information about our brand exists in the results.

Q: What are problems that well executed Brand SEO can solve?

A: It’s a long list! But Brand SEO can fix out of stock products showing up in search, misinformation, an unclaimed or inaccurate Google My Business, negative reviews, spam, issues around People Also Ask boxes, lackluster meta information, featured snippets with incorrect information, and retailers or marketplaces outranking your brand for your own terms.

Q: What is an example of how your Branded Search Audit has unearthed opportunity?

A: Oftentimes, the Branded Search Audit highlights small changes needed on a website that lead to a much better user experience for searchers. Sometimes search queries don’t have a parent search volume, but we know they are important to a brand; for example: does X brand have a return policy? How do cancellations work? We will often see other websites ranking for a featured snippet around those queries, answering a question, and answering it incorrectly. Our client brand had the correct answer to that question, but it was just hidden under a tab on a page and Google isn’t very likely to pull that in as a featured snippet. So, we can quickly ameliorate this and win the space for questions that are critical to users seeking to convert.

Q: What are unique advantages to Brand SEO?

A: As the old adage goes: it costs a lot more to acquire a new customer than to keep one. Brand SEO is not only aimed at acquisition but has a special place in customer retention by making sure that the people who have used and interacted with your brand are going to continue doing so. It comes back to the definition of a brand: that a brand is all of the touchpoints that a consumer experiences. A brand needs to pay attention to all of the things a consumer needs throughout—and after—a purchase.


SEO is a channel that reaps compounding benefits and is typically one of the highest ROI channels for our client brands. For the majority of brands, SEO is a channel that grows exponentially and offers a strong return the longer that the brand invests. SEO also improves the effectiveness of other channels, because strong SEO implementation looks at not just how to get traffic to the site, but also how to better convert and connect with the audience

The amount of a brand's ecommerce traffic and revenue that organic typically drives
The average amount of revenue that organic converts for our clients
The average amount of traffic that organic drives for our clients

Stella Rising provides full SEO services from an award-winning team. To demonstrate the power of strong, effective SEO, we are offering you a complimentary site audit. This detailed, actionable review will assess your current SEO performance, with insights into how your brand can grow through organic search.


Contact Us for a Free Site Audit

Our Work


Drove YOY increases in organic sessions (47%), Click to Call goal completions (11.6%), and Contact Form completions (10.7%) amidst the pandemic


Beauty Brands

Drove double- and triple-digit increases across key KPIs for several of the large beauty brands in this client portfolio

Dennis Gross

Improved organic revenue by 60% and organic clicks by 16% over a six month period


Increased page 1 keywords by 957%, organic sessions by 22%, and new users by 17%

Home Services

Increased organic sessions by 18% and organic keywords ranking by 20.31%


Increased new users by 6.85% YoY, spurring a 1.2% increase in revenue amidst the pandemic

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