
We depend on you to fund the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights. Unlike many charities, we refuse national government funding and do not take money from corporations that could be violating tribal peoples’ rights. Why?

Because relying on your generosity gives us complete independence. It preserves our integrity, ensuring we never adjust our message or work to suit donors.

Survival is politically and financially independent of all government, political, religious or corporate involvement.

Where our money comes from

The vast majority of Survival’s funding comes from small, individual donors in over 100 countries.

2018 income figures

© Survival 2021 income


A: Supporter donations & foundations (74.5%)

B: Fundraising & sales from our shop (15.5%)

C: Legacies (6.5%)

D: Investments (3.5%)


Where your money goes

Survival’s work is dedicated to changing public opinion – the only effective force which can bring permanent change. The future survival of tribal peoples does not depend on giving them clothes or money; it requires voices to speak up alongside theirs, their land rights upheld, and their human rights respected.

We use your money to work in partnership with tribal peoples, investigate atrocities and present evidence to the UN and other international forums. Your donations allow us to lobby those in power and ensure the issue remains in the media spotlight to shame the multinational corporations and organizations profiting from the theft of tribal land.

Annual report

Our accounts are audited to the highest standards and a summary is published in our annual report.

Survival’s annual reports are available for download:

Annual report 20222022 annual report

Annual report 20212021 annual report

2018 annual report2020 annual report

2019 annual report

2018 annual report 2018 annual report

2017 annual report 2017 annual report

2016 annual report 2016 annual report

2015 annual report2015 annual report
