IoT Connectivity SoC

IoT Connectivity SoC Subscriptions

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IoT Connectivity SoC

Global Industry Outlook and Cycles

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Global Industry Outlook and Cycles

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Global Industry Outlook and Cycles

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The IoT Connectivity SoC Advantage

Help inform strategic technology and business decisions with insight on cutting-edge IoT SoCs design trends, product differentiation, and market opportunities.
IoT Connectivity SoC Channels

Keep pace with the broad scope of devices in the market and the rapid pace of technology change, address interoperability issues, optimize performance, and maximize reliability & security while minimizing power consumption & footprint.

Provides insight into competitive designs including high-level block identification, high-level process data, and manufacturing costs for leading-edge transceivers in smart home products, wearables, and routers across market leaders and disruptors over major wireless standards such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, UWB, and more.


Enables a better comparison and understanding of how design constraints and challenges are addressed for leading-edge IoT transceiver chipsets in smart home products, wearables, and routers across market leaders and disruptors over major wireless standards such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, UWB, and more. It includes and extends Transceiver Floorplan analyses to identify key functional blocks and the connections between them.


The proliferation of smart devices, wearables and increased accessibility to wireless connectivity has driven a wide scope of communication standards ranging from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, near field communication (NFC), cellular IoT (LTE-M), ultra wide band (UWB), to new and emerging protocols such as Zigbee, Sigfox, and LoRa.

Communication protocols we cover:
  • NB-IoT
  • LTE-M
  • Sigfox
  • LoRa
  • Bluetooth
  • WiFi
  • Thread
  • Zigbee
  • NFC
  • GNSS
  • MCU

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