Dreamcast classic ChuChu Rocket! is getting a sequel

meow meow meow meow meow meow

Iconic Sega Dreamcast game ChuChu Rocket! (ranked 20th on our 2016 Top 200 games poll) is getting a sequel we learned today, via a stealth announcement from Sega.

We say stealth announcement - there had been murmurings of speculation, however, we will forgive you for missing it, as the new game - which is titled ChuChu Rocket Universe,  is only heading to Apple Arcade. Which I will admit I had never even heard of before this mornings news. So when I say forgive you, I mean forgive me obviously. Anway!

SEGA Talk Podcast: SEGA Dreamcast – 20 Year Anniversary (1999-2019)

In celebration of the SEGA Dreamcast turning 20 years old in America on September 9th, SEGAbits is talking about the console itself on this milestone episode of SEGA Talk! What went on behind the scenes during the development of the hardware? What were the best launch games? How early did SEGA plan to discontinue the Dreamcast? Find out all that and more on this episode!

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