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A la carte: putting our food habits on the map

With the help of readers across the world, we attempt to map curious culinary customs and habits from how do you take your chips to what do you put in your tea
  • Roast turkey with trimmings

    What does Europe eat for Christmas dinner?

    Turkey or beef? Sprouts or anything but? We asked you what you eat for your Christmas meal. You told us – and we stuck it all on a map
  • A traditional Christmas turkey dinner.

    What's on your Christmas dinner plate?

    Nut roast? Wild boar samosas? Or just turkey with all the trimmings? Tell us what you’re eating on Christmas Day. We’ll stick it all on a map
  • A portion of chips are served at recreation or early 1900s fish and chip shop at the Black Country Living Museum near Dudley

    Chips with everything: how Europeans like theirs

    Served with salt and vinegar, gravy, or even mayonnaise? We asked how you like your chips. You told us – and we stuck it all on a map
  • Chips

    How do you like your chips?

    A new Guardian series wants readers from across the world to tell us about eating customs. Your responses will help generate a food map. Call it ‘à la cartography’. First up - the humble fried potato