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Around Britain with a fork

Matthew Fort meets Britain's best food producers
  • Sarah Savage and Penny Tyson making jam

    Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort visits an intriguing jam-making enterprise in Norfolk

  • Geese waddle around in Gelsenkirchen, Germany

    Around Britain with a fork

    Rearing geese is a precise science, says Matthew Fort

  • Around Britain with a fork - Melton Mowbray Market

    Around Britain with a fork

    Melton Mowbray has a lot more going for it than pork pies, discovers Matthew Fort

  • The British cheese festival – Around Britain with a fork

    Around Britain with a fork

    If there's one product we should all celebrate, it's our cheese, says Matthew Fort

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort meets some unlikely veal farmers in Cornwall

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort visits a trailblazing tea plantation - in Cornwall

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort licks his lips ahead of next weekend's Feast On The Bridge in London

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort catches up with the Slow Food movement's dynamo

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort on a North Yorkshire chef's celebration of all things local

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort visits a remarkable blackcurrant farm in Herefordshire

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort continues his journey around the Black Isle in Scotland

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort meets a brewer doing it his way in Ross-shire, Scotland

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort celebrates the national treasure that is Radio 4's Food Programme

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort on a food community with a difference in Dumfries

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort on what the Kitchen Doctor did next

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort on five favourite places to shop

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort on Derek the bull and his harem
  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort finds there's more to London dry gin than meets the eye

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort meets the last mudhorse fishermen left on Bridgwater Bay, Somerset

  • Around Britain with a fork

    Matthew Fort is glad to find our brewing tradition alive and well in Wiltshire

About 92 results for Around Britain with a fork