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Ask the indie professor

Why do people crowd surf? Does it matter where on your body you position your AAA pass? What is the link between Protestantism and the Pains of Being Pure At Heart? Our Californian professor of anthropology (and huge indie rock fan) answers your questions
  • Indie Professor - genres at SXSW

    Ask the indie professor: What do we mean by 'folk'?

    Wendy Fonarow: Devendra Banhart? James Yorkston? Mumford and Sons?! Our indie prof asks who is the folkiest of them all
  • Iggy and the Stooges

    Ask the indie professor: Is performing the classic album live a good idea?

    Wendy Fonarow: What does playing a much-loved album in its entirety do for the band? And does it matter, if the audience is getting its pleasure buttons pressed?
  • World Busk week at Kings Cross St Pancras. Raising money for Musequality

    Ask the indie professor: when should amateur musicians call it a day?

    Wendy Fonarow: Amateur musicians playing for sheer pleasure should never stop. But if they pester people to fund their career? That's different …
  • Katy Perry

    Ask the indie professor: Who likes 'cheesy' music and why?

    Wendy Fonarow: Do women really like 'cheesy' music? Or does society decide what's cheesy and cast that judgment on less powerful groups?
  • Bush

    Ask the indie professor: why do Americans think they invented indie?

    Wendy Fonarow: For years, Americans never used the term 'indie', preferring to label the likes of Bush 'alternative'. But things changed ...
  • Alexander Chancellor mingles with the crowd at an Estelle gig

    Ask the indie professor: Why do people talk at gigs?

    Wendy Fonarow: Last week, the Guardian's Film&Music editor had a gig ruined for him by people rabbiting on. But why do some concertgoers insist on chatting through a performance? Our prof has a theory ...

  • All Tomorrow's Parties film still

    Ask the indie professor: Is All Tomorrow's Parties really different?

    With festivals becoming increasingly corporate, no wonder people love an event where you can play poker with the artists

  • Coachella

    Ask the indie professor: Why the big fuss over Coachella festival?

    Wendy Fonarow: Coachella not only benefits from a picturesque location, perfect climate and plum position on the calendar, it can also embellish your cyber identity. What's not to like?
  • Kurt Cobain of Nirvana

    Ask the indie professor: Why so many bad band names?

    Wendy Fonarow: Last week's SXSW festival was full of terrible band names – about 173 of which used the words 'crystal', 'wolf' or 'kids'. Why? And how can bands make their names better?
  • Man searches through racks of vinyl at a record shop

    Ask the indie professor: Is there a link between indie music and Gnosticism?

    Wendy Fonarow: The idea that you can increase your social status by possessing 'hidden' knowledge could explain indie fans who pride themselves on knowing every chillwave release
  • Borough Market vegetable stall

    Ask the indie professor: Is food the new indie rock?

    Wendy Fonarow: Indie fans have much in common with foodies, from seeking out the rarest material to stressing about the means of production
  • Wendy Fonarow as the indie professor

    Music Weekly podcast: Matt Berry and the indie professor

    The IT Crowd's Matt Berry comes in to talk about Witchazel - the concept album about the countryside that he wrote, performed and recorded himself. We review tracks from Grouplove, Fixers and Gil Scott-Heron, and the Indie Professor answers your alt-rock questions

  • Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden

    Ask the indie professor: How loud is too loud?

    Wendy Fonarow: Is it always a sound engineer's fault when a gig leaves you deafened? More likely the badly designed venue, 'stupid' microphones and over-enthusiastic guitarist are to blame
  • Pulp in 1995

    Ask the indie professor: Why are there so many white indie bands?

    Wendy Fonarow: There is much debate concerning the ethnic make-up of indie bands. But is it really a problem? And if so, why does nobody complain about the same issue in country music or hip-hop?
  • Indie professor Wendy Fonarow at Coachella

    Ask the indie professor: My top 10 gigs of 2010

    Wendy Fonarow: From concerts in former Masonic temples to turning down the chance to sing Joy Division songs with Hooky ... it's a hard life being an indie professor but someone's got to do it
  • Red Stripe beer on sale at the Notting Hill Carnival

    Ask the indie professor: Why do so many bands drink Red Stripe?

    Wendy Fonarow: You might think nothing about the beer you guzzle at gigs. But your choice may reflect indie's rejection of bourgeois values
  • Brandon Flowers of 'indie' band The Killers – signed to to Universal's Island Def Jam arm.

    Ask the indie professor: Why do bands want 'indie' cred?

    Wendy Fonarow: It's often vital for new artists to be seen as 'indie'. But this label has little to do with how independent they are, and it never did
  • Roadies working a gig

    Ask the indie professor: Is it strictly a man's world on tour?

    Wendy Fonarow: It's not easy being exiled in guyville. Women face special challenges in a male-dominated and sexually charged profession
  • Roadside bum ... don't get left behind while following rule number four.

    Ask the indie professor: The dos and don'ts of touring

    Wendy Fonarow: Touring is so much fun! Well, as long as you never complain. Or go to the toilet. Or eat. Here are my 10 golden rules
  • Festival wristband

    Ask the indie professor: Why it matters where you stick your guest pass

    Wendy Fonarow: Slap an AAA badge on your chest and you might as well be shouting: 'I'm new to this backstage lark!' Instead, watch how professionals use subtle techniques to parade their passes
About 32 results for Ask the indie professor