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A trip too far

November 2001

  • Green unpleasant land

  • Staying out in the cold

October 2001

  • Frosty reception

    Vorkuta, a former Gulag mining town, gets David Hearst's nomination for the title of least friendly place on earth

  • Beautiful but deadly

    Luanda's dazzling sunsets and tropical flowers cannot mask the Angolan civil war's legacy of peril and poverty says Victoria Brittain, Guardian deputy foreign editor

  • The bitter taste of paradise

    Patrick Barkham on Nauru, the tiny Pacific island transformed by a century of indiscriminate mining from tropical beauty spot to plundered wasteland

September 2001

  • Between a rock and a hard place

    Derek Brown traces the disintegration of the Afghan capital Kabul, from a charming city which drew backpackers in the 60s to the victim of a superpower war fought by proxy
