Christopher Harper

Christopher Harper

Contributing Writer

Born in what he calls the Dirty South in 1996, the same year Tom's Hardware was founded, Christopher Harper began ghostwriting for pennies in his teenage years, moving to work under his own name with the likes of MakeTechEasier in 2015. With over a decade of accumulated practical writing experience and a lifelong zest for video games and underlying hardware on consoles and PC that makes them function, Christopher was brought onboard to Tom's Hardware in October of 2023 to begin maximizing that potential. Having long overcome the bottom-rung status of the freelancing ladder and scaled the mountain for a more peaceful life in Colorado, Christopher Harper is now focused on refining his professional, competitive, and creative expertise in whatever forms that may take, including work. Outside of work, the journey of self-refinement includes regular gym time, a long competitive career in Team Fortress 2's humble eSports scene, and today is epitomized by traveling to and training in real-life FGC (fighting game community) tournaments, particularly any game allowing for the use of Tekken and Soul Calibur's trickster swordmaster, Yoshimitsu. Besides MakeTechEasier and Tom's Hardware, Christopher has also written for the likes of WePC, PCGuide, AddictiveTips, CGDirector and its GamersDirector side project.

Articles by: Christopher Harper