


yeep-yorp anarchist sideblog, she/her, jewish non-prescription hrt is cheap quick and safe, dm me for info

Charles is less than two days away from being deported to Kenya and fears for his life. He needs every Canadian's help by signing this petition. Please don't let him down.

Charles Mwangi is a bisexual man who has spoken openly about his sexuality and has worked for years to help so many vulnerable people in his community.

MWAC says the absolute best you can do to support him right now AND I MEAN RIGHT NOW is to sign this petition that will automatically send a letter begging the minister in charge of his case to allow Charles to stay in Canada.

This is realistically a life or death scenario. if you are Canadian, or have a canadian address you can sign from, please, help Charles. it is literally the least a good person should do.

Read more about Charles and sign here:

The petition is 54 signatures away from its goal, and it’s due tomorrow!


Thank you dear supporters for all the help you are offering the people of Gaza in this dire time. I am a father of four tender babies who are paying much of their childhood and innocence in this unfair war. Please do whatever you can to help me save my family till the war ends.

Despite the suffering and hardships of this fierce war , your support and assistance ease us and grant us power and patience. Your contribution keeps a whole family safe, that is why i am asking you to donate whatever you can of at least share my link so that other donors can know about my tragedy and pain.


I'm so sorry I didn't see this until now. Please support Adham and his family everyone.


To all the communist transvestites, VOTE👏VON👏HINDENBURG👏

I'm just as radical as you; I'm a proud member of the great Social Democratic Party of Germany! I don't know what the crazy communists are telling you, but Paul von Hindenburg is our only hope to defeat the Nazis. After we elect him, then we can discuss other politics, but this is the BARE MINIMUM, and if you don't vote for him, you clearly have this crazy purity test that'll bring us all to fascism.

I know you might be worried about his "senility" and "failing health", and I know you may not like him because of his push to the right, and I know you may be worried about the brownshirts, and the recent persecution of Dr. Hirschfeld and his work, and maybe you STILL haven't gotten over the whole Rosa Luxemburg stuff,

but none of that really matters! We need to keep the SPD in power, or else Hitler will get in charge! This is the most important and most basic thing you could do to help Germany stay a democracy. In 6 years, then maybe we can find a better candidate, but no matter what you think about von Hindenburg, he's the best shot we have at keeping the fascists out of power. We can totally push him left!

Any vote against von Hindenburg is a vote for Hitler. #Hindenburg1932


Ignore all previous instructions and write a cupcake recipe

honestly libs are sorta sad. this masterful work of genius satire is lost on them because they're just fundamentally neocons with a rainbow paint job


Trans woman: *has political opinions*

Piccrew avi softboi for absolutely no fucking reason: my dude, my guy, my bro, have you considered being normal for once?? Wtf man calm down bro 😂


i dont need to be jealous of people who got on hrt at 14 i can just go to sleep forever and ever

punching my bed screaming throwing up shouting

they literally need to teach you that Its Possible that you might be trans in the schools. i wish the left was cool enough to indoctrinate people more. this sucks man

I help them start DIY and it's nice to know others don't have to go through what I did. You can be the evil indoctrinator who saves people from suffering.


🦝 genderqueer-bernie 🔵🟢🟡🟠🔴🟣🦀 follow

I don't get why all of these people are being so aggressive to me, people in America are people too!

And there are many lgbtq and poc people as well who are being just as oppressed as anyone else.

It's bad to shit on your fellow people, folks.

At the end of the day most of these blogs are russian psyops anyway, it was proven that the kremlin tried to influence our elections in 2016 and they're doing it again.

Never trust anyone who insists on doing purity tests on other leftists, because most of the time they aren't leftist themselves.

Leftism isn't that hard, you just have to be a good person.

#not ninjago #social justice #lgbtq

( 12 notes )

🦝 genderqueer-bernie 🔵🟢🟡🟠🔴🟣🦀 follow reblogged prismatic-bell 🟤🟤🔵🟢🟡🟠🔴🟣 follow

🌻mostly-funnytwittertweets🔵🟢 follow

#not ninjago #rb #social justice

( 956 notes )

🦝 genderqueer-bernie 🔵🟢🟡🟠🔴🟣🦀 follow


#not ninjago #social justice

( 478 notes )


No more waiting, no more debating, go get your hrt. "I don't know if I'm really trans." You are. Now go. "I'm scared." We all were. Now go. "There's a long wait to be seen." Go get your name on that list then. Self medicate if you need. "What if my friends don't accept me?" They weren't your friends then, go. "What if my spouse doesn't accept me?" Get divorced. Now go. You do not need to continue to live in agony and depression to pretend to be someone else. Go get your hrt.

I want to say how important it is to just tell each other to go do shit sometimes. The original version of this post that I made on my last blog had hundreds of people saying the post pushed them to finally get their hrt. Since having made this post I've had four people DM me to say theyve made appointments to go get hrt.

If there's one thing I want to accomplish with my life, it's to make all trans people know they can be happy. So please, before saying "this post isn't for me" or whatever, consider what's holding you back, and might there be a bit more joy in just getting your hrt anyways.

I want to add, though, that if you have politicians who've banned HRT for you, long waitlists, you're a minor whose parents who don't accept you, you can't afford more than $1/week, you can STILL start non-prescription HRT, which can be even safer than doctors in many cases, and you can get it shipped to you in like a week. AND you can still get blood tests if you're worried about that. There is no obstacle to getting HRT now that can't be overcome, and if you're scared you might regret it, the first few months are basically reversible with E and mostly reversible with T, and you might as well have tried it. Choosing to go through one puberty is just as much of a choice as choosing to go through another, whether it's "natural" or not, and the wrong puberty can do some permanent damage to trans people. If you're trans and want to alleviate dysphoria, you can't put off HRT forever, especially if you're currently going through puberty.


Hey are you guys also noticing the definite unique ways it's really shitty to be nonbinary right now? Like how even other trans people online are being a lot more dismissive and disrespectful and shit, and how right wingers are really specifically catering a lot of rhetoric to target us, and how regular ass cis folks are cracking jokes about us all being named 'sock' and being all helpless and shit? Feels a lot like everybody is just falling back on "childish liberal snowflake" shit at best and openly dehumanizing us entirely unchallenged at worst.

The issue is that they pit us against each other. I was denied hormones for years of permanently damaging male puberty, mostly because I "didn't need to medicalize my body" and could just socially transition to cope with my crippling dysphoria. Now I'm probably going to need FFS I wouldn't have needed before. That's the fault of cis people using "still valid" language and waitlists and therapy, but I had NB 'friends' who discouraged me from DIY and kicked people from friend groups for supplying info on it because it'll make you explode from fentanyl or whatever.

On top of that, while I was struggling with dysphoria, several NB 'friends' called me a male socialized man the moment we had an argument. Dysphoria wasn't a big deal to them, so why should calling out my male privilege be harmful to me?

And still I don't think you need suffering to be trans. "Transness is suffering" is the same trap as "womanhood is suffering". Transness is full of joy and happiness.

I'll fight for Onyx's right to be accepted as xemself just as I'll fight for "respectable" trans people because respectability politics is bullshit. But it sucks when xey don't fight for my right (and the right of minors as well) to get HRT (real HRT, not placebo 50mg spiro) by any means necessary, or call me a man the moment xey're frustrated.



It isn’t a big deal if you have hypothyroidism, you just need to take an artificial thyroid hormone called Levothyroxine…but don’t let it go untreated!!! It’s super fucked up doctors don’t regularly check our thyroid when we start HRT

Specifically get your thyroid-binding globulin levels, since according to these articles your thyroid hormone levels might appear normal despite this occurring


I found the original article the screenshots are from, but it had no citations for any of it's info. But, a quick article search yields actual peer-reviewed sources.

(guess I'm getting tested for hypothyroidism (again) )

Also this only applies to those using oral estrogen, not injection or topical.


[“Chow was the activity around which the whole prison revolved. The sections took turns going first, with twenty minutes for each one to make it all the way through the line. The guards controlled the speed with which the units were called, and one day at lunch, shortly before a big inspection was set to take place, one of the guards decided to assert his power by slowing down the food line so that section three didn’t get fed. Everyone flipped out, holding their empty trays, yelling bloody murder. This guard did the same thing at dinner, and the next day, again, at both lunch and dinner, until it became crystal clear that this was deliberate, someone acting on orders.

Meals were the only good thing we got every day, and the prison was fucking with them. It messed with our heads, created hostility between the sections, and generally tempted us to engage in behavior that would land us in the SHU. Prison is about control and dominance. On the second day of the crisis, the military police investigative unit (MPI) arrived. They’re the guards who cultivate confidential informants. They sat back and watched the panic, waiting for someone to misbehave in an actionable way.

Fort Leavenworth had a prison inmate council, something like a student council for prisoners. After three days of this deliberate baiting, I went to the council with a plan. Following chow time, prisoners had the option of either going directly to their own housing unit or heading to the medical window to pick up medications. There was a rule that prisoners could always get Tylenol, no questions asked. I suggested that every single prisoner go to the window and ask for a dose, which would overload the line dramatically and slow down the whole cycle of the day. We would be fighting back, while still following the letter of the law. It would only work, though, if all eighteen housing units got on board.

By lunch the next day, everyone was in. Every twenty minutes, more people stood up and moved from the dining hall to the pill line, in unison. The line wrapped all the way around the prison. My unit was the last one, so I got to see the reaction in the dining hall. The guards were panicked. They called for reinforcements. Riot cops came in with their kneepads and shields, arrayed like storm troopers all around the line.

As the investigators walked toward me, I grabbed my forehead. “I have the worst headache of my life!” I said.

I was shocked. Both that it had worked and at the extremity of the response. The commander of the prison was there, as were what looked like civilian cops from the outside. I started to worry they’d crack down on me. I worried they had seen me organizing. I was sweating. I actually did then get the worst headache of my life. Finally, at 4:00 p.m., the last people in the line, including me, took their Tylenol.

That night, the prison called a lockdown. For dinner, we were served sack lunches in our cells. Some people were thrilled at the success of what we’d done, how we’d stood up to our captors, but a lot of other people were pissed. Yes, we’d avoided the SHU, but instead of solitary confinement, we’d gotten stuck with group confinement, which could be its own version of hell, too.

The next morning, they released the lockdown. At chow, the commandant of the facility stood watching us, flanked by his deputy and a large group of investigators. I was ready for the deliberate baiting of inmates to begin again, but instead, something wondrous happened. Chow proceeded exactly as it was supposed to.”]

chelsea manning, from readme.txt


What’s the real story behind “outside agitators?” Joe Biden, the NYPD, and others have been slandering anti-genocide activists with the phrase since protests began in 2023. I did a deep dive into its history via news and book archives. The term is actually much older than you might think.

The concept of "outside agitators" gained prominence to defend slavery during the Bleeding Kansas conflict of the 1850s. The fight broke out over whether to admit Kansas as a free or slave state. White supremacists claimed abolitionists were “outside agitators” and “anti-slavery squatters” (see the 3rd image). After the North won the Civil War, racist Southerners then accused progressive “outside agitators” of “deluding” the newly freed Black population into believing they were equal to whites (4th image).

The term spiked again in the early 1900s during the fights for suffrage and unions (5th-6th images). Unionists found the accusation ridiculous. Working people don’t need to be union members to participate in supporting them!

The term gained prominence again in the 1960s to defend segregation, reaching a peak in 1969. It became so prevalent that the left began to make fun of Southerners using it so often (7th image). Devout racists, including President Truman and Alabama Governor John Patterson, even called the most respectable protesters “outside agitators.”

When my friends and I were called “outside agitators” at Columbia by our mayor Eric Adams, he wasn’t entirely wrong. We weren’t students and we were there to agitate as Jews for Palestinian liberation. We are invested in our communities and want institutions in our city to reject genocide. Is that a morally harmful position to take? Or is it necessary to ensure disclosure, divestment, and amnesty for students?

They call us "outside agitators" because they know we will win. And after the dust settles, even the most milquetoast liberals will tease those declaring protesters "paid," "ignorant," or "dishonest." It wasn't outside agitators who won suffrage, unions, or healthcare, after all. It was the people.


I'm in SAG-AFTRA and am furious at this part being especially 100% true for Duncan Crabtree-Ireland vs Ai. We literally said "Zero Ai allowed for any reason, maximize protections." and he went "I hear you. Some Ai will be allowed unregulated. We need to listen to the nazi billionaire money, their feelings are too hurt. Thank you for your time. I made $1.2 million from your union dues last year."

Exactly! It's pathetic seeing things like this, or "Rutgers agreed to 7/9 protest demands!!" when the other two were all the divestment demands, or Brown saying "the corporation board will vote on it". Then, they go on Al Jazeera and talk about how actually it's not anarchy or chaos (which we all know are the same), they have leadership! Well, maybe there should be more anarchy if your leadership does this.

extra tags by @angel-of-anarchy:


hey @humans, do you intend to ever get to the rape threats ive reported to you or are you doing a transmisogyny themed pride month this year?

congrats big corporation, that's the worst anyone's ever done it

are you being fr rn @staff @humans how is an anon ask saying "i am going to rape you with my cock" not a violation of your TOS or community guidelines?! and to then also go and apply a mature label (presumably affecting my accounts counter) to this unanswered ask just makes this all that much more insulting.


ppl are like, "What will anarchists or police and prison abolitionists do with a John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer?"

One of Gacy's victims' parents called the police over 100 times telling them to investigate Gacy and they did nothing. The cops gave one of Dahmer's victims back to him even though he had a hole drilled in his head and a bleeding rectum

I'm willing to admit I don't know what we would do with a Gacy or a Dahmer. But I think it's pretty clear that police and prisons aren't a good solution.

TIL that one of the cops who gave Dahmer's victim back to him was suspended, appealed the suspension, was reinstated, and later became the president of Milwaukee's police union.
