
wench // limited activity

@fereldanwench / fereldanwench.tumblr.com

blog mostly runs on a queue • editsfic + vp storiesart • 37 | she/her | 🔞 | old man enthusiast otp: goro takemura x valerie powell
Content Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

oc: melisande trevelyan photoshop, 2016 (yes, this was just an excuse to paint muscles and boobies. also, i think this was on my blog at one point but it was an early casualty of the great tiddy purge)

pillowfort | twitter | instagram | ao3 ⚠️ do not reupload or edit my art without my permission ⚠️
Content Label: Mature

Sexual themes


wip whenever

i've been fueled purely by dayquil and coffee this weekend (i think I'm just about over this cold, but still a little sniffly) and i realized that treasure-hunter-valerie-AU could actually work perfectly with yakuza-goro-AU so i spent pretty much all afternoon getting reacquainted with modding and making goro some new clothes

i made a lot, but these two are definitely my faves

also i was messing around in photoshop on friday and started painting valerie so here's a WIP of her face <3333


💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕


Thanks for sending me this, Bunny! 💙

So for this one, I'm gonna go really old school and share one of my digital paintings from 2011:

Those who only know me through Cyberpunk might not know that I am a huge, huge, huge Tomb Raider fan, and in 2011, I was invited to participate in an official art event with a couple dozen other artists (fan and pro) to celebrate Lara and also help hype up the new game. (At the time was slated for release in 2012, although obviously, it ended up coming out in early 2013 instead.)

Then in 2016, for the 20-year anniversary, this actually got published in an official, physical Tomb Raider book (along with a very, very old drawing I did of Lara when I was about 13, I think).

Although I, unfortunately, ended up not liking where the most recent trilogy took Lara's character development, I did really enjoy the 2013 game, and I did feel some parallels between Lara's struggle to find her own strength with where I was in life at the time I was working on this painting. It still blows my mind that something so deeply personal to me also gets to be a tiny part of Lara's legacy. 💙


💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕


Thanks for thinking of me and sending this in! 💙

I'm gonna give some love to my physical media art, specifically this drawing I did of Valerie:

I realized a few years ago that I really like doing mixed media pieces--namely working with different kinds of inks, markers, and colored pencils--and I've been casually (and haphazardly, tbh, lmao) playing with different techniques for a while.

This Valerie drawing was actually the first time I used alcohol markers with colored pencils, and I like that result too (especially on the coat), but I just love the way the line art in conjunction with the coloring makes this one really pop throughout.


I started this, like, a year and a half ago, back when Valerie had different default eyeliner and a slightly different default hairstyle, and only recently got around to coloring it. 😅 [wip one] [wip two]

Might add a simple background later, but calling it done for now. 💙

⚠️ do not reupload or edit my artwork without my permission

💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕


Ahhhhhh, thank you for sending me this, Na. 💙 I'll probably have to send mine out tomorrow bc I'm sleepy but I kept forgetting to answer this so I didn't want to put it off.

I'll start with edits/photostories: I was really happy with how my little Abernathy/Valerie prologue set came out for my full corpo AU. It's super long so linkage here. (But also honorable mention to the one I made for Day 3 of this year's Goro week.)

I unfortunately kind of let my regular art fall to the wayside the past few months, but I still really like this drawing I did of Valerie from last year. It'd been a good while since I'd done any colored pencil work, and I still love how the coat came out.

And for fic, I think I still gotta give it to Homecoming, which is a very fluffy, smutty fic I wrote for Goro and Valerie's reunion when she gets out of Mikoshi. Little snippet:

"Miss Powell is ready for you." The medical assistant gestured into the room, and Goro nodded in thanks before he stepped through the doorway.
Valerie stood at the edge of the hospital bed with her back to him as she fought with a zipper on a small duffel bag. Her blue hair was swept up in a loose bun, and she was dressed plainly in a black, baggy long-sleeve t-shirt and sweatpants.
She was a magnificent sight, truly.
"It is good to see you, Valerie," Goro said.
She spun around before he finished saying her name and grinned, wide and bright. He smiled in return, and Valerie looked up and down, lavishing Goro with her adoring, dark gaze. An inkling of pride swelled in his chest.
"Goro, it's good--You look... Wow." Valerie reached for his arm, running her hand down the fine silk sleeve. "I feel very underdressed."
"Miss Powell, as a reminder: it's recommended you continue to wear loose-fitting clothing for the next month," the assistant interjected from the bedside station. He continued to rapidly tap against the console screen without otherwise acknowledging them.
Goro caught Valerie rolling her eyes at the interruption, and he smirked at her silent display of petty rebellion.
"You look good, too," he murmured affectionately. Even under the harsh lighting, Valerie's hair and skin were luminous, and her eyes were vibrant, alert. She looked healthy and well-rested. Unburdened. Goro could not recall the last time he saw her so at ease, if he ever had.
"Not like you," she replied, resuming her appreciative caress down his sleeve. When she reached the hem, Goro turned his palm over to take her bare hand in his, but as soon as their skin touched, Valerie shuddered. Her breath hitched in a lascivious whimper, and she immediately clamped her hand over her mouth.
"Over-stimulation is an expected side effect," the attendant interjected again, disinterested and monotone. "The worst of it should subside within a week. Occasional episodes may persist during the first six months."
"That's very helpful, thank you," Valerie mumbled against her palm.

I haven't really had much of an issue with this so far, but in the past three days, I've had two situations of my VP being reposted and edited without permission. As a result, I just wanted to remind folks of where I stand on all of my work (screenshots, gifs, digital and traditional artwork, etc.) being shared online.

  • My work should not be reposted anywhere without my permission. → Reblogging directly from me here on Tumblr, retweeting directly from me on Twitter, and directly sharing my work in Instagram stories are not considered "reposting." These all make me very happy--Thank you! → If you really want to put my work on Pinterest, please make sure it links back to my original post. I will report pins that don't link back to my posts. → None of my work will ever be available as an NFT, so if you ever see it included in one of those galleries, please let me know.
  • My work should not be run through filters, like NewProfilePic, and then reposted anywhere.I know they're fun and I'm not gonna say there's zero creative merit here, but slapping an AI filter over someone's work and calling it your own is very disingenuous. → If you want to use my work for some kind of personal design project, just ask me! I will probably say yes provided I'm credited.
  • If you use my work as a reference for your own artwork, like doing a charcoal drawing of a screenshot I took, it would be nice to get some acknowledgment. That said, I usually don't come down too hard here as long as the artwork is for personal use and there's no money involved (e.g. a commission, selling of prints, etc.).

If I find my work has been reposted without my permission, I typically respond in one of two ways:

  • If I get the sense that it's an honest mistake, I'll likely ask the person to edit their post to include a credit/link to me and to not do it again.
  • If it's one of those NFT galleries or "fanart" social media accounts that just yoink people's work for clout, or if I suspect directly speaking with the person might not go well, I will just report the post to get it removed.

If you're ever in doubt about how you want to share or use anything I've made, please just ask! I'm usually very flattered when people want to use my stuff and will say yes as long as 1) I get credit and 2) it's not being sold or locked behind a paywall.

I don't allow anonymous questions here, but I'm fereldanwench on most major social media sites (links in my pinned post) and in various CP77 Discords--There are plenty of ways to contact me if that's something you're interested in.

Thanks for reading! 💙


WIP Wednesday

The lovely @starsandskies tagged me and I finally remembered to do thing!

I've been working on a portrait of Valerie to commemorate my year with Cyberpunk (coming up in July). I'm so goddamn rusty with digital painting, but I've been enjoying getting back into the process.

And a snippet of a little one-shot I'm working on. A few months ago in Lizzie's there was a conversation about what Goro would be like drunk, and the concept of Drunk!Goro/Sober!Valerie was laying dormant in my brain until suddenly I HAD AN IDEA. Basic premise: Goro finds himself inebriated and in need of a DD (pre-romantic relationship).

Valerie couldn’t help but smile as Goro pulled out his burner phone and then glanced up, looking like a lost puppy as he sought out her Hella. She unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over the passenger seat, waving an arm out the window to get his attention. When he spotted her, he walked to her car, his long strides abnormally unsteady.  “Come here often?” Valerie teased as she opened the door for him. “Valerie,” Goro said in greeting, ignoring her quip as he settled into the seat. He smelled like rain and sweet liquor and cologne, just a hint of second-hand smoke. Valerie found the scent oddly comforting. “It is good to see you. Thank you for coming. I know it is very late.” She squinted at him. His cheeks were flushed, and his usually sharp, vibrant eyes were glassy, almost dazed. There was an effort behind his speech that she hadn’t heard before. “Holy shit.” Valerie’s jaw slacked and then she laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. “You’re drunk.” Goro languidly peered at her from the corner of his eyes, looking sheepish. “Is it that obvious?”

Not tagging anyone 'cause I'm the worst but if you wanna share a thing, take this as a sign! 💙
