
cyberpunkd blog


cyperpunk'd photo diary. artist moonlighting as virtual photographer and modder

new 📌 for the cyber blog

you can call me nut, nutboy, al she/they or any pronouns 🌙 about my v: - they/she. doesn't have a unique name 😭 - you can refer to them as NV, nutV, or if a name is needed, five - their cyberware/body is mostly recycled doll parts, the most common/standard versions, cheap and easy to maintain. (the honda civic of cyberware, if you will) - build: optical camo knife juggler + utility netrunner; katana, malorian or revolver out of stealth - lifepath: hybrid mashup of the nomad prologue with corpo prologue (arasaka recruited after nomad prologue) - ending of choice: the devil 😅 - custom hair made by eagul, private follows, likes, etc are from my main blog: @s8ans (where you can also find my illustrated art)

other links: nexusmods | insta | twitposts on this blog are queued not particularly active on social media. feel free to ping me @ nutboy on discord in any cp2077 modding server
