Marrakech Framework for Action

With the adoption of the Marrakech Framework for Action at the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education on 17 June 2022, representatives of over 140 countries committed to translating the vision of a right to lifelong learning into reality. They undertook to significantly increase adult participation in learning and recognized the need for increased financial investment in adult learning and education.

Read the Marrakech Framework for Action on this page and find out more how stakeholders from across the globe support its implementation. 

CONFINTEA VII Marrakech Framework for Action: harnessing the transformational power of adult learning and education
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
International Conference on Adult Education

Li Andersson

Minister of Education, Finland  

“The Marrakech Framework for Action provides a strong call to invest in adult education and further strengthens the human rights-based approach. It provides relevant and up-to-date policy guidance to all countries and above all, the framework emphasizes the key role of lifelong learning in sustainable development.”

Chakib Benmoussa

Minister of Education of the Kingdom of Morocco

“At CONFINTEA VII, we adopted the Marrakech Framework for Action, showing the importance that countries give to this particular topic. I would like to stress that all topics in the Framework for Action are fundamental to the transformation of education  - lifelong learning as the basis of a new social contract, governance of education systems for adults, evaluation and monitoring, funding, inclusion of the most vulnerable groups, and  the broadening the fields of learning.” 

Victor Godoy

Minister of Education, Brazil

“In a post-pandemic scenario, CONFINTEA VII reinforced the need to boost funding for adult education, develop comprehensive and inclusive literacy policies, support teacher training, and engage students in planning and implementing policies and programmes. Beyond question, the discussions reflected in the Marrakech Framework for Action demonstrated the need to recreate and innovate to overcome the obstacles imposed on humanity that directly affect education. The Marrakech Framework for Action therefore makes commitments to transform the right of lifelong learning into reality. It should be understood as an instrument to guide us in harnessing the transformative power of youth and adult education from a lifelong learning perspective for the achievement of a socially cohesive, rewarding, inclusive, and sustainable future for all.” 

Ibu Suharti

Deputy Minister of Education, Indonesia 

“Indonesia re-iterates its support for the Marrakech Framework for Action. This new instrument provides a roadmap for adult learning and education within a lifelong learning perspective and within vital areas of action: policies, governance, financing, inclusion, equality, and quality, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals. We all have the responsibilities to ensure the effective implementation of quality adult learning and education that will provide a strong impact, not only on the health and well-being of the learners, but also contribute to a cohesive, inclusive and sustainable future for all.”

Santiago Irazabal Mourão

President of the UNESCO General Conference 

"CONFINTEA VII was a timely opportunity to renew the commitment of making adult education a reality across the world, to ensure that every adult has equitable access to quality, inclusive education. The Marrakech Framework for Action designs concrete strategies for the development of adult education, around priority issues such as equal access, women’s literacy, digital learning, and climate change. What is important - and has been proposed by the Kingdom of Morocco - is a sharp, monitoring and evaluation process and the creation of an inter-ministerial commission. We believe it is a very timely idea so that we can continuously check the results of the efforts by the whole community in this regard."

Samir Addahre

Permanent Delegate of the Kingdom of Morocco to UNESCO 

“The Marrakech Framework for Action is going to be a beacon for the next years in the area of adult education. It allows for adult education to be consistent with the Agenda 2030 and more particularly Sustainable Development Goal 4. We need to continue promoting human rights, promoting women in rural and remote areas and strengthening the role of government in establishing mechanisms and regulations. We need strongly commit to and allocate sufficient funding for an effective implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action."

Denni Puspa Purbasari

Executive Director of Indonesia’s Lifelong Learning “Kartu Prakerja” Program

"Emerging challenges – social, economic uncertainty, climate, environmental, and digital disruptions, as well as existing national and global gaps and disparities - highlight the importance of the effective implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action. Despite progress, much more needs to be done. We underscore the need for strengthening the collaboration and partnerships across sectors. It is time to step up our joint efforts."