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- Orkney & Shetland Weather Forecast from the Met Office.
- Highlands & Eilean Siar Weather Forecast from the Met Office.
- Grampian Area Weather Forecast from the Met Office.
- Central, Tayside & Fife Weather Forecast from the Met Office.
- Strathclyde Area Weather Forecast from the Met Office.
- SW Scotland, Lothian & Borders Weather Forecast from the Met Office.
- Scottish Climate: By Region information from the Met Office.
- Fifeweather.co.uk Real-time weather information from Lochgelly, Fife.
- Mountain Weather Information Service Detailed weather forecasts for 8 areas of the United Kingdom.
- SportScotland Avalanche Information Service SAIS covers 5 climbing areas in Scotland.
- Tidal Predictions from Admiralty EasyTide.
- Midge Forecast by area for a week ahead (during the Summer).
- Scottish Daylight Hours in Glasgow across the year.