
Mobilizing partnerships to preserve UNESCO’s intellectual heritage

On 4 & 6 June, over 30 Permanent Delegations have visited, at the invitation of the President of the General Conference, the impressive collection of UNESCO's Archives

The insights provided by UNESCO's Archives professionals greatly enhanced the experience of the visitors.

UNESCO’s Archives include 12,500 unique film cans, 170,000 original photographs and the equivalent of 10 km of documents. Currently, 95% of UNESCO Archives are still undigitized, and several collections require urgent restauration. 

UNESCO's Archives celebrate a centenary in service of preserving one of humanity's greatest assets: its intellectual heritage. I am delighted that a large number of Member States got acquainted with this invaluable treasure. I am convinced that they will become firm defenders and partners for the preservation of this unique asset of our Organization

H.E., Mme. Simona-Mirela Miculescu, President of the General Conference of UNESCO.
UNESCO's Archives

Currently, 95% of UNESCO Archives are still undigitized, and 30% of UNESCO's films require urgent digitization in order for them not to suffer from chemical deterioration. These archives deposit 75 years of actions for peace, sustainable development and international cooperation, a heritage of tens of thousands of film cans, photographs and the equivalent of 10 km of documents.