Press release

UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of journalist Víctor Manuel Jiménez Campos in Mexico

Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, has condemned the killing of radio journalist Víctor Manuel Jiménez Campos, who went missing on 1 November 2020. His body was found in the village of Villagrán, in the State of Guanajuato, in Mexico on 12 June 2024.

I condemn the killing of journalist Víctor Manuel Jiménez Campos. Impunity for crimes against journalists must not be allowed to prevail, regardless of the time it takes.  I therefore call on authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.

UNESCO Director-General
Audrey AzoulayUNESCO Director-General

Víctor Manuel Jiménez Campos worked as an independent journalist. He was kidnapped on 1 November 2020, while covering a baseball match in the city of Celaya and had not been seen or heard from since. His body was found and identified by Mexican authorities through forensic laboratory tests after three and a half years later.

UNESCO promotes the safety of journalists through global awareness-raising, capacity building and by coordinating the implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.


With 194 Member States, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization contributes to peace and security by leading multilateral cooperation on education, science, culture, communication and information. Headquartered in Paris, UNESCO has offices in 54 countries and employs over 2300 people. UNESCO oversees more than 2000 World Heritage sites, Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks; networks of Creative, Learning, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities; and over 13 000 associated schools, university chairs, training and research institutions. Its Director-General is Audrey Azoulay.

“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed” – UNESCO Constitution, 1945.

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UNESCO Director-General condemns killing of journalist Víctor Manuel Jiménez Campos in Mexico