Greening every school

Greening schools for climate action and sustainability
Greening schools
Last update:27 September 2024

A “green school” is defined as a learning institution that takes a whole-of-institution approach to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), in particular by addressing climate change through its teaching, facilities and operations, school governance and community partnerships. Green schools aim to promote knowledge and skills for the social, economic, cultural, and environmental aspects of sustainable development.­­

As part of UNESCO’s contribution to the Greening Education Partnership, a collaborative process has been undertaken to develop the Green school quality standard with the goal of transforming at least 50% of schools in each country into green schools by 2030.

Green school quality standard Greening every learning environment

Green school quality standard

The Green school quality standard aims to harmonize accreditation criteria for schools committed to sustainability through a whole institution approach to ESD. It targets accreditation scheme organizers, including civil society-led networks, international associations and governments, providing recognition for schools' ESD actions, particularly in climate change education. The standard also aims to support education authorities and policymakers. To meet the standard, accreditation schemes must incorporate at least one-third of suggested activities in governance, facilities, teaching, and community engagement.

green school quality standard graph

Key steps to use the standard

Deciding to become a Green School is not an end in itself, but only the beginning of a process to anchor sustainability values in all dimensions of the school life. If successful, the process transforms not just buildings but lives of people, empowered by the skills and values developed that are internalized by the various actors. The process to align to the standard are outlined below for accreditation schemes, governments and schools.

There are different pathways to align to the standard: 

1. Accreditation schemes are encouraged to:

  • Review their programme’s criteria against the standard.
  • Meet the minimum threshold of alignment by covering 1/3 of the actions recommended under each of the four dimensions including the four essential actions.
  • Fill in the dedicated template below to show that your accreditation scheme is aligned with the standard and send it to the Greening Education Partnership secretariat at UNESCO ( to be published online.
  • Continue to support schools to become green climate-ready schools based on the standard and their specific needs and contexts.
  • Collaborate with the Greening Education Partnership to monitor the progress of schools within the network and contribute to achieving the global target of getting 50% of schools in each country green by 2030.

2. Governments are encouraged to:

  • Support at least half of the country’s schools to become green climate-ready schools using the standard. To do so, governments may wish to pursue either or both of the following two avenues:
    • collaborate with existing accreditation schemes that are aligned with the standard which are present in their country/region; and/or
    • develop a government-led scheme that accredits Green Schools in alignment with the standard. In this case, the authority in charge is invited to fill in the dedicated “Expression of alignment” template below to show that the accreditation scheme is aligned with the standard and send it to the Greening Education Partnership secretariat at UNESCO ( to be published online.    
  • Collaborate with the Greening Education Partnership to monitor the progress of schools within the network and contribute to getting 50% of schools in each country green by 2030.

3. Schools who are interested in becoming a Green School using the standard are encouraged to:

  • Consider joining a school accreditation scheme present in the country/region that is aligned with the standard.
  • Follow a whole-institution approach to ESD in your journey to becoming a green climate-ready school.

Please find more details on page 56-61 of the standard.

Expression of alignment to the Green school quality standard
GEP expression of alignment to green school quality standard
greening education campaign

Join UNESCO's #GreeningEducation campaign!

Around the world, many schools, teachers, students and communities are trying to make their schools green and climate-ready. 

In the lead up to the 29th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), UNESCO invites students, teachers, schools, universities and local communities to participate in a #GreeningEducation campaign. 

Key dates

  • June 2024
    Release of publication
  • COP29
    Release of the first list of accreditation schemes aligned with the green school quality standard and the number of green schools globally
  • COP30
    Annual release of the updated list of accreditation schemes aligned with the green school quality standard and the number of green schools globally
  • By COP35 (2030)
    50% of schools and learning institutions in each country are greened


For more information, please contact 

COP27 ESD events

More on the Greening Education Partnership