Revision of the 1974 Recommendation: formal consultations with Member States

Last update:29 August 2023

During this Phase, UNESCO is finalizing the revised draft of the text with its Member States.

Written consultations with Member States

In September 2022, UNESCO started the final phase of the revision process, the Formal Consultation phase, by sharing with Member States the first draft of the Revised 1974 Recommendation concerning education for international understanding, co-operation and peace and education relating to human rights and fundamental freedoms (Circular Letter 4401) for their comments and observations.

Member States provided written comments on the text, which were then reflected in a second draft. The second draft was shared with them in April 2023 (Circular Letter 4433) in accordance with UNESCO’s Rules of Procedure. This version of the text was submitted for discussion at the Intergovernmental special committee meeting (Category II).

Intergovernmental Special Committee Meeting (Category II)

On 4 May 2023, UNESCO hosted a preparatory information session for delegates to provide updates on the overall revision process and logistical information about the meeting.

The second draft of the revised 1974 recommendation was  negotiated and adopted over two consecutive sessions of the intergovernmental Special Committee meeting which took place from 30 May – 02 June and 10 – 12 July 2023.

At the meeting, over 200 delegates from 112 countries spent seven days discussing the revisions to reach the final consensus. Additionally, 50 observers from inter- and nongovernmental organizations, other entities and one UNESCO non-Member State attended, and over 500 viewers connected online watching the debates. 


The Bureau, elected during the first session of the meeting and made up of one representative from each of UNESCO’s electoral groups, facilitated the work of the delegates and was composed as follows:


  • H.E. Mr Richard M. Bosire (Group Va, Kenya)


  • Mr Kazi Ehsanul Haque (Group IV, Bangladesh)


  • Canada (Group I), represented by H. E. Ms Natasha Cayer
  • Republic of Moldova (Group II), represented by H. E. Ms Corina Calugaru
  • Oman (Group Vb), represented by H.E. Mr Hamed Al Hamami
  • Chile (Group III), represented by Mr Rodrigo Alejandro Waghorn Gallegos

The final draft text of the Recommendation will now be submitted to the General in view of its final consideration and adoption at its 42nd session in November 2023.