Rules of Procedure of the General Conference

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Last update:25 July 2024

Adopted by the General Conference at its 3rd session and amended at its 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 37th, 39th, 40th and 42nd sessions(1).

Table of contents

I. Sessions 
Ordinary sessions 
Rule 1 Frequency and opening date - 2 Venue – 3 Invitation by Member States - 4 Change of venue 
Extraordinary sessions 
Rule 5 Convocation and venue 
Ordinary and extraordinary 
Rule 6 Notification – 7 Admission of other observers – 8 Adjournment of session 

II. Agenda and working documents 
Ordinary sessions 
Rule 9 Preparation of provisional agenda - 10 Content of provisional agenda - 11 Working documents - 12 Supplementary items - 13 Preparation of revised agenda - 14 Approval of the agenda - 15 Amendments, deletions and new items - 16 Coordination of the work of UNESCO, the United Nations and specialized agencies 
Extraordinary sessions 
Rule 17 Preparation of provisional agenda - 18 Content of provisional agenda - 19 Supplementary items - 20 Approval of the agenda 

III. Delegations 
Rule 21 Composition - 22 Representation of Member States on committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs 

IV. Credentials 
Rule 23 Submission of credentials - 24 Names of representatives and observers - 25 Provisional admission to a session 

V. Organization of the Conference 
Rule 26 Ordinary session - 27 Extraordinary session 

VI. President and Vice-Presidents 
Rule 28 Temporary President - 29 Elections - 30 General powers of the President - 31 Acting President 

VII. Committees of the Conference 
Rule 32 Nominations Committee - 33 Functions of the Nominations Committee - 34 Legal Committee - 35 Functions of the Legal Committee - 36 Interpretation of the Constitution - 37 Headquarters Committee - 38 Functions of the Headquarters Committee - 39 Bureau of the Conference - 40 Functions of the Bureau 

VIII. Commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference 
Rule 41 Establishment of commissions and other subsidiary organs - 42 Establishment of special committees by commissions and other subsidiary organs - 43 Composition of commissions - 44 Composition of other subsidiary organs - 45 Right to speak of other members - 46 Election of officers 

IX. Duties of the Director-General and of the Secretariat 
Rule 47 Duties of the Director-General and of the Secretariat 

X. Languages of the Conference 
Rule 48 Working languages - 49 Language of the country where the General Conference is held - 50 Interpretation of other languages - 51 Use of working languages - 52 Official languages - 53 Use of official languages 

XI. Records of the Conference 
Rule 54 Verbatim records and sound recordings - 55 Circulation and safe keeping of records and sound recordings - 56 Records of private meetings 

XII. Publicity of meetings and resolutions 
Rule 57 Public meetings - 58 Private meetings - 59 Circulation of resolutions 

XIII. Conduct of business and right to speak 
Rule 60 Quorum - 61 Executive Board - 62 United Nations - 63 Specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations - 64 Non-Member States - 65 Liberation movements recognized by the Organization of African Unity - 66 International non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations - 67 Speeches - 68 Time-limit on speeches - 69 Closing of list of speakers - 70 Right of reply - 71 Points of order - 72 Suspension or adjournment of the meeting - 73 Adjournment of debate - 74 Closure of debate - 75 Order of procedural motions 

XIV. Draft resolutions 
Rule 76 General provisions - 77 Admissibility criteria for draft resolutions relating to the Draft Programme and Budget - 78 Examination of admissibility of draft resolutions relating to the Draft Programme and Budget - 79 Examination of proposals 

XV. Voting 
Rule 80 Voting rights - 81 Simple majority - 82 Two-thirds majority - 83 Meaning of the expression “Members present and voting” - 84 Vote - 85 Roll-call - 86 Conduct during voting - 87 Explanation of vote - 88 Order of voting on proposals - 89 Separate vote - 90 Voting on amendments - 91 Secret ballot - 92 Results of elections - 93 Equally divided votes 

XVI. Procedure applicable to the committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference 
Rule 94 Procedure applicable to the committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference 

XVII. Admission of new Members 
Rule 95 Member States of the United Nations - 96 States not Members of the United Nations and territories or groups of territories - 97 Consideration of applications - 98 Notification of admission 

XVIII. Election of Members of the Executive Board 
Rule 99 Elections - 100 Re-eligibility - 101 Term of office 

XIX. Appointment of the Director- General 
Rule 102 Nomination by the Executive Board - 103 Vote on the nomination - 104 Subsequent nominations - 105 Contract of appointment 

XX. Appointment of the External Auditor 
Rule 106 Procedure for appointing the External Auditor 

XXI. Procedure for the amendment of the Constitution 
Rule 107 Draft amendments - 108 Proposals for substantive changes in draft amendments - 109 Amendments of form - 110 Interpretation of amendments 

XXII. Rules of Procedure: amendments and suspension 
Rule 111 Amendments - 112 Suspension 

I. Sessions 

Ordinary sessions 

Rule 1 - Frequency and opening date [Const. IV.D.9] (2) 

1. The General Conference shall meet every two years in ordinary session. 

2. The opening date of the session shall be fixed by the Director-General, after consulting the Members of the Executive Board, the authorities of the inviting country and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, taking into account any preference which the General Conference may have expressed at the previous session. 

Rule 2 - Venue 

On the proposal of the Executive Board, the General Conference, during its ordinary session, shall fix the venue of the next session. 

Rule 3 - Invitation by Member States 

1. Any Member State may invite the General Conference to hold a session in its territory. The Executive Board and the General Conference shall be informed by the Director-General of all such invitations. 

2. In determining the venue of the next session, the Executive Board and the General Conference shall consider only those invitations that have been communicated to the Director-General at least six weeks in advance of the opening date of the current session accompanied by detailed statements concerning local facilities. 

Rule 4 - Change of venue 

In the event of circumstances developing which, in the opinion of the Executive Board, render it undesirable to hold the General Conference at the place fixed at the previous session, the Executive Board may, after consultation with Member States and if a majority of them concur, convene the General Conference elsewhere. 

Extraordinary sessions 

Rule 5 - Convocation and venue [Const. IV.D.9] 

1. The General Conference may meet in extraordinary session on its own initiative or if convened by the Executive Board, or at the request of at least one third of the Member States. 

2. Extraordinary sessions shall be held at the Headquarters of the Organization, unless the Executive Board finds it necessary to convene the General Conference elsewhere. 

Ordinary and extraordinary sessions 

Rule 6 - Notification 

1. The Director-General shall notify the Member States and Associate Members of the Organization, not less than ninety days in advance, of the date and place of the ordinary session and, if possible, not less than thirty days in advance, of the date and place of an extraordinary session. 

2. The Director-General shall notify the United Nations and its specialized agencies of the convening of any session of the General Conference and invite them to send representatives. 

3. The Director-General shall notify appropriate intergovernmental organizations of the convening of any session of the General Conference and invite them to send observers. 

4. The Executive Board shall before each session of the General Conference decide upon the list of states not Members of UNESCO which are to be invited to send observers to that session. This decision shall be taken by a two-thirds majority. The Director-General shall notify the states which appear on this list of the convening of the session and shall invite them to send observers. 

5. The Executive Board shall before each session of the General Conference include in the appropriate list the African liberation movements recognized by the African Union which are to be invited to send observers to that session. The Director-General shall notify the liberation movements which appear on this list of the convening of the session and shall invite them to send observers. 

6. The Director-General shall also notify international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations approved for consultative arrangements of the convening of any session of the General Conference and invite them to send observers. [Const. IV.E.14] 

Rule 7 - Admission of other observers [Const. IV.E.13 and XI.4] 

The General Conference, on the recommendation of the Executive Board and by a two-thirds majority of Members present and voting, may admit as observers at specified sessions of the Conference or of its commissions representatives of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations. 

Rule 8 - Adjournment of session 

The General Conference may decide in the course of a session to suspend the conduct of its business and to resume it at a later date. 

II. Agenda and working documents 

II. Agenda and working documents 

Ordinary sessions 

Rule 9 - Preparation of provisional agenda [Const. V.B.6] 

1. In the light of Rule 10, the provisional agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Board at its first ordinary session of the year in which the General Conference is held. 

2. It shall be communicated to the Member States and Associate Members as soon as possible after the closure of that Executive Board session. 

Rule 10 - Content of provisional agenda [Const. V.B.10] 

The provisional agenda of a session shall include: 

(a) The report of the Director-General on the work of the Organization since the last ordinary session of the General Conference, presented by the Chairperson of the Executive Board; 

(b) Items whose inclusion has been ordered by the General Conference; 

(c) Items proposed by the United Nations in conformity with Article II of the Agreement concluded between the two Organizations; 

(d) Items proposed by any Member State or Associate Member of the Organization; 

(e) Items pertaining to the budget and accounts; [Const. IX.2] 

(f) Items which the Director-General deems it necessary to raise; 

(g) Any other items inserted by the Executive Board. 

Rule 11 - Working documents 

1. All documentation required for consideration of the various items on the provisional agenda shall be placed in the possession of Member States and Associate Members, so far as possible, at least twenty-five days before the opening of the session. 

2. Member States and Associate Members shall receive the draft programme and budget estimates, prepared by the Director-General and submitted to the General Conference by the Executive Board, at least three months before the opening of the session. Member States and Associate Members shall also receive, at least three months before the opening of the session, the recommendations that the Executive Board may have deemed it desirable to make concerning the draft programme and the corresponding budget estimates. 

3. When, during plenary meetings of the General Conference or meetings of its subsidiary organs, documents additional to those mentioned in paragraph 1 of this rule are requested, the Director-General shall, before a decision is taken thereon, submit an estimate of the cost of their production. 

Rule 12 - Supplementary items 

1. Any Member State or Associate Member may, at least eight weeks before the date fixed for the opening of the session, request the inclusion of supplementary items in the agenda. 

2. The Executive Board and the Director-General may also include supplementary items in the agenda within the same time limit. 

3. Such supplementary items shall appear on a supplementary list, which shall be circulated to the Member States and Associate Members of the Organization at least twenty days before the date fixed for the opening of the session. 

4. After the period of eight weeks mentioned in paragraph 1, no new items can be included in the agenda, unless they are included in accordance with the procedure laid down by Rules 15 and 40, paragraph 1(c). 

5. Documentation required for the consideration of supplementary items shall be placed in the possession of Member States and Associate Members, so far as possible, at least ten days before the opening of the session. 

Rule 13 - Preparation of revised agenda 

The Executive Board shall prepare, on the basis of the provisional agenda and the supplementary list, a revised agenda. 

Rule 14 - Approval of the agenda 

1. The revised agenda shall be submitted by the Chairperson of the Executive Board to the General Conference for approval as soon as possible after the opening of the session. 

2. The General Conference, or any committee, commission or other subsidiary organ of the General Conference, may request the advice of the Executive Board on any item on the agenda. The organ making such request shall postpone any action on the item in question until such time as, in its opinion, the Executive Board has had sufficient time to consider the request. 

Rule 15 - Amendments, deletions and new items 

1. During a session of the General Conference, items may be amended or may be deleted from the agenda by a majority of the Members present and voting. 

2. New items of an important and urgent character may be added to the agenda by approval of a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting; but such new items shall be referred to the Bureau of the Conference for its report, in accordance with Rule 40, paragraph 1(c), before the vote is taken. The discussion of any new item so added to the agenda shall, at the request of any Member State or Associate Member, be deferred for a period not exceeding seven days after its inclusion in the agenda. 

Rule 16 - Coordination of the work of UNESCO, the United Nations and specialized agencies 

1. Where an item proposed for the agenda of a session in conformity with these rules contains a proposal for new activities to be undertaken by UNESCO relating to matters which are of direct concern to the United Nations or one or more specialized agencies other than UNESCO, the Director-General shall enter into consultation with the organizations concerned and report to the General Conference on the means of achieving coordinated use of the resources of the respective organizations. 

2. Where a proposal put forward in the course of a meeting for new activities to be undertaken by UNESCO relates to matters which are of direct concern to the United Nations or one or more specialized agencies other than UNESCO, the Director- General shall, after such consultation as may be possible with the representatives at the session of the other organization or organizations concerned, draw the attention of the meeting to these implications of the proposal. 

3. Before deciding on proposals referred to in the two preceding paragraphs the General Conference shall satisfy itself that adequate consultations have taken place with the organizations concerned. 

Extraordinary sessions 

Rule 17 - Preparation of provisional agenda [Const. V.B.6] 

1. The provisional agenda shall be prepared by the Executive Board. 

2. It shall be communicated to the Member States and Associate Members no later than thirty days before the opening of the session. 

Rule 18 - Content of provisional agenda 

The provisional agenda of an extraordinary session shall consist only of items proposed either by the body at whose instance the session has been convened, or by the Member States and Associate Members, if it is the Member States that have requested the convocation of the session. 

Rule 19 - Supplementary items 

Any Member State or Associate Member, or the Executive Board, or the Director-General may request the inclusion of supplementary items in the agenda up to the date fixed for the opening of the session. 

Rule 20 - Approval of the agenda 

1. The provisional agenda shall be submitted to the General Conference as soon as possible after the opening of the extraordinary session, for approval by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting. 

2. Supplementary items shall likewise be submitted for approval by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting. 

III. Delegations 

Rule 21 - Composition [Const. IV.A.1] 

1. Each Member State and Associate Member shall appoint no more than five delegates, who shall be selected after consultation with the National Commission, if established, or with educational, scientific and cultural bodies. 

2. Each delegation may also include not more than five alternate delegates and as many advisers and experts as each Member State and Associate Member deems necessary. 

Rule 22 - Representation of Member States on committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs 

The head of a delegation may designate any delegate, alternate delegate, adviser or expert in his or her delegation to represent his or her delegation in a committee, commission or other subsidiary organ of the General Conference. Unless otherwise specified in these rules, the principal representative of a delegation on any committee, commission or other subsidiary organ of the Conference may be accompanied by such other members of his or her delegation as he or she may require to assist him or her; however, the committee, commission or other subsidiary organ concerned may adopt special restrictions if the nature of the business or physical conditions so require. 

IV. Credentials 

Rule 23 - Submission of credentials 

1. The credentials of delegates and alternate delegates shall be issued by the head of the state, the head of the government or the Minister for Foreign Affairs. However, the Organization shall accept as valid credentials which have been signed by some other appropriate Minister when the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Member State concerned has filed with the Director-General a statement that such Minister is authorized to issue credentials. 

2. The credentials of delegates and alternate delegates of Associate Members shall be issued by the competent authorities. 

3. These credentials shall be communicated to the Director- General. The names of the head of the delegation, delegates and alternate delegates shall be communicated to the Director- General one week before the date of opening of the session. 

4. The names of experts and advisers attached to delegations shall also be communicated to the Director-General. 

Rule 24 - Names of representatives and observers 

1. The United Nations and the specialized agencies shall forward to the Director-General the names of their representatives, if possible one week before the date fixed for the opening of the session. 

2. Members of the United Nations which are not Members of UNESCO, states which are not Members of the United Nations nor of UNESCO, intergovernmental organizations invited to the session and non-governmental and semi-governmental organizations approved for consultative arrangements, shall forward to the Director-General the names of their observers, if possible one week before the date fixed for the opening of the session. 

Rule 25 - Provisional admission to a session 

Any delegate, alternate delegate, observer or representative to whose admission a Member State or Associate Member has made objection shall be seated provisionally with the same rights as other delegates, alternate delegates, observers or representatives until the Legal Committee has reported and the General Conference has given its decision. 

V. Organization of the Conference 

Rule 26 - Ordinary session [Const. IV.D.10 and 11] 

1. The General Conference, at the beginning of each session, shall elect a President and a number of Vice-Presidents not exceeding thirty-six, taking into account the particular circumstances and requirements of each session, and establish such committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs as may be required for the transaction of its business. 

2. The committees of the General Conference shall include the Nominations Committee, the Legal Committee, the Headquarters Committee and the Bureau. 

3. The commissions and other subsidiary organs shall be organized according to the agenda of each session, to permit the fullest possible consideration of the policies and the main lines of work of the Organization. 

Rule 27 - Extraordinary session 

A President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected, and such commit- tees, commissions and other subsidiary organs established as may be required by the agenda of the session. 

VI. President and Vice-Presidents 

Rule 28 - Temporary President 

At the opening of each session of the General Conference the President elected at the previous session or, in his or her absence, the head of the delegation from which the President of the previous session was elected shall preside until the General Conference has elected the President for the session. 

Rule 29 - Elections 

1. On the proposal of the Nominations Committee, the General Conference shall at each ordinary session elect a President who shall hold office until the President of the next ordinary session has been elected. 

2. On the proposal of the Nominations Committee, the General Conference shall also elect a number of Vice-Presidents not exceeding thirty-six who shall hold office until the close of the session at which they are elected. 

3. The Vice-Presidents will be so elected as to ensure the representative character of the Bureau. 

Rule 30 - General powers of the President 

1. In addition to exercising the powers which are conferred upon him or her elsewhere by these rules, the President shall declare the opening and closing of each plenary meeting of the Conference. He or she shall direct the discussions, ensure observance of these rules, accord the right to speak, put questions to the vote and announce decisions. He or she shall rule on points of order and, subject to the present rules, shall control the proceedings and the maintenance of order. The President may, in the course of the discussion of an item, propose to the Conference the limitation of the time to be allowed to speakers, the limitation of the number of times each speaker may speak, the closure of the list of speakers or the closure of the debate. He or she may also propose the suspension or adjournment of the meeting or the adjournment of the debate on the item under discussion. 

2. The President shall not vote but another member of his or her delegation may vote in his or her place. 

3. The President, in the exercise of his or her functions, shall be under the authority of the General Conference. 

4. The President of the General Conference shall sit ex officio in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board. 

Rule 31 - Acting President 

1. If the President finds it necessary to be absent during a meeting or any part thereof, he or she shall appoint one of the Vice-Presidents to take his place. 

2. If the President is obliged to be absent for more than two days, the General Conference may, on the motion of the Bureau, elect one of the Vice-Presidents as Acting President for the whole period of the President’s absence. 

3. A Vice-President sitting as President, or an Acting President, shall have the same powers and responsibilities as the President. 

VII. Committees of the Conference 

Rule 32 - Nominations Committee 

1. The Nominations Committee shall consist of the heads of all delegations entitled to vote in the Conference. 

2. The head of a delegation may designate another member of his or her delegation to attend meetings and vote in his or her place. 

3. The representative of each delegation on the Committee may be assisted by another member of his or her delegation. 

4. The Committee shall elect its own Chairperson. 

Rule 33 - Functions of the Nominations Committee 

1. The Nominations Committee, after taking cognizance of the report from the Executive Board, and without any obligation to accept its recommendations, shall determine and submit to the General Conference the list of nominations for the posts of President and of Vice-Presidents of the General Conference. It shall submit to the General Conference proposals for the composition of committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference, including those on which not all Member States are represented. 

2. It may suggest for consideration by the committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference the names of persons to serve as Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons and Rapporteurs of these bodies. 

3. Only representatives of Member States are eligible for the posts of President and Vice-Presidents of the Conference, and of Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons or Rapporteurs of its committees, commissions or other subsidiary organs. 

4. The Committee shall also consider candidatures for vacant seats on the Executive Board, having regard to the principles laid down in Article V.A.3 of the Constitution. It shall submit to the Conference general observations on the manner in which that article should be applied, together with a list of Member States that are candidates. 

5. The Committee may also submit to the General Conference proposals for the composition of other organs whose members are to be elected or otherwise designated by the General Conference. 

Rule 34 - Legal Committee 

1. The Legal Committee shall consist of twenty-four members elected by the Conference at its preceding session on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee. 

2. It shall elect its own Chairperson. 

3. The Committee established for a session of the General Conference shall meet whenever necessary before the opening of the next ordinary session of the Conference if convened by the President of the latter acting on his or her own initiative or at the request of the Executive Board. 

Rule 35 - Functions of the Legal Committee 

1. The Legal Committee shall consider: 

(a) proposals for the amendment of the Constitution and of the present rules; 

(b) agenda items referred to it by the General Conference; 

(c) appeals submitted by sponsors of draft resolutions to the General Conference that have been considered inadmissible by the Director-General under Rule 77; 

(d) legal questions submitted to it by the General Conference or any of its organs; 

(e) reports on conventions and recommendations transmitted to it by the General Conference. 

2 The Committee shall submit its reports concerning questions (a) to (e) of paragraph 1 above either directly to the General Conference or to the referring organ or the organ which has been designated by the General Conference. 

3. Acting as a credentials committee, the Committee shall also examine and report to the Conference without delay on the credentials of the delegations of Member States and Associate Members, of representatives of the United Nations and the specialized agencies, and of observers sent by non-Member States and other intergovernmental organizations. 

4. The Committee shall inform the Conference whenever credentials are presented by delegations representing states that have not formally accepted the Constitution in accordance with Article XV thereof. 

5. It shall also examine and report on the credentials of observers designated by international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations admitted to the Conference in accordance with Rule 6, paragraph 6, and Rule 7. 

Rule 36 - Interpretation of the Constitution [Const. XIV.2] 

1 . The Legal Committee may be consulted on any question concerning the interpretation of the Constitution and of the rules and regulations. 

2. Its opinion shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting. 

3. It may decide by a simple majority to recommend to the General Conference that any question concerning the interpretation of the Constitution be referred to the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion. 

4. In cases where the Organization is party to a dispute, the Legal Committee may decide, by a simple majority, to recommend to the General Conference that the case be submitted for final decision to an Arbitral Tribunal, arrangements for which shall be made by the Executive Board. 

Rule 37 - Headquarters Committee 

1. The Headquarters Committee shall consist of twenty-four members elected for four years, half of whom shall be replaced at each session of the General Conference on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee. The geographical distribution of seats shall reflect that of the Executive Board. 

2. The Committee shall elect a Bureau consisting of a Chairperson, two Vice-Chairpersons, a Rapporteur and two members, with a view to having each geographical group represented. 

Rule 38 - Functions of the Headquarters Committee 

1. The Headquarters Committee shall frame and coordinate with the Director-General the management policy of the Organization’s Headquarters, and to this end give the Director-General all guidelines and recommendations that it deems useful. 

2. The Committee shall meet whenever necessary to treat questions relating to Headquarters submitted by the Director-General or by one of the members of the Committee. 

3. The Committee shall report to the General Conference on the work carried out and the programmes to be planned for the future. 

Rule 39 - Bureau of the Conference 

1. The Bureau of the Conference shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Chairpersons of the committees and commissions of the General Conference. 

2. The Chairperson of the Executive Board or, in his or her absence, a Vice-Chairperson shall participate in meetings of the Bureau, but without the right to vote. 

3. The President of the General Conference shall preside at the Bureau. If he or she is unable to attend a meeting, the provisions of Rule 31 shall apply. 

4. The Chairperson of a committee or a commission shall, in his or her absence, be represented in the Bureau of the General Conference by a Vice-Chairperson of the committee or commission, or in the absence of a Vice-Chairperson, by the Rapporteur. 

Rule 40 - Functions of the Bureau 

1. The Bureau shall: 

(a) fix the hour, the date and the agenda of plenary meetings of the Conference; 

(b) coordinate the work of the Conference, its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs; 

(c) consider requests for new items to be put on the agenda and make a report on this subject to the General Conference in accordance with Rule 15; 

(d) assist the President in directing the general work of the session. 

2. In carrying out these functions, the Bureau shall not discuss the substance of any item except in so far as this bears upon the question whether it should recommend the inclusion of new items in the agenda. 

VIII. Commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference 

Rule 41 - Establishment of commissions and other subsidiary organs [Const. IV.D.11] 

The General Conference shall establish at each ordinary or extraordinary session such commissions and other subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the transaction of the business of that session. 

Rule 42 - Establishment of special committees by commissions and other subsidiary organs 

Each commission or other subsidiary organ established by the General Conference may appoint such special committees as it may need, and these shall choose their own officers. 

Rule 43 - Composition of commissions 

Any commission established by the Conference shall consist of any one representative of each delegation present at the session, assisted by such other members of his or her delegation as he or she may require, subject to the provisions of Rule 22. 

Rule 44 - Composition of other subsidiary organs 

The composition of other subsidiary organs shall be determined in the resolution by which such organs are established. 

Rule 45 - Right to speak of other members 

Any member of a committee, commission or other subsidiary organ may request the Chairperson to accord the right to speak to other members of his or her delegation, whatever their status. 

Rule 46 - Election of officers 

1. The committees or commissions set up by the General Conference at each session and in which all the Member States are represented shall elect a Chairperson, four Vice-Chairpersons and a Rapporteur. 

2. Any other committee or subsidiary organ set up by the General Conference and in which not all Member States are represented shall elect a Chairperson and, if necessary, one or two Vice-Chairpersons and a Rapporteur. 

3. In these elections, the committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs may take account of any relevant recommendations of the Nominations Committee, in accordance with Rule 33, paragraph 2. 

4. The provisions of Rule 33, paragraph 3, apply to the elections referred to in the present rule. 

IX. Duties of the Director-General and of the Secretariat 

Rule 47 - Duties of the Director-General and of the Secretariat [Const. VI.3] 

1. The Director-General or his representative shall participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the General Conference, including the meetings of its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs. 

2. The Director-General, or a member of the Secretariat designated by him or her, may at any time, with the approval of the presiding officer, make to the Conference, committee, commission or other subsidiary organ, either oral or written statements concerning any question under consideration by them. 

3. The Director-General shall place at the disposal of the General Conference a staff member who shall act as Secretary of the General Conference. 

4. The Director-General shall provide the staff required by the General Conference or by any organs it may establish. 

5. The Secretariat shall, acting under the authority of the Director-General, receive, translate and distribute documents, reports and resolutions of the General Conference, its commit- tees and commissions; provide interpretation of speeches made at the meetings; draft and circulate the verbatim and summary records of the meetings; be responsible for the safe keeping of the documents in the archives of the General Conference; and perform all other work which the General Conference may require. 

X. Languages of the Conference 

Rule 48 - Working languages 

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish are the working languages of the General Conference. 

Rule 49 - Language of the country where the General Conference is held 

When the Conference is held in a country where the national language is not one of the working languages, the Executive Board may make special arrangements for the use of the national language of the country concerned during the Conference. 

Rule 50 - Interpretation of other languages 

Delegates may speak in languages other than the working languages, but they must themselves provide for interpretation of their speech into one of the working languages, according to their choice; the Secretariat shall provide interpretation into the other working languages. 

Rule 51 - Use of working languages 

All working documents except the Journal of the General Conference shall be issued in the working languages. The verbatim records of plenary meetings shall be published in provisional form in a single edition, in which each intervention shall be reproduced in the working language in which it was made; and in final form in a single edition, in which each intervention shall be reproduced in the working language in which it was made and interventions made in a working language other than English or French shall be followed by a translation into either English or French, alternately meeting by meeting. 

Rule 52 - Official languages 

1. Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish are the official languages of the General Conference. 

2. Any other language may also be recognized as an official language of the General Conference on the request of the Member State or Member States concerned. No Member State may request recognition of more than one language. 

Rule 53 - Use of official languages 

1. Any amendments to the text of the Constitution, and any decision of the Conference regarding the Constitution and the legal status of UNESCO, shall be translated into all the official languages. 

2. At the request of any delegation, any other important document, including verbatim records, may be translated into any other official language. The delegation concerned shall provide the necessary translators if the occasion arises. 

XI. Records of the Conference 

Rule 54 - Verbatim records and sound recordings 

1. Verbatim records shall be made of all plenary meetings of the General Conference. 

2. Sound recordings only shall be made of meetings of committees and commissions, unless otherwise decided by the General Conference. 

Rule 55 - Circulation and safe keeping of records and sound recordings 

1. The draft verbatim records referred to in the preceding rule shall be made available to delegations as soon as possible, to enable them to send in their corrections to the Secretariat within forty-eight hours. 

2. The verbatim records, duly corrected, shall be distributed to all Member States and Associate Members, and to non-Member States and organizations invited to the session, as provided in Rule 51, before the first ordinary session of the Executive Board of the year in which the next session of the General Conference is held. 

3. The sound recordings made of meetings of committees and com- missions of the General Conference shall be kept in the archives of the Organization where they may be consulted if necessary. Upon request a Member State or Associate Member may obtain a copy of particular recordings, at its own expense. 

Rule 56 - Records of private meetings 

The verbatim records of private meetings, made in the working languages, shall be filed in the archives of the Organization and shall not be published unless such publication is specifically authorized by the General Conference. 

XII. Publicity of meetings and resolutions 

Rule 57 - Public meetings [Const. IV.D.12] 

Meetings of the Conference and its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs shall be held in public except where other- wise provided in these rules, or unless the organ concerned decides otherwise. 

Rule 58 - Private meetings 

1. When it is decided, in exceptional circumstances, to hold a private meeting, all persons shall be excluded except the members of those delegations which are entitled to vote, representatives and observers entitled to participate without vote in the deliberations of the bodies concerned, and the members of the Secretariat whose presence is necessary. 

2. Any decision taken at a private meeting of the Conference, its committees, commissions or other subsidiary organs shall be announced at an early public meeting of the organ concerned. At the close of each private meeting, the presiding officer may issue a communiqué through the Secretary of the General Conference. 

Rule 59 - Circulation of resolutions 

Resolutions adopted by the Conference shall be circulated by the Director-General to the Member States and Associate Members of the Organization within sixty days after the close of the session.

XIII. Conduct of business and right to speak 

Rule 60 - Quorum 

1. The President of the General Conference may declare a plenary meeting open and permit the debate to proceed when at least one third of the representatives of Member States participating in the session of the General Conference are present. The presence of a majority of the Members participating in the session shall be required for the purpose of taking decisions. 

2. At meetings of committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference, a majority of the Member States which are members of that organ shall form a quorum. If, after five minutes’ adjournment, there be still no quorum, the Chairperson may request the agreement of all Member States actually present temporarily to waive this provision. 

Rule 61 - Executive Board 

The Chairperson of the Executive Board, or another member of the Board designated as its spokesman, may be invited by the President of the Conference or the Chairperson of a committee or commission to make a statement on behalf of the Executive Board at any meeting when a matter affecting the responsibilities of the Board is under consideration. 

Rule 62 - United Nations 

Representatives of the United Nations shall have the right to participate without vote in all meetings of the Conference, its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs. 

Rule 63 - Specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations 

Representatives of specialized agencies and observers of other inter- governmental organizations which have been invited to the Conference shall have the right to participate without vote in all debates on matters within their respective competence. 

Rule 64 - Non-Member States 

Observers for non-Member States may make oral or written statements in plenary meetings and in meetings of committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs, with the consent of the presiding officer. 

Rule 65 - Liberation movements recognized by the African Union 

Observers for African liberation movements recognized by the African Union may make oral or written statements in plenary meetings and in meetings of committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs, with the consent of the presiding officer. 

Rule 66 - International non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations 

Observers for international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations may make statements on matters within their respective competence in committees, commissions or other subsidiary organs, with the consent of the presiding officer. Such observers may address plenary meetings of the Conference on matters within their competence, if authorized by the Bureau. 

Rule 67 - Speeches 

1. The President shall call upon speakers in the order in which they signify their wish to speak. 

2. No one may address the General Conference without having been called upon by the President. 

3. The President may call a speaker to order if his or her remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion. 

4. The Chairperson or the Rapporteur of a committee, commission or other subsidiary organ may be accorded precedence for the purpose of submitting or upholding the report of the committee, commission or subsidiary organ. 

Rule 68 - Time limit on speeches 

The General Conference may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker on the proposal of the President. 

Rule 69 - Closing of list of speakers 

During the course of a debate the President may announce the list of speakers and, with the consent of the General Conference, declare the list closed. 

Rule 70 - Right of reply 

Notwithstanding Rule 69, the President may accord the right of reply if a speech delivered after he has declared the list closed makes this desirable. Replies made pursuant to the present rule shall be made at the end of the last meeting of the day or at the conclusion of the consideration of the relevant item. The President may limit the time to be allowed to speakers under this rule. 

Rule 71 - Points of order 

In the course of a debate, any Member State or Associate Member may raise a point of order and such point of order shall be immediately ruled upon by the President. An appeal may be made against the ruling of the President. It shall be put to the vote immediately, and the President’s ruling shall stand unless overruled by a majority of the Member States present and voting. 

Rule 72 - Suspension or adjournment of the meeting 

During the discussion of any matter, a Member State or Associate Member may move the suspension or the adjournment of the meeting. Such motions shall not be debated, but shall be immediately put to the vote. 

Rule 73 - Adjournment of debate 

During the discussion of any question, a Member State or Associate Member present may move adjournment of the debate on the item under discussion. Any such motion shall have precedence. In addition to the proposer of the motion, one speaker may speak in favour of, and one against, the motion. The President may limit the time to be allowed to speakers under this rule. 

Rule 74 - Closure of debate 

A Member State or Associate Member may at any time move the closure of the debate, whether or not any other speaker has signified his or her wish to take part in the discussion. If application is made for permission to speak against the closure, it may be accorded to no more than two speakers. The President shall consult the General Conference on a motion for closure. If the General Conference is in favour of the closure, the President shall declare the closure of the debate. The President may limit the time to be allowed to speakers under this rule. 

Rule 75 - Order of procedural motions 

Subject to Rule 71, the following motions shall have precedence in the following order over all other proposals or motions before the meeting: 

(a) to suspend the meeting; 

(b) to adjourn the meeting; 

(c) to adjourn the debate on the item under discussion; 

(d) for the closure of the debate on the item under discussion. 

XIV. Draft resolutions 

Rule 76 - General provisions 

1. Draft resolutions, including amendments to previously submitted draft resolutions, shall be transmitted in writing to the Director-General, who shall circulate copies to delegations. 

2. As a general rule, no draft resolution shall be discussed or put to the vote unless copies of it have been circulated in the working languages to all delegations at least twenty-four hours before the opening of the meeting. 

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs, the President may permit the discussion and consideration, without previous circulation of copies, of motions and amendments concerning draft resolutions that have already been circulated. 

4. When, in the judgement of the Chairperson of the Executive Board, any resolution or amendment under consideration in any committee, commission or other subsidiary organ of the Conference is of particular importance either because of the new undertaking that it proposes or because of its budgetary implications, he or she may, after consultation with the Bureau of the Conference, request that the Board be given an opportunity to communicate its views to the appropriate organ. On such request being made, the discussion of the matter shall be postponed for such time, not exceeding forty-eight hours, as the Board may require for this purpose. 

Rule 77 - Admissibility criteria for draft resolutions relating to the Draft Programme and Budget 

1. Draft resolutions proposing the adoption by the General Conference of amendments to the Draft Programme and Budget may only relate to those parts of the Draft Programme and Budget which are concerned with the policies and the main lines of work of the Organization and which require decisions of the General Conference, namely the proposed resolutions in the Draft Programme and Budget. Specific criteria may be elaborated by the Executive Board, subject to approval by the General Conference. 

2. Draft resolutions covered by paragraph 1 of this rule shall be submitted in writing and shall reach the Director-General at least six weeks before the opening of the session of the General Conference; the Director-General shall communicate them, with such notes as he or she may deem appropriate, to Member States and Associate Members at least twenty days before the opening of the session. 

3. Draft resolutions with financial implications for the Organization’s regular budget should clearly identify the Part and, where appropriate, the main line of action (MLA) of the Draft Programme and Budget from which the resources should come. The budget implications, regardless of the proposed source of funding, shall be higher than the ceiling set for requests for assistance under the Participation Programme for projects or activities with a regional impact. 

4. Draft resolutions which do not satisfy the requirements laid down in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this rule, and those proposing activities which are purely national in scope or could be financed under the Participation Programme, shall not be admissible. 

Rule 78 - Examination of admissibility of draft resolutions relating to the Draft Programme and Budget 

The Director-General shall examine draft resolutions relating to the Draft Programme and Budget to determine admissibility. The draft resolutions he or she considers inadmissible shall not be translated or distributed. The sponsors of these draft resolutions may submit an appeal to the Legal Committee of the General Conference at least five days before the opening of the session of the General Conference. To consider these appeals the Legal Committee may be convened as soon as necessary. 

Rule 79 - Examination of proposals 

1. When examining the Draft Programme and Budget, the General Conference may at any time make changes that it deems necessary, including amendments to draft resolutions under consideration. 

2. Any Member State which proposes a discussion and separate vote in plenary meeting on an item previously considered in a committee or commission in which all the Member States are represented and not included as a specific recommendation in the report of that committee or commission, shall give notice to the President of the General Conference in order that such item shall be specifically listed in the agenda of the plenary meeting to which the report of the said committee or commission is submitted. 

XV. Voting 

Rule 80 - Voting rights [Const. IV.C.8] 

1. Each Member State whose credentials have been found to comply with Rule 23, or which has exceptionally been admitted with full voting rights by the Conference despite failure to comply with that rule, shall have one vote in the General Conference or in any of its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs. 

2. Such Member State, however, shall have no vote in the General Conference or in any of its committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs if the total amount of contributions due from it exceeds the total amount of the contributions payable by it for the current year and the immediately preceding calendar year, unless the General Conference is satisfied that the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member State. 

3. Before each ordinary session of the General Conference the Director-General shall, using the most reliable and rapid channels, notify Member States in danger of losing their voting rights in accordance with the provisions of Article IV.C, paragraph 8(b), of the Constitution concerning their financial position with respect to the Organization and the provisions of the Constitution and the rules and regulations relating thereto, at least six months before the General Conference session is due to open. 

4. (a) Member States shall address their communications invoking the provisions of Article IV.C, paragraph 8(c), to the Director- General, who shall transmit them to the Administrative Commission of the General Conference. That Commission shall take up the matter at the commencement of its work and issue in plenary meeting, as a matter of priority, a report and recommendations on the subject. 
(b) For this purpose, the Administrative Commission of the General Conference shall establish a working group on contributions. The working group shall consist of six members, one representative from each electoral group. Upon the first meeting of this working group, none of its members should be in a position to be deprived of their right to vote under Article IV.C, paragraph 8(b), of the Constitution. 
(c) The term of office of the members of the working group shall be four years. Half of the members of the working group shall be replaced at each ordinary session of the General Conference. 
Transitional provision: 
On the first election of members of the working group, half of them, designated by drawing lots, shall only serve a term of two years. 
(d) The working group on contributions shall begin its work one to two months before the expiry of the time limit specified in paragraph 5 below. 

5. The communications from Member States referred to in paragraph 4 (a) must be submitted no later than the opening day of the Executive Board session preceding the General Conference. In the absence of such a communication from the Member States concerned, the latter may no longer be authorized to take part in voting at that session of the General Conference. 

6. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this rule, after the time limit specified in paragraph 5 above has passed, and pending a decision by the General Conference in plenary meeting, only those Member States concerned that have submitted the communication referred to in paragraph 4 shall have the right to vote. 

7. In its report to the General Conference, the Administrative Commission shall: 

(a) describe the conditions that render non-payment beyond the Member State’s control; 

(b) give information on the Member State’s history of payment of its contributions in preceding years and on request(s) for voting rights under Article IV.C, paragraph 8(c), of the Constitution; 

(c) state the measures taken in order to settle the arrears – normally a payment plan for settlement of such arrears in annual instalments over a period of three biennia – and make mention of the undertaking by the Member State to do all it can to settle future annual assessed contributions on a regular basis. 

8. Any decision to permit a Member State in arrears in the payment of its contributions to vote shall be made conditional upon that Member State’s observance of the recommendations for settlement of the arrears made by the General Conference. 

9. After the General Conference has approved the payment plan under which the arrears of a Member State are consolidated and payable in accordance with paragraph 7(c), any decision by the Conference permitting that Member State to vote shall be valid as long as the Member concerned pays its annual instalments by the scheduled dates. 

10. The provisions of Articles 5.5 and 5.7 of the Financial Regulations shall not apply to payments made under the payment plans referred to in paragraphs 7(c) and 9 above. 

11. The procedure and decision of the General Conference referred to in paragraphs 3 to 10 of the present Rule are also valid mutatis mutandis for the voting rights in the Executive Board pursuant to Article V. C, paragraph 14 (b), of the Constitution. 

12. One Member State may not represent or vote for another. 

Rule 81 - Simple majority [Const. IV.C.8] 

Decisions of the General Conference shall be taken by a simple majority of the Members present and voting, except in the cases listed in Rule 82. 

Rule 82 - Two-thirds majority [Const. IV.C.8] 

1. A two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting is required by the provisions of the Constitution in the following cases: 

(a) admission of new Member States which are not Members of the United Nations, on the recommendation of the Executive Board (Article II.2); 

(b) admission of Associate Members (Article II.3); 

(c) adoption of international conventions submitted for ratification by Member States (Article IV.4); 

(d) admission of observers of non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations referred to in Rule 7 of the present Rules of Procedure (Article IV.13); 

(e) amendments to the Constitution (Article XIII.1); 

(f) adoption of regulations governing the procedure for amendments to the Constitution (Article XIII.2). 

2. A two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting is also required in the following cases: 

(a) a change of the seat of the Organization; 

(b) a change in the regulations governing the procedure for amendments to the Constitution, and application of Rule 109 of the present Rules of Procedure; 

(c) adoption by the Legal Committee of opinions on any questions relating to the interpretation of the Constitution and of the rules and regulations in accordance with Rule 36 of the present Rules of Procedure; 

(d) approval of the inclusion of new items in the agenda, in accordance with Rule 15, paragraph 2, of the present Rules of Procedure; 

(e) approval of the agenda of an extraordinary session, in accordance with Rule 20 of the present Rules of Procedure; 

(f) suspension of a rule of the present Rules of Procedure, in accordance with Rule 112 thereof; 

(g) suspension of an article of the Financial Regulations, in accordance with Article 14.3 of the said Regulations; 

(h) suspension of an article of the Rules of Procedure concerning Recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution, in accordance with Article 20 of the said Rules of Procedure; 

(i) approval of the provisional and final total spending level adopted in respect of the Organization’s biennial budget; 

(j) a decision entailing authorization to contract a loan the repayment of which would necessitate the inclusion of appropriations in the budget for more than one financial period. 

Rule 83 - Meaning of the expression “Members present and voting” 

For the purpose of these rules, the expression “Members present and voting” means Members casting an affirmative or negative vote. Members who abstain from voting are considered “non-voters”. 

Rule 84 - Vote 

The normal method by which decisions of the General Conference are adopted shall be by a vote. Except as otherwise provided for in these rules, voting shall be by show of hands. The President may, if satisfied that there is a consensus on a proposal or motion, propose the adoption of a decision without a vote. However, a proposal or motion before the General Conference for decision shall be voted upon if a Member State so requests. 

Rule 85 - Roll-call 

1. When the result of a vote by show of hands is in doubt, the President may take a second vote, by roll-call. 

2. Vote by roll-call shall be taken if it is requested by not less than two Members. The request shall be made to the President before voting takes place or immediately after a vote by show of hands. 

3. When a vote is taken by roll-call, the vote of each Member participating shall be inserted in the verbatim record of the meeting. 

Rule 86 - Conduct during voting 

After the President has announced the beginning of voting, no one shall interrupt the voting except on a point of order in connection with the actual conduct of the voting. 

Rule 87 - Explanation of vote 

The President may permit delegates to explain their votes, either before or after the voting, except when the vote is taken by secret ballot. The President may limit the time to be allowed for such explanations. 

Rule 88 - Order of voting on proposals 

1. If two or more proposals, other than amendments, relate to the same question, they shall, unless the Conference decides otherwise, be voted on in the order in which they were submitted. The Conference may, after each vote on a proposal, decide whether to vote on the next proposal. 

2. A motion requiring that no decision be taken on a proposal shall have priority over that proposal. 

Rule 89 - Separate vote 

Parts of a proposal shall be voted on separately, if a Member so requests. The resulting proposal shall then be put to a final vote in its entirety. 

Rule 90 - Voting on amendments 

1. When an amendment to a proposal is moved, the amendment shall be voted on first. 

2. When two or more amendments to a proposal are moved, the President shall put them to the vote, starting with the amendment deemed by him or her to be the furthest removed in substance from the original proposal, and so on. In case of doubt, the President shall consult the General Conference. 

3. If one or more amendments are adopted, the amended proposal shall then be put to the vote. 

4. A motion is considered an amendment to a proposal if it merely adds to, deletes from or revises part of that proposal. 

Rule 91 - Secret ballot 

1. The election of Members of the Executive Board and the vote for the appointment of the Director-General and of the External Auditor shall be by secret ballot as required, respectively, by Rules 99, 103 and 106. 

2. All other elections shall also be by secret ballot pursuant to the procedure in Appendix 1 of the present rules except that, where the number of candidates is the same as the number of seats to be filled, the candidates shall be declared elected without the need to hold a ballot. 

3. Subject to paragraphs 1 and 2 above other decisions relating to individuals shall be voted on by secret ballot whenever five or more Members shall so request or if the President so decides. 

Rule 92 - Results of elections 

Without prejudice to the special rules governing the appointment of the Director-General, whenever elections are conducted by secret ballot the President of the General Conference shall declare elected those candidates who obtain the greatest number of votes up to the number of seats to be filled. If two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, and, as a result, there are still more candidates than seats to be filled, there shall be a second secret ballot restricted to those candidates who obtained the same number of votes. If in the second ballot two or more candidates obtain the same number of votes, the President shall decide the candidate to be considered elected by drawing lots. 

Rule 93 - Equally divided votes 

If a vote is equally divided, in voting not concerned with elections, a second vote shall be taken in the course of a subsequent meeting. This meeting shall be held within forty-eight hours after the first vote, and the taking of the second vote shall appear on its agenda. Unless at this meeting there is a majority in favour of the proposal, it shall be considered as lost. 

XVI. Procedure applicable to the committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference 

Rule 94 - Procedure applicable to the committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference 

The procedure laid down in Sections VI (Rules 30 and 31), X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV of these Rules of Procedure shall be applicable mutatis mutandis to the Presidency, to discussions in the committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs of the Conference, unless these organs or the General Conference, in establishing them, shall decide otherwise. 

XVII. Admission of new Members 

Rule 95 - Member States of the United Nations [Const. XV] 

Any Member of the United Nations may become a Member of UNESCO by following the procedure laid down in Article XV of the Constitution. It shall be regarded as a Member of the Organization from the date on which the Constitution enters into force in respect of it. 

Rule 96 - States not Members of the United Nations [Const. II.2] and territories or groups of territories 

1. Any state not a Member of the United Nations which desires to become a Member of UNESCO shall submit an application to the Director-General. This application shall be accompanied by a statement that the particular state is willing to abide by the Constitution, to accept the obligations contained therein and to contribute to the expenses of the Organization. 

2. Application for Associate Membership by territories or groups of territories not responsible for their international relations may be made on their behalf by the Member State or other authority having responsibility for their international relations. The application shall be accompanied by a statement from the Member State or other authority concerned that it accepts responsibility on behalf of the territory or territories concerned for the discharge of the obligations contained in the Constitution and of the financial contributions assessed by the General Conference as payable by the territory or territories concerned. [Const. II.3] 

Rule 97 - Consideration of applications [Const. II.2 and V.B.7] 

1. Applications by states not Members of the United Nations for membership of UNESCO shall, upon recommendation of the Executive Board, be dealt with by the General Conference in accordance with the provisions of Article II, paragraph 2, of the Constitution. 

2. Applications for Associate Membership of UNESCO by territories or groups of territories shall be considered by the General Conference in accordance with the provisions of Article II, paragraph 3, of the Constitution. 

Rule 98 - Notification of admission 

1. The Director-General shall inform the state concerned of the decision taken by the General Conference. If the application is approved, the state’s membership shall become effective on the date on which, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article XV, the Constitution enters into force in respect of it. 

2. The territories or groups of territories mentioned in Rule 96, paragraph 2, shall be considered as Associate Members of the Organization as soon as the General Conference has taken the necessary decision in accordance with the provisions of Article II, paragraph 3, of the Constitution. 

XVIII. Election of Members of the Executive Board 

Rule 99 - Elections [Const. V.A.1] 

1. At each of its ordinary sessions, the General Conference shall elect by secret ballot the number of Members of the Executive Board required to fill the vacancies occurring at the end of the session. 

2. The General Conference shall follow the procedure set forth in Appendix 2 to these rules concerning the procedure for the election of Members of the Executive Board. 

3. A Member State shall not be eligible as a Member of the Executive Board if the total amount of contributions due from it exceeds the total amount of contributions payable by it for the current year and the immediately preceding calendar year. The General Conference may nevertheless permit such a Member State to be eligible as a Member of the Executive Board, if it is satisfied under the procedure provided for in Rule 80 of the present Rules, that failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the Member State. 

4. The procedure and decision of the General Conference referred to in paragraphs 3 to 10 of Rule 80 are also valid mutatis mutandis for the eligibility as Member of the Executive Board pursuant to Article V. A, paragraph 1 (b), of the Constitution. 

Rule 100 - Re-eligibility [Const. V.A.4] 

Members of the Executive Board shall be eligible for re-election. 

Rule 101 - Term of office 

The term of office of each Member shall begin at the close of the session at which it is elected and shall end at the close of the second ordinary session following that election. 

XIX. Appointment of the Director-General 

Rule 102 - Nomination by the Executive Board [Const. VI.2] 

After discussion at a private meeting the Executive Board shall submit for approval by the General Conference a nomination for the post of the Director-General of the Organization. It shall submit at the same time a draft contract establishing the terms of appointment, salary, allowances and status of the Director-General. 

Rule 103 - Vote on the nomination [Const. VI.2] 

The General Conference shall consider this nomination and the draft contract at a private meeting and shall then come to a decision by secret ballot. 

Rule 104 - Subsequent nominations 

Should the General Conference fail to elect the person proposed by the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall submit another name within forty-eight hours. 

Rule 105 - Contract of appointment 

The contract shall be signed jointly by the Director-General and the President of the General Conference acting in the name of the Organization. 

XX. Appointment of the External Auditor 

Rule 106 - Procedure for appointing the External Auditor 

Further to Article 12 of the Financial Regulations, it is stipulated that: 

(a) the Director-General shall invite applications for appointment as External Auditor by a circular letter dispatched to Member States at least ten months prior to the date of the opening of the session of the General Conference at which the appointment is to be made, and candidatures must be received not later than four months before the date of the opening of the session. Candidatures received after this deadline shall not be taken into consideration; 

(b) the circular letter shall request that the following particulars be supplied: 

(i) the candidate’s curriculum vitae, outlining, where appropriate, any previous experience within the United Nations system or other international organizations; 

(ii) a description of the audit norms he or she would apply, having regard to the Organization’s accounting norms as set forth in the statement of its accounting principles that accompanies its audited accounts and to generally accepted accounting practices; 

(iii) the total audit fee (in United States dollars) requested, including travel and other supplementary costs, it being understood that should the currency of payment not be the United States dollar the United Nations operational rate of exchange in force on the day of payment would be applied; 

(iv) an estimate of the total number of working months that would be spent on the audit during the term of office; 

(v) the text of any engagement letter the candidate might send to the General Conference were he or she to be appointed External Auditor to the Organization; 

(vi) any other relevant information likely to help the General Conference to choose from among the applications; 

(c) the External Auditor shall be chosen by the General Conference by secret ballot; 

(d) the External Auditor and members of his or her staff who have participated in the audit of the Organization may not be recruited by the Organization during the two financial periods following completion of their mandate; 

(e) the General Conference resolution appointing the External Auditor shall specify the fee requested by him or her. 

XXI. Procedure for the amendment of the Constitution 

Rule 107 - Draft amendments [Const. XIII.1] 

The General Conference shall not adopt a draft amendment to the Constitution unless the draft has been communicated to Member States and Associate Members at least six months in advance. 

Rule 108 - Proposals for substantive changes in draft amendments 

The General Conference shall not introduce substantive changes in draft amendments under the terms of the preceding rule unless the proposed changes have been communicated to Member States and Associate Members at least three months before the opening of the session. 

Rule 109 - Amendments of form 

The General Conference may, however, without prior communication to Member States and Associate Members, adopt any changes in the drafts and proposals referred to in Rules 107 and 108 which are purely matters of drafting, and any changes designed to embody, in a single text, substantive proposals communicated to Member States and Associate Members in accordance with the provisions of Rules 107 and 108. 

Rule 110 - Interpretation of amendments 

In case of doubt, a proposed amendment shall be deemed to be an amendment of substance unless on a vote being taken there is a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting in favour of interpreting the amendment as an amendment of form falling under the provisions of Rule 109. 

XXII. Rules of Procedure: amendments and suspension 

Rule 111 - Amendments 

These Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the Constitution, may be altered by a decision of the General Conference taken by a majority of the Members present and voting, on the advice of the Legal Committee. 

Rule 112 - Suspension 

No rule of procedure may be suspended unless suspension is provided for under an existing rule or unless the motion for suspension is adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting. 


(1) See 3 C/110, Vol. II, pp. 89-90, 92-111; 4 C/Resolutions, p. 85; 5 C/Resolutions, pp. 130-33; 6 C/Resolutions, pp. 85-6; 7 C/Resolutions, pp. 106-8; 8 C/Resolutions, pp.14-17; 9 C/Resolutions, pp.70-l; l0 C/Resolutions, pp. 61-3; 11 C/ Resolutions, pp. 12, 94-5; 12 C/Resolutions, pp. 5, 95-7; 13 C/Resolutions, pp. 113-14; 14 C/Resolutions, pp. 107-8; 15 C/Resolutions, pp. 101-6; 16 C/Resolutions, pp. 93-4; 17 C/Resolutions, pp. 113-l5; 18 C/Resolutions, pp. 122-3; 19 C/Resolutions, p. 93; 20 C/Resolutions, pp. 141, 160; 21 C/Resolutions, pp. 122-3; 23 C/Resolutions, pp. 110-11; 24 C/Resolutions, p. 168; 25 C/Resolutions, pp. 193-4; 26 C/Resolutions, pp. 133-9; 27 C/Resolutions, p. 102; 28 C/Resolutions, p. 118, pp. 133-34, 143-45; 29 C/Resolutions, pp. 119-26; 30 C/Resolutions, pp. 115-21, 124; 31 C/ Resolutions, pp. 105-6; 32 C/Resolutions, pp. 117-18 ; 37 C/Resolutions, pp. 81-83; 39 C/Resolution 87; 40 C/Resolutions 81 and 83; and 42 C/Resolution 50. 

The references between brackets are to the Constitution of UNESCO. 

Appendix 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference: Procedure for the conduct of elections by secret ballot

Appendix 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference: Procedure for the election of Members of the Executive Board