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Search Results: Givat Ze
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Company Name Traded In Main Headquarters Description
1 Altice International
Private Luxembourg Altice international is a multinational group specializing in telecoms, content, media, entertainment, and advertising headquarter...
2 Amos Hadar Properties and Investments (Hadar Group)
עמוס הדר נכסים והשקעות (קבוצת הדר)
TASE Israel A construction and real estate group. Its full subsidiary and construction executer, Kir Had, has constructed 11 housing projec...
3 B. Yair Building Corporation
ב.יאיר- קבוצת בנייה ויזמות בארץ ובחו
TASE Israel The company specializes in the construction, development, design and marketing of real estate projects. In the occupied West Ba...
4 Bardarian Brothers
אחים ברדריאן
Private Israel A private Israeli construction and infrastructure company. The company was one of the selected contractors that won the Israeli...
5 Dalia Eliaspor Building Contracting Co. 1972
דליה אליאספור חברה קבלנית לבניה 1972
Private Israel A private Israeli construction company. The company was involved in construction projects in the following settlements in occup...
6 Discount Bank
בנק דיסקונט
TASE Israel An Israeli commercial bank. Israeli construction on occupied land:  In 2021, Discount Bank granted the company Shitrit ...
7 Electra
אלקטרה בע"מ
TASE Israel A publicly traded Israeli company active in the fields of real estate, infrastructure development, facility management, and electr...
8 Electra Afikim
אלקטרה אפיקים בע"מ
Subsidiary of Public Israel A private Israeli transportation operator, holding concessions for major public transport routes and serving institutional and pri...
9 Euro Israel (I.S.)
יורו ישראל (י.ש.)
Private Israel A private Israeli construction company. The company is involved in a construction project in Naveh Yaacov settlement neighborho...
10 G1 Secure Solutions (formerly G4S Israel)
ג'י וואן פתרונות אבטחה בע"מ
TASE Israel A publicly traded Israeli provider of human security and electronic security services and technologies. The company was formerl...
11 Galshan Marketing Human Resources Guarding & Security
גלשן שווקים משאבי אנוש, שמירה ואבטחה
Private Israel A private Israeli security firm. The company provides security services to the settlements of Ma’ale Efraim, Gush Ezion, ...
12 Group 5 Security (Tzevet 5)
צוות 5 אבטחה בע"מ
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli company that provides security and guarding services. The company provides security services to Israeli settl...
13 Hagihon Company Ltd. – Jerusalem Area's Water and Wastewater Utility
חברת הגיחון
Private Israel Hagihon provides wastewater management to illegal Israeli settlements, appropriates Palestinian wastewater and natural resources, ...
14 Haim Zaken Construction and Investments
חיים זקן בניין והשקעות
Private Israel An Israeli construction and development company predominantly active beyond the Green Line. The company constructed multiple housi...
15 Hapoalim Bank
בנק הפועלים
TASE Israel One of the largest Israeli commercial banks. Financing construction in illegal settlements and settlement infrastructure projec...
16 Hot Telecommunication Systems
הוט מערכות תקשורת בע
Private Israel A private Israeli provider of cable television, broadband Internet access, landline telephone services and telecommunication servi...
17 Jerusalem Bank
בנק ירושלים
TASE Israel An Israeli commercial bank. In 2021 and 2019, the bank accompanied the company Shlomo Cohen in its project in the settlement ...
18 Joe Gourmet Coffee
ג'ו קפה גורמה
Private Israel A private Israeli chain of coffee shops. Joe Gourmet Coffee holds branches in Delek gas stations and Menta convenience stores a...
19 Kardan NV
TASE, Euronext Netherlands A Netherlands-based investment group active in the sectors of real estate, water infrastructure and financial services. Company...
20 Kass Group (Kass – C)
קס גרופ (קאסס – סי בע"מ
Private Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory A private Israeli investment group which carries out real estate, infrastructure and technology projects in Israel, the occupied P...