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Animal Facts

Animals Facts Animals are multicellular, organisms of the kingdom Animalia (also called Metazoa). Their body plan ...

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Assembly-length presentations with accompanying notes.

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Better Energy School Awards

Better Energy School Awards Important updates on the Better Energy School Awards

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Better Planet Schools

Better Planet Schools is an online environmental education programme, created by the Young People's Trust for the Env...

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Birds Birds are feathered, winged, two-legged, warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates. Aves ranks as the tetrapod cl...

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Cats Cats (Felidae) are a diverse group of carnivores that includes domestic cats, lions, tigers, ocelots, jaguars...

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With around 8.7 million different types of animals and plants on Earth, classification is what helps us to group them...

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Climate change

Our planet's climate is changing and we humans are part of the cause.  Find out how climate change might affect us an...

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Conservation Education

Conservation Education Our termly newsletter contains a wealth of information for today's young environmentalists ...

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Endangered Species

We call them 'endangered' species.  You can find out more about many of them here.   Photo: Tambako the Jaguar

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Energy Energy causes things to happen around us. Just look out the window. During the day, the sun gives out light...

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Environmental Discovery Courses

Environmental Discovery Courses Information on our Environmental Discovery Courses, including a downloadable broch...

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Environmental Facts

Environmental Facts Our environment is really important. We need to understand it to be able to look after it. We ...

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Food miles, food chains, food and farming, food waste, food packaging, food miles and growing your own.  There are ma...

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Forms to download. Helpful forms for you to download and use.

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Hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking’ is being supported by the government as a means of giving the UK energy security ...

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What better way to learn about the natural world than exploring the wildlife on your doorstep!

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Geography Geography is the study of Earth's landscapes, peoples, places and environments. It is, quite simply, abo...

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Have Your Say On Sustainabbility

Find out more about Have Your Say On Sustainabilty, YPTE and Eurostar's competition for young people aged 11-18.

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Home Learning Packs

YPTE’s Home Learning Packs were originally created to support parents and carers while their children are learning fr...

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How you can Help

A range of factsheets and resources which gives lots of ideas on how you can help!

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Human effects on the Environment

Human effects Geologists are proposing that humankind has so changed the earth that it has brought about an end to...

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Local wildlife

Find out more about the animals and plants you can find near where you live in the UK.

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Mammals  Mammals are animals. Yes but so are Insects, Reptiles, Spiders, Sponges and Slugs. We need to do better  ...

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The Primary Awards for Green Education in Schools aim to assist and encourage environmental education for young peopl...

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Information on all kinds of plants, how they grow and what they need to survive.

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Plastic has only been in production for a little over 100 years, but the scary thing about it is that it doesn't rot ...

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More than half of all animal and plant life on our planet lives in the rainforests of the world.  Find out more about...

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Find out about which things can be recycled.  By recycling, you are reducing the amount of rubbish that ends up in la...

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Reptiles are often referred to as cold-blooded, but in fact they are 'ectothermic'  They need to get warm before they...

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Schools & Education

Schools & Education Information about YPTE work in the classroom.

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The sea covers around a third of the earth's surface, discover their depths here

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Find out more about the amazing animals and plants that live on our shores.

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The Yippittee!

The Yippittee! Our new online magazine for young people.  Packed full of useful eco info, puzzles, activities and ...

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The way we travel has changed enormously since the introduction of the motor car.  We are all used to travelling more...

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Water Water is the most abundant compound on Earth's surface, covering 70 percent of the planet. In nature, water ...

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Young Trustees

YPTE's Young Trustees are young people aged 16 to 24 who have a strong interest in environmental issues and want to m...

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