

Interview with Ke Lingling, "Xi Jinping's ex-wife"! "He [Xi Jinping] had a crush on me."

专访 "习近平前妻 "柯玲玲! "他[习近平]对我有好感。"







インタビュアーらしき男性と写る、習近平の前妻・柯玲玲(右)とされる女性 Photo: WeChat



習近平国家主席の現在の妻・彭麗媛 Photo: Paolo Blocco / WireImage










まさか! 想像すらしなかった。結婚当時の彼は党の課長級の職員にすぎなかったから、国家主席まで上り詰めたことは素直に驚いたものだわ。


























まさか! 想像すらしなかった。結婚当時の彼は党の課長級の職員にすぎなかったから、国家主席まで上り詰めたことは素直に驚いたものだわ。

















Jun Tanaka


柯華の遺影の右手には、斉心と習遠平の花輪が飾られている Photo: WeChat 


A woman believed to be Xi Jinping's ex-wife Ke Lingling (right) is shown with a man who appears to be the interviewer Photo: WeChat

'For three years from the year I moved to the UK, he made international calls every week' - that's what he said.

For some reason, an interview that was quietly published in the British Chinese media four years ago has been "rediscovered" and is causing a stir in the minds of Chinese Internet users. The woman interviewed was "Xi Jinping's ex-wife," who may have been China's first lady in the diplomatic arena.

President Xi Jinping's current wife, Peng Liyuan Photo: Paolo Blocco / WireImage

Xi Jinping and his "new wife"

In June this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping made his first visit to Japan to attend the G20 Osaka Summit, held in Osaka, Japan, seven years after taking office. He was on his own this time, but is scheduled to visit Japan again next spring as a state guest. He is certain to be accompanied by his wife Peng Liuyuan, who is making headlines as China's first "first lady with a face".

Mrs. Peng is a well-known soprano who was a hit songwriter in the 1980s and is known as a "national first-class performer". .
In 1987, the 34-year-old Xi, then deputy mayor of Xiamen, Fujian province, discovered her and married her at the age of 25; they had a daughter, Shi Mingzhaa, in 1992.

When Xi was elected a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau, the highest leadership in the Communist Party of China, in 2007, he cut back on his performing career, performing only at military-sponsored events. She was also on stage as the leader of the troupe for the performance of "Psalms" and performed the "Song of the Four Seasons" in Japanese.

In 2013, Mrs. Peng became the first lady of the Republic of China when Xi took office, and she used her glamorous appearance to support her husband in the diplomatic arena. She is also aware of her role as a national advertiser, and is known to prefer to dress in homegrown fashion with traditional Chinese designs when traveling abroad.

A longing for his ex-wife, whom he left after three years


There's something funny about the contradiction in holding him up as a "pure" man who is "honest" and chasing "ideals" while rubbishing him as "stubborn," "strict" and "vindictive.
In fact, I have been approached unofficially by the Chinese Embassy in Britain to invite him to a welcome reception as a representative of the British Chinese community. This is his first visit to the UK and an important milestone in China-UK relations. As a Chinese person living in the UK, I am also happy and honored to be invited.
─ Xi Jinping will visit the UK in October (2015) as a guest of honour.
Yes. When he was Vice President (2008-13), he and his father, sister and I met in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. He was in Shenzhen on a visit and wanted to say a few words to his elderly father. He even gave me a hug. It was a half-hour chat, but it was a good time. The first thing that struck me when we met was how much older he'd become, of course.
It's been 33 years since your divorce (at the time of this interview), have you ever seen each other again?
Young women are often attracted to men who whisper their love to them romantically, but he didn't have that sweet side to him at all. Perhaps it was me who was the idealistic one.

At the time, Xi Jinping was seen as stubborn and strict, but looking back on it now, he did the right thing and made the right decisions. But he's not an idealist by any means. He's not an idealist, but he's someone who plans ahead and achieves results.

Yes, he's a very sincere person. His intrinsic honesty was something I appreciated even when we were married. We didn't spend a lot of time together, so it's hard to say that I understand his nature.
What does Xi Jinping mean to you?
He was a man who always pursued his ideals, and I'm sure there was a great deal of potential in his purity. It's just that those possibilities and ideals were of no use to me.

No way! I never even imagined it. When we were married, he was only a section chief in the Party, and I was surprised that he had risen to the presidency.
At the time, did you think that Xi Jinping would become a leader in the future?
I knew that there was an unrequited love for me in Xi Jinping and that he wanted to start over. But even I left him with a decision not to go back.

In the early 1980s, just after the reform and opening up of the country, it was very time-consuming to call the UK from China. Telephones were not yet available in most homes in China. But I never answered the phone and he must have been really hurt.

I moved to the UK after my divorce, and for three years from the year I moved there, he called me every week.
─ Did you keep in touch with him after you split up?
He was a stubborn and vindictive man. Once he got involved in an important mission, he wouldn't listen to me. So I chose to leave him. There is no way to have a down-to-earth marriage until you have a lasting emotional connection. My father, who was the ambassador to the UK at the time, was very opposed to the divorce.

Divorce was still a very big deal in those days. Our marriage was very short. The point is that we didn't have anything in common, and that was before I regretted it.
And do you regret your divorce? Xi Jinping...

The following is an interview with her that was published in the Huajian newspaper, the Lundun Overseas Chinese Journal (UK Chinese Journal) (August 28, 2015).

She said that she and Mr. Xi, who was on the road to becoming an executive, did not share the same values. Mr. Xi's ex-wife, Ko Lingling, was born in Beijing in 1951, the daughter of prominent diplomat Ko Hua; at 28, she married Mr. Xi, who was two years younger than her, but the marriage fell apart after just three years due to personality disagreements. According to officials, Ling Ling, who grew up as a diplomat's daughter, has always had a strong overseas orientation.

In China, information and gossip relating to the private lives of the nation's leaders, such as their residences, family structure, and the movements of their children, are not reported at all. Otherwise, under the control of the media, inadvertent gossip can be fatal, and citizens have become accustomed to not prying into the private lives of their leaders.

But few Chinese people know that Xi has "remarried" to Mrs. Peng.



Unfinished business" with his ex-wife, whom he broke up with after three years
But few Chinese people know that Xi has "remarried" to Mrs. Peng.

In China, information and gossip relating to the private lives of the country's leaders, such as their residences, family structure, and children's movements, are not reported at all. Otherwise, under the control of the media, careless gossip can be fatal, and citizens have developed a habit of not prying into the private lives of their leaders.


 Xi's ex-wife, Ko Lingling, was born in Beijing in 1951, the daughter of the famous diplomat Ko Hua, and at the age of 28 she married Xi, who was two years younger than her, but the marriage fell apart after only three years due to personality differences. According to insiders, Ling Ling, who grew up as a diplomat's daughter, has always had a strong overseas orientation and did not share the same values as Xi, who is on his way to becoming a Communist Party official.


 The following is an interview with her that was published in the August 28, 2015 edition of the Chinese newspaper Luntian Overseas Chinese Journal (UK Chinese Journal).


─ Do you regret divorcing Xi Jinping?

I can say that divorce was still a very big deal in those days. Our marriage was really short. The point is that we had nothing in common, and that was before I had any regrets.

 He was a stubborn and vindictive man anyway. Once he got into an important mission, he wouldn't listen to me. So I had to say goodbye. There is no way to have a down-to-earth marriage until you have a lasting emotional connection. My father, who was the ambassador to the UK at the time, was against the divorce.

Did you stay in touch with him after you split up?

 I moved to the UK after my divorce, and for three years from the year I moved there he made weekly international calls.


 In the early 1980s, just after the reform and opening up of the country, it was very time-consuming to call the UK from China. The telephone itself was not yet common in China. But I didn't answer the phone once, and I'm sure he was very hurt by that.


 I knew that there was some unresolved feelings for me in Xi Jinping and that he wanted to start over. But I left him because I was determined not to turn back.

At the time, did you think that Xi Jinping would become a future leader of the country?
No way! I never even imagined it. When we got married, he was only a section chief in the party, so I was frankly surprised that he had risen to the position of state president.

 He was a man who always pursued his ideals, and it's clear that there was a lot of potential in his purity. It's just that the potential and the ideals didn't do me any good.

What does Xi Jinping mean to you?

Yes, a very sincere man. His intrinsic integrity is something I appreciated even at the time of our marriage. We didn't spend a lot of time together, so I can't say I understood his nature....


 At the time, I had the impression that Xi Jinping was stubborn and strict, but looking back now, I can see that what he did and the decisions he made were the right ones. But he's not an idealist by any means. He's not an idealist, he's someone who has a plan and is determined to make it work.


 Young women are often attracted to men who whisper their love in a romantic way, but he didn't have that sweet side to him at all. Maybe it was me who was the idealistic one.

It's been 33 years since your divorce (at the time of this interview), have you ever seen each other again?

Yes. When he was Vice President of the State (2008-13), I met with my father and sister in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. I met with my father and sister in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, in 2008-13, when he was Vice President of the People's Republic of China. He was in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, on an inspection tour. He was in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, on an inspection tour and wanted to say a few words to his elderly father. He even gave me a hug. We chatted for about 30 minutes, but it was a great time. Of course, my first impression of the reunion was that he's aged a lot.

Xi Jinping will visit the UK in October 2015 as a guest of honor.

 Actually, I have received an informal offer from the Chinese Embassy in the UK to invite him to the welcome reception as a representative of the British Chinese community. This will be his first visit to the UK and an important milestone in China-UK relations. As a Chinese person living in the UK, I am also very happy and honored to be invited.

 The contradiction in calling him "stubborn", "strict" and "vindictive", but holding him up as a "pure" man who is "sincere" and "pure" in pursuit of his "ideals" is somehow strange.


The interview struck a nerve...
According to the British Overseas Chinese Press, at the time of the interview, Ke Lingling was unmarried. At the time of the interview, according to the British Overseas Chinese Press, Ke Lingling was unmarried and single, a medical scientist in charge of a private hospital in London, and a visiting professor at SOAS. However, some in the British media have questioned this title, saying that there is no opportunity for a medical expert to teach at SOAS, a liberal arts university.


The interview appeared to have backfired on the Chinese government and was removed from the official website shortly after it was published. Recently, however, the cache of the above interview has been repeatedly posted on Chinese social networking sites and then forcibly deleted. And even today, searches for "Xi + his ex-wife," "Xi + his predecessor," and "Xi + his second marriage" are banned in China. A search for "Ke Lingling" and "Ke Xiaoming" yields only information unrelated to Xi Jinping.

 In January of this year, Ke Lingling's father, Ke Hua, passed away at the age of 103. Mourners smar




不知为何,四年前在英国华文媒体上悄然发表的一篇采访报道,如今被 "重新发现",在中国网民心中引起轰动。 被采访的女子是 "习近平的前妻",她可能是中国外交领域的第一夫人。

习近平主席的现任妻子彭丽媛 图片:Paolo Blocco / WireImage。

习近平和他的 "新婚妻子"

今年6月,中国国家主席习近平上任7年后首次访日,出席在日本大阪举行的G20大阪峰会。 这次他是独自一人,但计划明年春天以国宾身份再次访问日本。 他肯定会有妻子彭丽媛陪同,彭丽媛作为中国第一位 "有颜值的第一夫人 "上了头条。

彭夫人是上世纪80年代走红的著名女高音歌唱家,被誉为 "国家一级演员"。 .

2007年,习近平当选为中共最高领导层--中央政治局常委时,他减少了自己的表演生涯,只在军方主办的活动中表演。 她还作为剧团团长上台表演《诗篇》,用日语表演《四季歌》。

2013年,习近平上任后,彭夫人成为中华民国第一夫人,她用自己的光鲜亮丽的外表在外交舞台上为丈夫撑腰。 她也意识到自己作为一个国家广告人的角色,据悉,在国外旅游时,她更喜欢穿上带有中国传统设计的本土时装。



一方面把他捧成 "老实"、追求 "理想 "的 "纯爷们",另一方面又把他揉成 "固执"、"严格"、"报复 "的人,这样的矛盾有些好笑。
事实上,中国驻英国大使馆已经非正式地找到我,邀请他作为英国华人社区的代表参加欢迎会。 这是他首次访问英国,也是中英关系的重要里程碑。 作为一个生活在英国的中国人,我也很高兴,也很荣幸能被邀请。
是的,我知道 在他担任副主席时(2008-13年),他和他的父亲、姐姐和我在广东深圳相识。 他来深圳旅游,想跟老父亲说几句话。 他甚至给了我一个拥抱。 虽然只是聊了半个小时,但聊得很开心。 我们见面的时候,给我的第一印象当然是他老了许多。
年轻的女人往往会被那些浪漫地对她们低声说爱的男人所吸引,但他完全没有那种甜蜜的一面。 也许是我是理想主义者。

在当时,习近平被认为是固执和严格的,但现在回过头来看,他做了正确的事情,做出了正确的决定。 但他绝不是一个理想主义者。 他不是一个理想主义者,但他是一个提前计划并取得成果的人。

是的,他是一个很真诚的人。 他内在的诚实是我所欣赏的,即使在我们结婚的时候。 我们在一起的时间不长,所以我很难说明白他的性子。
他是一个始终追求理想的人,我相信他的纯洁中一定有很大的潜力。 只是那些可能性和理想对我来说没有用。

不可能! 我根本没有想到。 我们结婚的时候,他只是党内的一个科长,我很惊讶他能升到主席的位置。
我知道,习近平对我有一份不舍,他想重新开始。 但即使是我,也给他留下了一个不回去的决定。

上世纪80年代初,改革开放刚结束,从中国给英国打电话很费时间。 在中国,大多数家庭还没有电话。 但我一直没有接电话,他一定是真的受伤了。

他是个倔强而又记仇的人。 一旦他参与重要任务,他就不听我的。 所以我选择了离开他。 在没有建立持久的情感联系之前,是没有办法拥有踏实的婚姻的。 我父亲当时是驻英国大使,非常反对离婚。

在那个年代,离婚还是一件很重要的事情。 我们的婚姻非常短暂。 关键是我们没有任何共同点,那是在我后悔之前。
那你后悔离婚吗? 习近平...


她说,她和习总在做高管的路上,价值观并不一致。 习先生的前妻柯玲玲1951年出生于北京,是著名外交家柯华的女儿;28岁时,她嫁给了比她小两岁的习先生,但由于性格不合,这段婚姻只维持了三年就破裂了。 据官员介绍,作为外交官女儿长大的玲玲,一直有着强烈的海外取向。

在中国,与国家领导人私生活有关的信息和流言蜚语,如他们的住所、家庭结构、子女的行踪等,根本没有报道。 否则,在媒体的控制下,不经意间的流言蜚语可能是致命的,公民已经习惯于不打听领导的私生活。

但很少有中国人知道,习近平已经和彭夫人 "再婚"。



与前妻三年后分手的 "未了情"。
但很少有中国人知道,习近平已经和彭夫人 "再婚"。

在中国,与国家领导人的私生活有关的信息和八卦,如他们的住所、家庭结构、子女的动向等,根本没有报道。 否则,在媒体的控制下,一不小心的流言蜚语就会致命,公民已经养成了不打听领导私生活的习惯。


 习近平的前妻柯玲玲1951年出生于北京,是著名外交家柯华的女儿,28岁时她嫁给了比她小两岁的习近平,但由于性格不合,这段婚姻只维持了3年就破裂了。 据内部人士透露,作为外交官女儿长大的玲玲,一直以来都有很强的海外取向,与正走在中共官员路上的习近平的价值观并不相同。





我可以说,在那个年代,离婚还是一件非常重要的事情。 我们的婚姻真的很短暂。 关键是我们没有什么共同点,那是在我没有后悔之前。

 反正他是个倔强而又记仇的人。 一旦他进入重要任务,他就不听我的。 所以我不得不说再见了。 在没有建立持久的情感联系之前,是没有办法拥有踏实的婚姻的。 我父亲当时是驻英国大使,他反对离婚。




 上世纪80年代初,改革开放刚结束,从中国给英国打电话很费时间。 电话本身在中国还没有普及。 但我一次都没有接电话,我相信他一定很受伤。


 我知道,习近平对我的感情有一些没有解决,他想重新开始。 但我离开了他,因为我决心不回头。

不可能! 我根本没有想到。 我们结婚的时候,他只是党内的一个科长,所以我坦言,他能升到国家主席的位置,我很惊讶。

 他是一个始终追求理想的人,可见他的纯洁中蕴含着很大的潜力。 只是潜力和理想没有给我带来任何好处。


是的,一个很真诚的人。 他内在的正直是我欣赏的,即使在我们结婚的时候。 我们在一起的时间不长,所以我不能说我了解他的性情......


 当时,我对习近平的印象是固执、严格,但现在回想起来,他的所作所为、他的决定都是正确的。 但他绝不是一个理想主义者。 他不是一个理想主义者,他是一个有计划并决心要实现计划的人。


 年轻的女人往往会被那些浪漫地低声说爱的男人所吸引,但他完全没有那种甜蜜的一面。 也许是我是个理想主义者。


是的,我知道 在他担任国家副主席时(2008-13年),我和父亲、姐姐在广东深圳见面。 2008-13年,我父亲、姐姐和我在广东深圳见过一次,当时他是中华人民共和国副主席。 他在广东省深圳市进行考察。 他在广东深圳考察,想对老父亲说几句话。 他甚至给了我一个拥抱。 我们聊了大约30分钟,但很开心。 当然,我对同学会的第一印象是,他老了很多。


 其实,我已经收到了中国驻英国大使馆的非正式邀请,邀请他作为英国华人社区的代表参加欢迎会。 这将是他首次访问英国,也是中英关系的重要里程碑。 作为一个生活在英国的中国人,我也非常高兴和荣幸地被邀请。

 说他 "固执"、"严格"、"报复",却把他捧成一个追求 "理想 "的 "纯粹 "的人,这种矛盾有些奇怪。


采访触动了我的神经... ...
据英国《侨报》报道,采访时,柯玲玲尚未结婚。 据英国《侨报》报道,采访时,柯玲玲未婚单身,是伦敦一家私立医院的医学科学家,也是SOAS的客座教授。 不过,有英国媒体对这个头衔提出质疑,称在SOAS这所文科大学里,没有机会让医学专家任教。


采访似乎对中国政府起到了反作用,在采访发表后不久就被从官网上删除。 但近日,上述采访的缓存却被多次发布在中国社交网站上,然后被强行删除。 而即使到了今天,"习近平+前妻"、"习近平+前总统"、"习近平+两段婚姻 "等搜索在中国也被禁止。 搜索 "柯玲玲 "和 "柯晓明",得到的只是与习近平无关的信息。

 今年1月,柯玲玲的父亲柯华去世,享年103岁。 送葬者自鸣得意