Showing posts with label fun game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun game. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Create level with pList

With the small game, you need some database to easy create a level map. CoreData is so hard for your little game. So pList is suitable for you to create a small data for your game.

This is easy to change and give more level to your games. It contains all the base information for your game and you can change it very easy.
This is good for Sprite Kit, too. All this come from Apple so they will perfect with other.

So first we should know how to create a Plist File:

+ Just create a new File in your Xcode project and you will see it from

* This time you only need to create your pList to start store your data. This will be constructor like this:
- You have 2 types of collection data to store an data with have many properties: Dictionary and Array
+ Dictionary to store the different type of property
+ Array to store to similar property for your object

- The other types is used to store  the data for you to use this:
+ Boolean
+ Data
+ Date
+ Number
+ String

- This will very easy to get your data from pList:

    NSString* lkPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
    NSString* lkFinalPath = [lkPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"LKGameData.plist"];
    NSDictionary *lkPlistData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:lkFinalPath];

=> This code will get all the data from pList for ready to create your level.
- You can check all the property in this pList by using:

    NSLog(@"The property list contains: %@", lkPlistData);

=> This code will show all your property list in this pList and you can check them for right input 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Heroic Strike


This game is simple, you choose the side that have more item and get score.
* Playing Mode:
- Just choose what side have more item and you collect these weapon. With equal number, you will get all items on 2 sides, this is an extra items for you.
* Gallery:
- Total weapon you get will be here. 

* Fighting Mode:
- This time is the time you will fight for your skill. All symbols that you collect from playing mode will be used to fight again the monsters from forests.
+ Skill:
- Heal: Recover your heath
- Attack: Normal Attack that is weak but no cost for this skill
- Heroic Strike: Strongest damage in this game that can be multiple by 5 -10 times your Attack but it will cost some symbol or will be recover very slow.
- Revive: Your health is lower than 0 and you die. Just use this skill to come back to the fight and continues protect your love things.

Spider with poison and high stamina

Normal Spider and easy to kill

Armour Spider with high Stamina and deadly bite

Deadly Bee with high chance to avoid your attack

Spider from the forest

I am project leader and my partner, Hung Nguyen.

Now begin your adventure with "Heroic Strike"

Collection Items for your upgrade

Getting score for your single game

Try to get more score with single games

Waiting for starting fight

Faster and get better score

Link to download: Start your adverture

Support Ipad (iPhone will be support soon).

Saturday, January 18, 2014

How can I start programming game on Mobile?

What do you do when starting programming game?

First of all, I saw all people (not only programmer) think making a game is very easy. They only see what happen in a top game and see certain feature, they think it is easy because many feature are in a lot of game.

And here is my advices, this is not easy. All of feature you must do or find them on Internet. You won't know anything about game, you will be very hard to find stuff to do this. So try a small game and you will see how much you must do to finish a game.

There are many things you must do to create a game (not good game) that is accepted by Apple (not the users). You must do step by step to collect experience and stuff to do game. It is simple if you like playing game, but harder if you only want to create game for commercial. Try to get some developer that like game and they do it because of their hoppy.

There are 5 level of games:

+ Tutorial game: Game that only created by some programer to test or teach you do something. It is lack of feature. Normally, it only have game play scene and no more (sometime only 1 scene). It is used only for learning not for publish. Apple won't accept these game in AppStore.

+ Simple game: Game that be accepted by Apple. It is a game because this have all feature to call a game:
- A gameplay
- Menu
- Conclusion
=> However, these game is not keep user long. They will become boring very fast and never come back to your game. It only use for learning and testing your game. But this is what you need to do when you begin programming. Try to publish some simple game and you will gain a lot of experience  and stuff to do your next game.

+ Good game: Game is accepted by some of user. Now you game is better, they have some good feature and attractive your user,
This will have some of these feature:
- A good gameplay
- Keep user longer (1 - 3hours advance, this is good to keep user 3 hours)

+ True game: This game is attractive by a lot of user (milestone is 10.000 users). Your game is very good now.
This will have:
- Good gameplay
- Multiple mission
- Addiction
- Suitable with some user (they will play it a lot - 100 hours)

+ Top game: Your game have a unique feature (Facebook connection, Server - Client, ... ). You have huge fans and some of them are crazy because of your game.

* After you done a simple game (level 2) you will get a lot of experience and stuff to do next game. Please don't try to go over this level. You cannot finish a Good game immediate when you just start. Moreover, you will done 30 % your good game after you finish your simple game because most of them can be reuse very easy.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hitting Me - New World

1. Description: 

- Hitting Me is a simple game that can help you spend your time to have fun. The only goal is get more score when hitting star. It is the fun game for playing with friend or your family. 

- There are 3 mode in this game: 

* Classic Mode: for playing normal, get all star before the big one. 

* Crazy Mode: Hitting star like crazy. 
* Zen Mode: You will play forever. If you get the bomb, you will lose some point. 

* A shop for you to get more Star by using the support tool. 

+ Clock: Get more time to continues get Star 
+ Clover: Give more valuable star for you to get more Score 
+ Bomb: turn all meteor to values star and you will not lose score when touch in meteor. 

2. Guide Line: 

- There are 3 mode for this game: 

* Classic Mode: You need to get all the valuable item before you get the finishing item (Star). If you get Star, you will get another set that will appear and a bomb on the screen. Moreover, it divide to the stage and if you get the goal score, your time will increase 60 sec. 

* Crazy Mode: Help you try “Hitting Me” in a special more that crazy. More and more STAR for you to get 

* Zen Mode: Game that help you relax, there are nothing harmful in this game. You just click and click. Your score will be saved and increase each time you play this.

Menu of Hitting Me

Start With Many Star and Meteor

Go and Go

Shopping to get more thing to have more score

About author
