Showing posts with label game design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game design. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2016

Hammer Head Premium

The fight now start from your garden.

Make the bunny away from your garden by touch on them when they go up.
Face to the boss to protect your garden.

Time Mode: A huge wave of mode is coming. Fight and take away as much as you can before the time is
Quick Touch: Touch at much at you can and get higher score

Note: You will lose your hearth if you touch miss.

Link: Download

More Game and More Fun

Fighting with Cute Animal to Protect your Garden

Faced with the bigger Boss

Race with time to kill more animal

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Create level with pList

With the small game, you need some database to easy create a level map. CoreData is so hard for your little game. So pList is suitable for you to create a small data for your game.

This is easy to change and give more level to your games. It contains all the base information for your game and you can change it very easy.
This is good for Sprite Kit, too. All this come from Apple so they will perfect with other.

So first we should know how to create a Plist File:

+ Just create a new File in your Xcode project and you will see it from

* This time you only need to create your pList to start store your data. This will be constructor like this:
- You have 2 types of collection data to store an data with have many properties: Dictionary and Array
+ Dictionary to store the different type of property
+ Array to store to similar property for your object

- The other types is used to store  the data for you to use this:
+ Boolean
+ Data
+ Date
+ Number
+ String

- This will very easy to get your data from pList:

    NSString* lkPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];
    NSString* lkFinalPath = [lkPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"LKGameData.plist"];
    NSDictionary *lkPlistData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:lkFinalPath];

=> This code will get all the data from pList for ready to create your level.
- You can check all the property in this pList by using:

    NSLog(@"The property list contains: %@", lkPlistData);

=> This code will show all your property list in this pList and you can check them for right input 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Game Designer

Now Blog will change to Game and only game.

Designing a game is not easy as you think. It take a lot of time to understand what the gamer want and most of them you need to be feeling by yourself.

Everything in game need to be suitable. Not only the background and the character, effect, font and button are need to be unique, too. The smallest thing like the dead time and money will take you a lot of time to be done.

Moreover, the music and sound will keep the user in the game longer.
Animation also important keep user not quit your game.

If you see a game with more than 1 million user and think you can do it along, it only because you have no experience. Come and try to do this, you will see your limit.