Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Epic Out...

Mickey power...

Today Disney Interactive's highly anticipated "Epic Mickey" is released...

Created by game god, Warren Spector, this inventive and fun game creates hours of fun for gamers and Disney fans with its inventive levels and shout outs to classic and forgotten shorts and characters. If you get it, spring for that swanky cool Epic Mickey Wii Controller as well.

Now if it was just available for PS3...


nojarama said...

I wish they could make a version for the i-phone. I don't have any game consoles. :(

Diamond Lil said...

Disney and Nintendo go together like brothers.

Anonymous said...

I got it, but it is packed away 'til Christmas. A little self control will have its reward.

bsmith13 said...

I was disappointed by the reviews of this game. It looked like it would be a lot of fun, but I played it at a GameStop, and it is a far rougher game than I would have hoped for. There are POV issues (the camera doesn't follow Mickey the way it should, among other things.

Anonymous said...

The reviews have been generally favorable - there's a lot of griping about the camera though. I've been playing it and I haven't had much trouble, but then I played the Spyro games and managed to get through the Dawn of the Dragon edition, which had the WORST camera in video game history, so I might not be the best judge.

BUT...anyone who has the slightest liking for Disney HAS to play this game. It's an absolute delight, rich and layered with Disney history lovingly rendered, with a great story and challenging gameplay. I can't recommend it enough.

Darrell said...

The Incredibles video game has a pretty bad camera too. Or at least on a PC.

@AJBritten said...

I'm really excited to try this game out myself. I just happen to know that I'll be getting it for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

It is too bad that they rushed it to market like this instead of working on it a few more months to make it perfect. Now only hardcore Disney fans will make an effort. Lukewarm Disney fans and hardcore gamers won't (and shouldn't) bother.

Disney ALWAYS does this with product: taking shortcuts and cutting corners then relying on the Disney name and their marketing muscle to ensure the product's success. Decades ago, before Eisner's mid 90's coup, Disney used to be just the opposite. It looks like they are still practicing the same complete lack of regard to the Disney fan,/customer/guest.

Anonymous said...

To the above poster...have you played the game?
Your statement doesn't really make much sense, and you don't actually back it up with any reason as to why you think that.

I will say I HATE the camera on the game, it can be a huge bitch...but still not as bad as Kingdom Hearts could be. The animation is beautiful however and the history they acknowledge is more in depth than I would have ever imagined.

And finally...they didn't rush out the game. I'm usually the last to defend Disney but this game was supposed to be released in AUGUST originally so clearly they continued perfecting it. Do your research

Anonymous said...

To the above Anonymous, you're wrong and you know it, so shut your cakehole!

Mr. Jimmy said...

I'm glad it's on the Wii. Two creative companies go together so well, like PB&J.

Mr. Jimmy said...

I'm glad it's on the Wii. Two creative companies together like PB and J. Sony, as far as the gaming industry goes, follows and copies... Creativity and innovation needs to be rewarded to encourage continual advancements

Mr. Jimmy said...

I'm glad it's on the Wii. Two creative companies together like PB and J. Sony, as far as the gaming industry goes, follows and copies... Creativity and innovation needs to be rewarded to encourage continual advancements

Anonymous said...

To the above anonymous poster... due to the fact that ther is SO MUCH COMMENTARY ABOUT THE GAME'S FLAWS, your accusatory response makes no sense. The game exhibits substantial problems, indicating that the creators of the game DID NOT utilize the necessary time and resources to finish the game properly and make it a seamless gaming experience. Players are very frustrated with it. It is all over the internet. DO YOUR HOMEWORK, clown. The facts speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I've played it, and the camera issues are minor IMO. The overall concept, beauty and story easily overcome the game's few flaws.

Anyway, the game is supposed to eventually come out on PS3. Maybe for that OS the flaws will be removed.

Anonymous said...

If is comes out on PS3 with the kinks ironed out... then I will definitely buy it and play it.
