Showing posts with label Marketing Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing Campaign. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2013


The seasons are changing and before you know it, winter will be here...

And with that, Walt Disney Animation Studios' "Frozen" will be released.  Not just in America, but the world as well.  Disney's marketing department is well underway promoting this about the world.  There are beautiful posters in every country across the world, beautiful campaigns, amazing banners and entertaining trailers to melt the heart of every Disney Animation fans.

While I can't wait to see the Scandinavian posters, the ones we've seen so far are quite beautiful.  These French posters are quite lovely to look at, and when you placed them together you get a surprisingly magical image.  It's nice to have Disney Magic back, isn't it?

And just wait until you see some of the posters for Big...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Posters And Banners Of Steel...

More and more "Man of Steel" posters keep appearing...

And last, but not least, the fan community is pretty talented as well.  Take a look at this breathtaking poster not created by Warner Bros., but a fan.  A very talented one with a good eye for design.

Not much longer and we can judge if the film is as good as the posters...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Failing Forward...

Disney marketing, lost in this world, still not able to find another...

Once again, the Mouse's marketing department stumbles and trips...

If you've been following the docile and inept advertising campaign then you know what I'm talking about. The tracking for "John Carter" is surprisingly soft according to sources I know, but it shouldn't and wouldn't be if the Suits in the marketing department would have gotten their heads around this film earlier. It's not like it just popped up. They've had over two years to develop the strategy that they're now working though. Think anyone will be fired?

They deserve to be.

Take for example, the trailers that have came out. They show nothing for the most part that would interest you in the film. What they do show makes it appear to be a rip off of "Avatar" and "Star Wars," but they don't attempt to explain to the viewer that this came first. This was those and many other films inspiration. And if you want to see how the trailer should have been, then look at this trailer made by a fan. A fan. A FAN made this.

Bob Iger should fire whoever came up with this marketing misfire and hire the guy/girl that produced this trailer. It makes me far more excited to see the film, because the person that did it, "gets" it. I'm surprised that Andrew Stanton hasn't gone ballistic over what they're doing. I mean, the word from those that have seen it is very good. Stanton has made a great science fiction adventure that is faithful enough to the source material, but expands on it for modern audiences and is quite entertaining. But you wouldn't know that from the marketing campaign.

Look at the posters, stills and banners. Weak, static images that inspire nothing. Bland and uninteresting poses. Really? With all that happens in this film the best they could come up with was a shot of John Carter standing there or riding on an alien creature? He looks bored. The only hope I have for a poster is the one you see above. It's a limited edition being given out on the midnight showings to those that attend. It's by JC Richard(I believe) from Mondo and is the only poster I've seen that has captured anything remotely good about the film. Perhaps Mondo should be doing the banners and one-sheets as well?

It's very fascinating that Walt Disney Pictures would pony up 200+ million for this film and then not figure a way to sell it to the public...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Saving the world, one film at a time...

A teaser poster was released for Marvel Studios' "The Avengers" film...

With the last piece of the set up for this film opening tomorrow, the Mouse and Marvel are going to start heating up the marketing of this big, superhero film. The official website of the film and this minimalist poster were released today.

Expect more reveals at Comic-Con, but nothing like last year. As the weeks and months pass the marketing burn should increase until no one is in the dark about this film coming out next summer.

Slowly assembling...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Poster Propaganda...

American Poster, ##(@$ yeah...


Another poster has been released for Marvel Studios upcoming "Captain America" film over at Hitfix. Very love with some classic Drew Struzan qualities to it. My only complaint is a consistent one with all the posters so far. Why they aren't showing him with the mask? Anyway, the buzz on this one is way good and I'm going to have fun sitting down and watching this with friends in a week.

I just hope they have Hydra in the sequel...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Rises Teases...

Holy end of an era, Batman...

The teaser poster for Christopher Nolan's final Bruce Wayne film is out...

Nice use of negative space. Hopefully the film will live up to the incredible amount of hype that will be heaped on it after the box office and critical hit of "The Dark Knight." Will it be as good as that film? Doubtful, but Nolan has never let me down. I've never seen a film of his that made me feel I didn't get my money's worth. If he turns a character like "Bane," which is totally uninteresting to me, I'll be very happy. He has a great actor playing him. Selina Kyle will hopefully turn out to be a great addition as well, but I'll wait and see. Hard to believe this time next year it'll be out.

And then it'll be time for someone else to reboot the Caped Crusader...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

John Carter Of Nowhere...

Where and I from again...

As much as I'm looking forward to this film, I'm not looking forward to this name change...

I'm sure you've all heard the word. Or perhaps it's the lack on a couple of words in the title that is. It seems that someone, likely in the soulless marketing department, has determined that John Carter shouldn't say he's from Mars. So instead of "John Carter of Mars" we will get "John Carter." Now this makes no sense, but if it's because some brainiac determined that "Mars Needs Moms" means that moviegoers no longer like Mars, then it's even stupider.

I hope that this changes and saner heads prevail, because this is one of my most anticipated films for 2012. I trust in Stanton as he knows the source material(and is a fan) and has a great grasp of storytelling. From what I've heard, and it's not a lot, the film sounds like it works, despite some whispers about having to do some reshoots. The biggest thing I have heard that makes me wonder is: "It plays young." Which may not be a bad thing. Pixar films play young, but they play to all sides of the audience which is what I'm going to take from that comment until I see otherwise.

But I never thought there would a need to change the "Of Mars" part of the name. It's part of the classic tale that Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote. It would be like taking "Anne of Green Gables" and calling it "Ann," or something even more asinine. I hope the loss of John Carter location doesn't mean that Walt Disney Pictures has a lack of direction in where to go with this picture. Barsoom shouldn't really be that hard to find.

And neither should Mars...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rebranding Bad...


The period look of DCA's new posters continues...

And it's a lovely thing. I enjoy how even the little things are helping to improve not only the image of Disney's Second California Gate, but the outlook for the whole park.

Now, let's see those swanky Radiator Springs Racer posters...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

In A Hole, In The Ground, There Lived A Hobbit...

And in that hole he made a lot of money...

The first behind the scene video of the production of "The Hobbit" has been posted online...

Peter Jackson is an amazing film maker. He also seems to get what it is about selling a film and marketing it to a 21st century audience. He understands what Guillermo del Toro calls "Transmedia." This is one of four or five films that I eagerly await next year. I look forward to each new video that lets you inside this world of magical opportunities.

I hope you do as well...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wandering Around Worlds...

I am speed...

As with every project that the Lamp does, it does more than just the film...

You build the world around that film. Remember those lovely wine/food posters from "Ratatouille?" Or all the concept art that never make it into the film? A great deal of work that goes into a film from WDAS or Pixar will likely never be seen by the public, so it's refreshing when stuff like this pops up. It layers the places we enter when the lights go down in that local theater.

Take these lovely posters for example. Inspired by Harley Jessup and with the help of many members of the Emeryville crew, they have added depth and dimension to a world populated by engines with hearts and eyes that have wiper blades. Nice, eh?

Now, if they'd only sell these in Cars Land...

Hat Tip to The Pixar Blog.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hair Apparent...

Lots and lots of money, I mean hair...

First off, I want to issue an apology to the Disney Marketing Department...

I was wrong. You did a great job bringing in the butts to see this film. That doesn't mean I like your campaign or wouldn't have preferred to see something different, but it clearly worked and I can't deny that.

Biggest opening in Walt Disney Animation Studios history:

69 million over the five day Thanksgiving Day weekend.

49 million opening weekend.

82,800,000 globally so far.

Looks like the Lamps big brother finally made good on the third try!

Congrats all around, Marketeers...

Friday, November 19, 2010

From TronCores To EnCars...

Tractors is sooooooo dumb...

It appears that the success of the TRONcore is a fundamental part of Disney marketing...

While we have to wait another month to find out if the film is successful, the Suits inside the Mouse seem to feel that this approach is a model for future promotion. The people behind the creation of this little two minute infomercial (which I love, btw) are now working on doing the same thing with Lightning McQueen and Mater for next spring.

In what is to be a double whammy of promoting the opening of "Cars 2" and "Cars Land," the resort will likely play host to this promotion during the springtime should the Suits sign off on the current marking plans.

There's a lot of buzz coming out of Carburetor County...

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Imagine that on the wall next to my other sweet swag...

When you take the last three posters from Walt Disney Pictures "Tron Legacy" and put them together, they make one awesome banner...

Best. Three. Tron. Posters. Ever.

I am soooo getting this framed...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Now You Have A Clu...

Jeff Bridges is BAD and Bad is good...

Best. Tron. Poster. Ever...

Sunday, October 31, 2010


The special added trailer/advertisement of "Tron Legacy" debuted over the weekend to guest at DCA...

As we reported back in September, the post show after World of Color ends is now a two plus minute promotion for the new film that comes out this holiday season. Having seen it, I can say it comes off as a fantastic bonus for those watching the show. Watching it Friday night was humorous since I knew it was coming but the other guests did not. The reaction was pricesless as people tried to figure out what was happening. If you haven't seen the show yet, this is a great extra value. If you have seen the show, this is definitely worth seeing. It makes you imagine what they're working on for next summer with "Cars 2" after the show.

Seeing Tron projected onto California Screamin' gives a whole new meaning to get on the grid...

Hat Tip to Peter at /Film for inspiring the title of this post.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Brave New Tron...

Last night I had the pleasure to attend Tron Night and see 23 minutes of Disney's Tron Legacy which, for the most part, was presented in Imax 3D. I was awestruck. I can tell you this… Tron Legacy is a game changer. Like the original Tron was before it, Legacy has raised the bar for visual effects again and will mark a whole new era for film. The future of cinema has arrived. It's a brave new world.

A few days ago I posted that Disney had curiously postponed releasing the original Tron on bluray out of fear that its now-dated visual effects, costumes and abstract narrative might not be very well received by modern audiences. That's a tough pill to swallow for a lifelong Tron fan such as myself who holds the original very near and dear to my heart but after watching the mind-blowing preview I am forced to admit that in their wisdom they were right. It's a whole new Tron and, sadly, I will never again be able to look at the original Tron the same way. Unlike last year's Avatar, this may very well be the first science fiction film that truly lends itself into creating a fully immersive world with visually mind-blowing CGI effects unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. Frankly, Legacy makes Avatar look like Ferngully: The Last Rainforest.

I have been no advocate of 3D… at all… in fact, I have been against it but even I have to admit that after watching the preview I was far more impressed by the stunning immersive visuals in Legacy than anything I saw in James Cameron's overrated cartoonish blockbuster. This may very well be the film that makes me a true believer that 3D is here to stay and the future of film. I still hate wearing the clunky polarized glasses which make the image look somewhat dim and blurry and I don't think that all movies are deserving of the 3D treatment, especially conversions, but I would welcome any shot in full 3D that have the exhilarating imagination that Legacy has in creating a visually stunning world unlike anything we've ever visited before and I will gladly pay the price of an expensive premium ticket to see it. Legacy has already won me over.

*******Below are spoilers with a breakdown of what was shown*********

The first scene which was presented in 2D only was Sam returning to his warehouse flat to find Alan Bradley (Bruce Boxleitner) waiting for him. Alan was the computer programmer working for the Encom corporation who wrote the security program called Tron. The scene was a bit long on exposition but we learn that Sam, son of the missing Encom CEO Kevin Flynn, is a typical rebellious youth who would rather embark in reckless motorcycle riding than accepting the responsibilities of running his father's empire. The rest of what follows was seen in the trailers where Alan tells him he was paged (yes, PAGED) by Flynn from his office at the arcade where Sam goes to look for his dad.

Sam arrives at Flynn's Arcade (this scene again was shown in 2D) full of old familiar 80's arcade stand-ups with dust covers. Sam flicks a switch, the lights come up, and the jukebox plays Journey "Separate Ways" and the Eurthymics' "Sweet Dreams" and for those of us old enough to have remembered what it was like are immediately taken back to this nostalgic period in our lives. Joseph Kosinski brilliantly and wisely captures the retro-chic of the original Tron and the 80's making it appeal to fans who grew up with the original film. Everything is exactly as it was and no small detail has been overlooked including Flynn's back room overlooking the arcade floor. He even added Flynn's electronic hand-held LCD football game sitting on the couch in his secret office behind a Bally Tron coin-op that Flynn was playing in the original film. It's like 28 years have passed and everything is still exactly as it was. Sam finds the old glass touchscreen tabletop Encom computer, wipes off the dust, and activates the molecular digitizing laser that was designed for teleporting physical objects.

Once Sam is digitized into the laser we are transported back to the grid in full 3D and just like Dorothy arriving in Oz we've gone from black and white to full color. Recognizers, those big monolithic hovering red sentinels from the first film appear only far more evolved now immediately spot and capture Sam where he is taken by intimidating guards with freakish voice modulators to be sent to the games. We also see other programs, some of which bare the wounds of fierce gladiatorial battle. One program in particular looks like half his face has been derezzed. Another program when sentenced to the games runs and leaps from the edge of a platform where he suicidally falls and derezzes into thousands of glass-like particles of bits. Sam is taken away to another room and is then approached by several beautiful and very retro chic looking Sirens who cut away his clothing with illuminated fingernails to be fitted in full gaming attire and given his identity disk, or what could be considered the "Lightsaber" of the Tron universe. Next we briefly see Michael Sheen's character Castor as a sort of master of ceremonies and briefly see Daft Punk in a sort of DJ booth. Sam is then sent to the arena to fight for survival in a game of Disc Wars very reminiscent of the old Bally game Discs of Tron. Sam survives his first battle, the crowd cheers and he shouts "I won now get me out of here!"

The next scene shows Sam escaping the grid on a lightcycle where he is picked up by Quorra on a Light Runner four-wheeler who takes him to the Safe House far outside of the grid where other programs cannot follow them and where his father resides isolated in a white Kubrickian estate with antique furniture that invokes images resembling 2001: A Space Odyssey. Flynn is shown on his knees in a meditative yoga-like trance with dripping electronic droplets of water flowing upwards around him. He tells Quorra he had a vision about Tron (interesting because we never really see the title character Tron and we know that Jeff Bridges is playing his alter-ego Clu and that the technology has de-aged him 30 years and seeing as how Bruce Boxleitner has returned as Alan Bradley why not use the same technology to show him in character as Tron? Hopefully that question will be addressed in the film). Quorra tells Flynn that they have a visitor. Flynn tells Q there are no visitors here but turns to see Sam and a tearful father/son moment ensues as we learn that much time has passed since they last saw each other and Sam is now fully grown and Flynn is now old. Flynn tells Sam he will reveal all to him once they have had dinner and goes to a balcony overlooking the grid while Quorra shows Sam his father's white lightcycle which she describes as being "vintage."

What follows is a montage of images seen mostly in the trailers concluding with the film's logo and the Real3D and Imax 3D logos. The presentation went by very quickly but it was well worth the long wait in line. I was already anticipating seeing Legacy on December 17th but now I am even more exciting and enthusiastic to see it than ever before. I need to get back to the grid.

End of Line.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tron Blu-s...

Someone doesn't have a Clu...

Earlier this year, Steven Lisberger, the Father of Tron, mentioned that a new high definition remaster of Tron was currently in the works to be released by the end of the year to coincide with Disney's theatrical release of Tron Legacy. Since then there has oddly been no official announcement and with just over 8 weeks to go no pre-release date in sight it's beginning to look like Tron will be MIA on blu-ray this year.

Word has it that earlier this summer the original Tron was screened at one of the theme parks and was laughed at by people who had not seen the original film and mocked it for its now-outdated effects and silly attire of leotards and hockey helmets parodied by the infamous "Tron Guy." Rumor has it that some Disney execs witnessed their reactions and it made them very, very nervous.

Understandable since they've spent millions marketing their "new and improved" Tron Legacy which they hope will be embraced by a new generation of fans. Since then plans to release the original Tron on blu-ray to generate interest in the sequel seem to have been scrapped out of fear that this product of a by-gone era would backfire and turn off their vital demographic from flocking to theaters to see Tron Legacy in December.

Word has it the original Tron will not be released now until sometime next year around the time Legacy is released on DVD and Blu-ray, long after all the box office grosses for Legacy are in. Normally, studios will strategically time the release of catalog DVD and Blu-ray sales to generate hype for a franchise installment and reciprocally to give home video sales a push but this seems to mark the beginning of what could become a counter-trend for studios looking to capture a new fanbase without any expectations or preconceptions.

Could the same fear and paranoia apply to Disney's marketing plans for their eminent remake of The Black Hole? As a fan of both of these classic Disney films I am disappointed that I will not be able to enjoy seeing Tron remastered in glorious high definition before going to see Legacy but I am deeply concerned by how this could impact reception of it my millions of people who have not even seen the original film and how they could potentially regard Legacy as the defacto Tron film and shrug off the original 28 year-old film as a relic of the Atari age.

Tron was cutting-edge for its day and decades ahead of its time but like all films in retrospect is a product of the period in which it was made and should be appreciated as such for what it is and its rightful place in cinematic history. Is Disney deliberately trying to sweep memories of it under the rug to be forgotten so that Legacy will be received as the definitive start of a new franchise? The very thought of it gives me pause and sends a shudder of discomfort up my spine. It almost seems like they are trying to re-write the program.

End of Line.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Programing: Nine Tuesdays 2 Go...

Get yer programs...

With nine more weeks left, the last "Tron Legacy" one-sheet is released...

I really like the homage to the original film while adding a whole new feel to it.

Awaiting a legacy...

A bigger version of the poster awaits you over at Yahoo.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ten Weeks, 10 Peeks...

Come on, Flynn...

It's hard to believe there are only ten weeks between now and the release of "Tron Legacy" from Walt Disney Pictures...

Over the next ten weeks the Mouse will have what is known as Tron Tuesday in which they will release clips/surprises from the upcoming film. This week the first is a clip from Daft Punk's score with the track: "The Game has Changed." Enjoy it and await each week until you can purchase that ticket. What a difference twenty-eight years makes.

The game really has changed...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Bragging N(r)ight(s)...

Program Night...

Walt Disney Pictures has announced that October 28t will be TRON Night...

Fans of the film can go to IMAX theaters and experience twenty minutes of the film if they register on October 12th.

This move marks a point of confidence by the Mouse that this film is indeed a future franchise (Uhm, trilogy).

December can't come quick enough, Programs...