Android Developers Blog
The latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.
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Making security easy: How we are helping you fix vulnerabilities in your Android apps
Making security easy: How we are helping you fix vulnerabilities in your Android apps

25 July 2024

Posted by Bessie Jiang – Software Engineer and Chris Schneider – Security Engineer Contributors: Maciej Szawłowski – Security Engineer,...

Enabling safe AI experiences on Google Play
Enabling safe AI experiences on Google Play

06 June 2024

Posted by Prabhat Sharma – Director, Trust and Safety, Play, Android, and Chrome The rapid advancements in generative AI unlock oppor...

Battling Impersonation Scams: Monzo’s Innovative Approach
Battling Impersonation Scams: Monzo’s Innovative Approach

29 March 2024

Posted by Todd Burner – Developer Relations Engineer Cybercriminals continue to invest in advanced financial fraud scams, costing co...

Virtual Machine as a core Android Primitive
Virtual Machine as a core Android Primitive

05 December 2023

Posted by Sandeep Patil – Principal Software Engineer, and Irene Ang – Product Manager The Android Virtualization Framework (AVF) wi...

Make the passkey endpoints well-known URL part of your passkey implementation
Make the passkey endpoints well-known URL part of your passkey implementation

26 October 2023

Posted by Amy Zeppenfeld – Developer Relations Engineer Passkeys are leading the charge towards a more secure future without passwor...

Updates to Google Identity Services (GIS) and migration to the Credential Manager API
Updates to Google Identity Services (GIS) and migration to the Credential Manager API

26 October 2023

Posted by Kateryna Semenova – Developer Relations Engineer, Diego Zavala and Gina Biernacki – Product Managers Introducing Credential...

Simple and secure sign-in on Android with Credential Manager and passkeys
Simple and secure sign-in on Android with Credential Manager and passkeys

25 October 2023

Posted by Diego Zavala, Product Manager We are excited to announce that the public release of Credential Manager will be available s...

Join us online from 23-27 October for Passkeys Week
Join us online from 23-27 October for Passkeys Week

18 October 2023

Posted by Milica Mihajlija, Technical Writer Passkeys are a safer and simpler alternative to passwords that works on all modern brow...

Giving Users More Transparency and Control Over Account Data
Giving Users More Transparency and Control Over Account Data

05 April 2023

Posted by Bethel Otuteye, Senior Director, Product Management, Android App Safety Google Play has launched a number of recent initiat...

Play Commerce prevented over $2 billion in fraudulent and abusive transactions in 2022
Play Commerce prevented over $2 billion in fraudulent and abusive transactions in 2022

23 March 2023

Posted by Sheenam Mittal, Product Manager, Google Play Google Play Commerce enables you to monetize your apps and games at scale in o...

Keeping Android and Google Play safe with our key 2023 initiatives
Keeping Android and Google Play safe with our key 2023 initiatives

06 March 2023

Posted by Bethel Otuteye, Senior Director, Product Management, Android App Safety It’s our top priority to keep Android and Google Pla...

3 things to know about Android Privacy, Platform & Security from Google I/O'22
3 things to know about Android Privacy, Platform & Security from Google I/O'22

06 June 2022

Posted by Dan Galpin, Developer Relations Engineer   Amidst the whirlwind of content at Google I/O, we shared huge announcement...
