
ANDRITZ is an international technology group based in Austria. The company offers a broad portfolio of innovative plants, equipment, systems, services and digital solutions for a wide range of industries and end markets. Sustainability is an integral part of the company’s business strategy and corporate culture: With its extensive portfolio of sustainable products and solutions, ANDRITZ aims to make the greatest possible contribution to a sustainable future and help its customers achieve their sustainability goals. ANDRITZ is a global market leader in all four of its business areas: Pulp & Paper Metals Hydropower Environment & Energy Technological leadership and global presence are cornerstones of the group’s strategy, which is focused on long-term profitable growth. The publicly listed group has around 30,000 employees and over 280 locations in more than 80 countries.

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Graz, Styria
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Hydro, Pulp & Paper, Metals, Separation, Automation, Pumps, Feed and Biofuel, Nonwoven and Textile, Recycling, Environmental solutions, Marine/Offshore, Panelboard, Thermal power und Wedge wire and perforation


Beschäftigte von ANDRITZ


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    🔧✨🚀 We are excited to present our partner class at HTL Bulme: For the next five years we will give these mechanical engineering students with focus on digital product development valuable first-hand insights into engineering and plant design. ✨ First highlight? The factory tour of our workshop in Graz, where the students experienced large industrial components like paper machines, Pelton turbines, and other large industrial components. The tour showcased the various stages of the production process and the diverse products produced here. 👉 We are looking forward to the coming years, filled with knowledge exchange and joint projects! #ANDRITZ #HTLBulme #FutureEngineers #NextGeneration #Technology #Partnership #creatinggrowththatmatters

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    👉 Cybersecurity: ANDRITZ sells OTORIO and enters strategic partnership with Armis 👉 ANDRITZ has sold its stake in OTORIO, a leading provider of OT (Operational Technology) and CPS (Cyber Physical Systems) security to Armis who now holds full ownership of OTORIO. This collaboration strengthens ANDRITZ’s digital offerings while enabling Armis to expand its platform with OTORIO’s technology. 📣 Joachim Schönbeck, CEO of ANDRITZ : “Armis is the right partner to further develop OTORIO’s products and offerings – and we look forward to providing our customers with even more comprehensive solutions in this area.” Read more: https://lnkd.in/d9hf7ETq

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    📣 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐫 is now 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐙 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐫: After more than a decade as part of ANDRITZ, Schuler—the world’s leading press manufacturer—is now 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐙 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐫. 👉 This rebranding strengthens the integration while preserving Schuler as a trusted product brand. Joachim Schönbeck, President and CEO of ANDRITZ: “Schuler is a name that stands for top performance in press engineering, and our customers can continue to rely on that in the future.” Read more: https://lnkd.in/dj4VGmjm #ANDRITZSchuler

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    📣ANDRITZ is proud to announce that it has been awarded a contract by BC Hydro to supply four 60 MVA generators for the Bridge River 1 hydro powerplant. ⚡In operation for more than 70 years, the upgrade and installation of the new 60 MVA generators at Bridge River 1 will significantly enhance the powerplant's reliability and will increase the installed generator capacity by 15%, contributing to the province's renewable energy goals. 👉 This contract not only represents a step forward in the pursuit of sustainable energy but also solidifies the strong collaboration between BC Hydro and ANDRITZ. The collaboration between these two industry leaders is set to bring numerous benefits, including job creation, economic growth, and a reliable supply of clean energy to the residents of British Columbia. The construction phase of the contract is anticipated to last approximately 4 years. #Hydropower #RenewableEnergy #ANDRITZ #BC Read more: https://lnkd.in/dEqJfjSb #CreatingGrowthThatMatters #upgrade #RenewableEnergy #bc

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    🚧 Currents of Care: Health, Safety and Environment in Hydropower 👷 Not just getting the job done, but getting it done safely is our top priority. At the heart of what we do is our unwavering commitment to health and safety and the well-being of all employees, especially on our construction sites. 🦺 Download our HN app to stay informed, available on Apple and Android: Click here for Android: https://lnkd.in/d_2m6THF and here for Apple download: https://lnkd.in/dQyx2unH #Hydropower #RenewableEnergy #HSE #HealthSafety #Safety #Andritz #GrowthThatMatters #HYDRONEWS

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    Empoderar a las mujeres. Para un crecimiento que importa. ✨💙 🎉 Este Día Internacional de la Mujer, celebramos la inspiradora trayectoria de las mujeres – ingenieras, científicas, innovadoras, expertas, líderes y mentoras –que rompen barreras, impulsan el cambio y redefinen lo que es posible. En salas de juntas, sitios de producción, laboratorios, oficinas y hogares, las 5,268 mujeres de 61 nacionalidades en ANDRITZ impulsan nuestra industria con visión, experiencia y una dedicación incesante. Empoderar a las mujeres no es solo un capítulo en nuestra historia. Es la base de nuestro futuro 🌱. Por eso, trabajamos activamente para aumentar la representación femenina, creando espacios donde las mujeres puedan liderar, innovar y generar un impacto donde más importa. Honramos la resiliencia, el coraje y el potencial ilimitado de las mujeres en todo el mundo. Este compromiso está alineado con nuestro propósito empresarial más amplio de 'Creating Growth That Matters', garantizando que la inclusión y el empoderamiento impulsen un progreso significativo para todos. ¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer! 🌍✨ #DíaInternacionalDeLaMujer #8M2024 #MujeresEmpoderadas #MujeresEnLaIndustria #CrecimientoQueImporta

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    Empoderar as mulheres. Para um crescimento que importa. ✨💙 🎉 Neste Dia Internacional da Mulher, celebramos a inspiradora jornada das mulheres – engenheiras, cientistas, inovadoras, especialistas, líderes e mentoras – que superam limites, impulsionam mudanças e redefinem o que é possível. Nos conselhos administrativos, locais de produção, laboratórios, escritórios e lares, as 5.268 mulheres de 61 nacionalidades na ANDRITZ impulsionam nossa indústria com visão, expertise e dedicação incansável. Empoderar as mulheres não é apenas um capítulo da nossa história. È a base do nosso futuro🌱. Por isso, estamos trabalhando ativamente para aumentar a representação feminina, criando espaços para que as mulheres possam liderar, inovar e gerar impacto onde mais importa. Honramos a resiliência, a coragem e o potencial ilimitado das mulheres em todo o mundo. Este compromisso está alinhado com nosso propósito empresarial mais amplo de 'Creating Growth That Matters', garantindo que a inclusão e o empoderamento impulsionem um progresso significativo para todos. Feliz Dia Internacional da Mulher! 🌍✨ #DiaInternacionalDaMulher #8M2025 #EmpoderamentoFeminino #MulheresNaIndústria #CrescimentoQueImporta

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    Frauen stärken. Für Wachstum, das zählt.✨💙 🎉 Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags feiern wir die inspirierende Reise von Frauen – Ingenieurinnen, Wissenschaftlerinnen, Innovatorinnen, Expertinnen, Führungskräfte und Mentorinnen – die Grenzen verschieben, neue Wege gehen und das Unmögliche möglich machen. Ob in Vorstandsetagen, Produktionsstätten, Laboren oder Büros – die 5.268 Frauen aus 61 Nationen bei ANDRITZ treiben unsere Branche mit Visionen, Expertise und unermüdlichem Engagement voran. Frauen zu stärken ist nicht nur ein Kapitel unserer Geschichte – es ist das Fundament unserer Zukunft🌱. Deshalb setzen wir uns aktiv für eine stärkere Repräsentation von Frauen ein und geben ihnen die Möglichkeit, Verantwortung zu übernehmen, innovative Ideen zu entwickeln und dort Wirkung zu erzielen, wo es am meisten zählt. Dieses Engagement steht im Einklang mit unserem übergeordneten Unternehmenszweck “Creating Growth That Matters” und ermöglicht Inklusion und Empowerment für alle. Wir wünschen einen inspirierenden Internationalen Frauentag! 🌍✨ #InternationalerFrauentag #Frauenpower #FrauenInspirieren #FrauenInDerIndustrie #WachstumDasZählt

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    Empowering women. For Growth That Matters. ✨💙 🎉 This International Women’s Day, we celebrate the inspiring journey of women – engineers, scientists, innovators, experts, leaders, and mentors – who push boundaries, ignite change, and redefine what’s possible. Across boardrooms, production sites, laboratories, offices, and homes, the 5,268 women of 61 nationalities at ANDRITZ drive our industry forward with vision, expertise, and relentless dedication. Empowering women isn’t just a chapter in our story. It’s the foundation of our future 🌱. That’s why we are actively increasing female representation, creating space for women to lead, innovate, and make an impact where it matters most. We honor the resilience, courage, and limitless potential of women everywhere. This commitment aligns with our company’s purpose “Creating Growth That Matters”, ensuring that inclusion and empowerment fuel meaningful progress for all. Happy International Women’s Day! 🌍✨ #InternationalWomensDay #AndritzWomen #womenempowerment #ForGrowthThatMatters

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    2024 was anything but smooth sailing, with global economic headwinds testing industries worldwide. But despite the challenges, ANDRITZ delivered solid results. 🎥Watch CEO Joachim Schönbeck share the key takeaways from 2024. #ANDRITZ #FinancialResults #Resilience #Innovation #Sustainability #Results #AnnualReport #stockmarket #investors

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