
Die Erste Bank wurde 1819 als „Erste österreichische Spar-Casse“ gegründet und ist heute Teil der Erste Group, einer der führenden Geldinstitutionen in Zentral- und Osteuropa. Als Leitinstitut der österreichischen Sparkassengruppe sind wir mit regionalen Sparkassen eine der größten Bankengruppen des Landes und als Erste Group in den Bankenmärkten von 7 Ländern präsent. So erleben mehr als 16 Mio. Kund:innen, was es heißt vor Ort betreut zu werden. Wir finanzieren Wohnraum für Familien, unterstützen Unternehmer:innen bei der Expansion oder Gründer:innen beim ersten Schritt in die Selbständigkeit. #glaubandich Eine Karriere, die Sie weiterbringt, und eine Aufgabe mit Verantwortung. In einer Welt im Wandel braucht es Orientierung. Tätigkeiten mit einer Perspektive. Aufgaben, die Sinn machen. Und Menschen, die vorausdenken. Bei uns zu arbeiten bedeutet, seine Karriere selbst zu gestalten, Eigenverantwortung zu übernehmen, Risiken abzuwägen und aus Rückschlägen zu lernen. Als Mitarbeiter:in der Erste Bank sind Sie nicht nur im Bankgeschäft tätig. Bei der Erste Bank zu arbeiten bedeutet, Produkte zu schaffen, die ihrer Zeit voraus sind. Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln, die unsere Kund:innen weiterbringen. Märkte zu erkennen, wo andere noch keine sehen. Unser Unternehmen zählt zu den besten Arbeitgebern des Landes. Wir suchen den Ausgleich zwischen Privatleben und Beruf und haben am Erste Campus eine völlig neue Arbeitswelt erschaffen. Nur wenn Mitarbeiter:innen mit Persönlichkeit, Talent und Erfahrung zusammenkommen, werden Spitzenleistungen möglich. Wir glauben, dass Geldverdienen eine tiefere Bedeutung haben muss. Deshalb übertragen wir unseren Mitarbeiter:innen so viel persönliche Verantwortung wie möglich und suchen Menschen, die uns zu dem machen, was wir sind: die modernste Bank Österreichs. Impressum:

10.001+ Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Retail banking, Corporate banking, Capital markets, Public sector, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Interbank business, IT, George und Sales


Beschäftigte von Erste Group Bank AG


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    The GREEN PEAK FESTIVAL at Erste Campus was an inspiring place for collaboration, networking, and action for climate protection and a sustainable future. As a first-time cooperation partner, we were delighted to welcome over 700 guests from business, science, the public sector, and civil society. Our Erste Campus is sustainable down to the last detail: it is powered 100 % by green energy and is connected to the district heating and cooling network of Wien Energie. The latest evaluation showed full compliance with the EU taxonomy. The energy transition and the development of a sustainable future require unprecedented collaboration, innovation, and investment. We see this as an opportunity and are proud to be a pioneer in our region. As one of the first banks in the region, we have joined the global Net-Zero Banking Alliance and are committed to aligning our portfolio to net-zero by 2050 and mobilizing financial resources for climate protection and the energy transition. 📸: Elisabeth Pollak

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    Welcome to the new dual students of Erste Digital! 🎉 We’re so happy to have you on board and can’t wait to see you thrive in this exciting journey of learning and growth! Dual Study Degree Program: 👩💻 Bachelor in Computer Science in 6 semesters 👩🎓 In partnership with Fachhochschule Technikum Wien 🙌 Blending academic knowledge with practical experience One bank. Many career paths. #believeinyourself

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    „Coffee to Grow“ – our internal learning format to get inspired ✨ Our experts Attila Zia, Lead of Target Group Campaigning, and Thomas Kirschner, Team Lead of Customer Acquisition Initiatives, provided fascinating insights into the world of customer growth and the importance of branding. Alongside the expert input and an inspiring Q&A session to round off the event, our colleagues also enjoyed some coffee and croissants. Interested colleagues who could not attend it in-person also had the opportunity to join online. Many thanks again to Attila Zia and Thomas Kirschner for sharing their expert knowledge 🙌 #believeinyourself

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    Let’s Sparkle - a new job brings new adventures! ✨ We warmly welcome our new colleagues, who have started their first day with a highlight: our Sparkle welcoming event. They had breakfast together, and explored Erste Campus.    Special thanks to Carmencita Nader, who shared valuable insights into Social Banking, Zweite Sparkasse, and inspiring words of advice for our new colleagues' journeys. We wish everyone a good start and much success with us!   One bank. Endless opportunities to make a difference. #believeinyourself

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    “Moment of Truth” – the theme for this year’s European Forum Alpbach 2024 – reflects the pivotal political changes 2024 is gearing up to witness. Around 4 billion people across the globe are set to vote in elections this year, among others in the EU and Erste Core markets.  As Main Partner of the European Forum Alpbach 2024, we want to make a contribution to ensuring that we as a society find the right answers to the challenges of our time.   Further information on our engagement at the EFA 2024 ▶ #believeineurope #momentoftruth

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    Discovering the power of embracing new challenges 🙌 In our latest summer edition of DigiTALES, we were thrilled to welcome Dr. Joanna Niedzwiedz, our Head of IT Portfolio Management at Erste Bank. Joanna’s motto is clear: “There’s nothing to lose from trying out new things – only benefits!” She encouraged us to step beyond our comfort zones, as we always regret the things we did not do, not the things that we did. Joanna pursues an authentic leadership style and accompanies each individual team member’s journey by focusing on direct communication and growth. From her positive approach towards changes we collected following takeaways: ✨ Don’t narrow your areas of interests too much – the more open and curious you are, the more opportunities are waiting for you! ✨ Expand your network and surround yourself with people who help you reflect on your current situation and goals. They will share experiences and inspire you to recognize opportunities and take the next step. The DigiTALES events organised by our Women in IT network bring our colleagues together and create an inspiring environment that enables growth and connection. One bank. Endless opportunities to make a difference.  #believeinyourself

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    10 years erste women’s hub🎉 Our women’s network was founded with the mission of empowering women on their career paths. While much has been accomplished, the core objective remains unchanged: to foster a work environment that ensures equal opportunities for everyone, promotes the growth of women, and provides them with the space to shape their careers. Moving forward, we will be even more inclusive of women of all generations. And warmly invite our male colleagues to join us as supporters of our women’s network. #believeinyourself 

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