Precinct planning is a long game and when done well, they drive economic growth, create jobs, and support liveable, sustainable communities. At the recent Property Council NSW Precincts Outlook event, our own Chris Bain, Director – Strategic Planning at Ethos Urban, joined the panel to explore how strategic planning is crucial to the future success of precincts. With his experience on precincts like Waterloo and Central Station, Chris shared his insights on the importance of understanding a precinct’s role and intent from the outset, creating vibrant public spaces, delivering community dividends and need for flexibility in the planning framework. Well done, Chris, for sharing your expertise! 👏
It was a pleasure to be able to join the stage with a panel of my peers as part of the Property Council of Australia NSW Precincts Outlook in Sydney last week. Having worked on them for the better part of 20 years, I’ve come to appreciate that each precinct is unique in its own way. Having said that, here are a few pointers I’ve picked up along the way in terms of transferable principles that underpin planning for the success of pretty much all precincts: ▶️ Know the place: know the place inside and out, including its existing and future community ▶️ Community dividend: deliver benefit to the local community, be it a greater amount and choice of homes or jobs, or new social infrastructure such as parks ▶️ Public space: well located, well designed and useable public space is a great anchor for precincts ▶️ Feasibility: while the best of intentions are admirable, the bottom line is that the precinct must work financially ▶️ Performance based planning: lock in a few key non-negotiables, but then let the planning system enable evolution and design innovation through a flexible, performance based planning framework ▶️ Trade-offs: the final and perhaps most important principle is that like everything in life, you can’t have perfection – focus on what’s really important, and be willing to make considered trade-offs on other matters. Thank you to my fellow panel members Nicholas Wolff, Anita Mitchell, Alex Belcastro and Alice Drew GAICD for the great discussion on the day. Planning for the future of precincts can be a long game, but is always an exciting and challenging one Ethos Urban Colliers