⚙️ Cirkularnost u mašinskoj industriji tema je Design Thinking radionice koju smo implementirali u sklopu projekta Plan-C Moving PLastics and mAchine iNdustry towards Circularity.
Projekat je dio Interreg Danube Region Programme, a cilj mu je promocija inovacija, reciklaže, ponovne upotrebei reparacije, razvijajući prototipe proizvoda i mašinskih rješenja za održivu budućnost.
Šta se dešava sa mašinom kada ona više nije funkcionalna, kako se pojedini dijelovi mašina mogu ponovno koristiti za druge namjene, koliko je servis značajan u životnom vijeku mašine te koji su to materijali koji osiguravaju ekonomičan proces reciklaže samo su neka od pitanja na koje smo pokušali dati odgovor i ponuditi inovativni koncept za cirkularna rješenja.
Cilj cirkularnosti u mašinskoj industriji je da se proizvodi ne bacaju već da se popravljaju, ponovno koriste i recikliraju. Na taj način štitimo resurse planete, smanjujemo emisije CO2 i pravimo održive ekonomske modele.
Više o projektu na: https://lnkd.in/dHTi6YRu
⚙️ Circularity in the Machine Industry was the theme of the Design Thinking workshop we implemented as part of the Plan-C Moving PLastics and mAchine iNdustry towards Circularity project.
The project is part of the Interreg Danube Region Programme aiming to promote innovation, recycling, reuse, and repair by developing prototypes of products and machinery solutions for a sustainable future.
What happens to a machine when it is no longer functional? How can certain machine parts be reused for other purposes? How significant is servicing in the lifespan of a machine? And which materials ensure an economical recycling process? - These are just some of the questions we addressed by offering an innovative concept for circular solutions.
The goal of circularity in the machine industry is to prevent products from being discarded by focusing on repair, reuse, and recycling. This approach protects the planet's resources, reduces CO2 emissions, and creates sustainable economic models.
Learn more about the project at: https://lnkd.in/dHTi6YRu
#PlanC #circulareconomy #interreg #Danube #machineindustry #industry4.0