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Built by Nature

Built by Nature

Philanthropic Fundraising Services

Built by Nature’s mission is to accelerate the timber building transformation.

About us

Built by Nature is a network and accelerator fund set up by Laudes Foundation to accelerate the timber building transformation in Europe. Our vision is for our built environment to work in unison with nature, and our mission is to lead a global transformation of the built environment by mainstreaming the use of biobased materials. We do this by supercharging the timber building ecosystem through the Built by Nature network and Accelerator Fund, connecting leading frontrunners, enabling them to unleash their innovation power and put in place empowering policies, and amplifying inspiring stories of ground-breaking timber projects and solutions.

Philanthropic Fundraising Services
Company size
11-50 employees
Network, Timber, Building, Built Environment, Construction, Innovation, and Design


Employees at Built by Nature


  • ❓ What do we mean by "better buildings"? In this article, Built by Nature CEO Paul King unpacks the important characteristics and criteria that deliver benefits for climate, nature and people. Today is World Wood Day https://lnkd.in/gnGkxuBA and the International Day of Forests https://lnkd.in/g6rse4Us and today, according to Paul, we continue to promote the power of timber to "transform our buildings into ones that are simply better." At the end of the article, you'll read some exciting news about how Built by Nature is poised to recognise, celebrate, and promote timber buildings from around the world which demonstrate the Principles for Responsible Timber Construction in real-life applications. https://lnkd.in/gyZsNQZd. Stay tuned... there's much more to follow! #timberconstruction #betterbuildings #biobasedbuildings

  • Congratulations to the team at CircuLaw, winner of the Circular Award 2025! In November 2022, Built by Nature proudly announced a €250,000 grant for the creation of an online legal resource for policymakers and civil servants in the Netherlands to navigate the regulatory landscape around timber construction. The CircuLaw digital platform has come a long way in identifying and promoting the possibilities within existing laws and regulations to accelerate the timber transition as part of a shift towards a circular economy, and we're delighted that CircuLaw is gaining attention and recognition. The original funding announcement can be found here https://lnkd.in/gyzkXSia, and in the meantime, please join is extending well-deserved kudos to Dark Matter Labs, the City of Amsterdam and all those dedicated individuals tagged below! #circulareconomy #timbertransition #constructionregulations

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    Big News!! 🥁 🥁 CircuLaw is uitgeroepen tot winnaar van de Circular Award Public 2025. De prijs werd toegekend tijdens de Nationale Conferentie Circulaire Economie, één van de hoogtepunten van de Week van de Circulaire Economie. De Circular Awards worden jaarlijks uitgereikt aan initiatieven die een bijzondere bijdrage leveren aan de circulaire economie in Nederland. Een jury van experts selecteerde de finalisten, waarna het publiek tijdens de conferentie kon stemmen op hun favoriet.   Arjan Hassing, mede-oprichter CircuLaw: “Fantastisch dat het publiek CircuLaw als winnaar heeft gekozen! Deze erkenning is een enorme steun in de rug en bevestigt de kracht van ons platform. We zijn ontzettend dankbaar voor de steun van onze partners, die de afgelopen jaren hebben bijgedragen aan de ontwikkeling van CircuLaw tot wat het nu is. We hopen dat deze award nog meer overheden inspireert om CircuLaw te ontdekken en actief te gebruiken. Wanneer overheden samen de juiste regels stellen, versterken we de positie van circulaire bedrijven in de markt en versnellen we de transitie!”. Gemeente Amsterdam Dark Matter Labs Built by Nature Week van de Circulaire Economie #circulair #beleid #wetgeving Andrea Vos 🦊 Yvonne de Meij van Streefkerk Arjan Hassing Eveline Bakker Fanauw Hoppe Timon Tlomaczewski Theo Campbell Gurden Batra Yarden Sela Anahat Kaur Romy Snijders Karianne Kraaijestein Francesca Palazzin Marlies Weyergang Lilian Leermakers, Joost Beunderman, Fenne, Jan, Ellen, Nienke, Jojanneke, Annemarie and many more

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  • 📣BIG NEWS for Built by Nature out of Germany! Continuing our growth and geographic expansion in Europe, we proudly announce the launch of Built by Nature Germany – a network of industry leaders committed to realising the high potential and demand for timber and biobased construction materials while transforming the country’s built environment sector toward decarbonisation and sustainability.   Coordinated by Bauhaus Earth and supported by grant funding from Built by Nature, the launch project establishes a robust national industry network to increase demand, foster knowledge development and exchange, and showcase exemplary projects in timber and biobased construction.   ❗ It's worth pointing out that Germany is the largest market for construction materials in Europe (25% of all demand) -- representing huge potential -- and that the launch of this national network builds upon an analysis of the state of timber and biobased construction in Germany commissioned by BbN and carried out by Bauhaus Earth in 2024. The network is also supported by the BbN-funded work of the sustainability and construction consultancy BuildSystems, investigating the potential for a knowledge platform centred around the regulatory initiative for simple and experimental construction in Germany, known as Gebäudetyp-E. Built by Nature CEO Paul King says, “Built by Nature Germany represents our fifth national network in Europe. Building on the insights gained from investors, developers, designers and others active in our networks in the UK, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands – our Frontrunners in Germany will identify opportunities to innovate and overcome industry barriers, and help inform public policy that can help accelerate the demand for timber and biobased materials in construction ...A significant shift in Germany's demand can help bring about a tipping point across the continent, moving biobased materials onto a level playing field with traditional materials." Belinda Rukschcio, Bauhaus Earth Co-CEO, says “This network is in a pivotal position for advancing sustainable practices by driving timber and biobased materials. As a research institution and Think-and-Make-Tank, Bauhaus Erde will bring together key stakeholders from many fields to establish a multi-sector network."   The network will prioritise multi-storey timber construction, biobased housing affordability, and critical knowledge gaps, with activities comprising regular meetings and exchanges to refine understanding of barriers, formulate actionable solutions and develop and implement three working group action plans: policy, technical solutions, and research. 👏 You'll find more details in the full announcement, and please join us in welcoming our German colleagues who are creating a built environment in harmony with nature! #GermanNetwork #timberconstruction #biobasedmaterials #sustainableconstruction

  • 📣Exciting News from Built by Nature! Announcing our first grant project beyond Europe… a significant step toward building a sustainable, biobased construction network in East Africa. In collaboration with the Climate Smart Forest Economy Program (CSFEP), this important initiative seeks to support a regenerative forest economy and biobased construction in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania -- aiming to strengthen the local timber value chain and pilot innovative solutions that will formalise a regional forest-to-frame economy. Critical to the project's success is working in partnership with a diverse coalition—foresters, manufacturers, government bodies, industry players, and local communities— to address barriers and unlock opportunities across the entire value chain, and by focusing on sustainable forestry practices as articulated by the Principles for Responsible Timber Construction https://lnkd.in/gyZsNQZd. Paul King, CEO of Built by Nature observes that with 80% of future global construction projected to happen in the Global South, East Africa is a key region for creating scalable, sustainable change: "However, the complexities of timber sourcing and differences in how the industry is structured demand a tailored, learning-based approach. This partnership will combine the established network of the CSFEP with the best-practice knowledge of BbN for the benefit of the climate, nature and local communities.” Bongiwe Shongwe, East Africa Program Manager at CSFEP said, "This regional coalition will help to develop a local forest product industry that funds sustainable forest management, strengthens local economies, and maximises climate mitigation and adaptation.” Built by Nature sees this collaboration as a vital learning opportunity as it incorporates CSFEP’s deep local knowledge with our European networks’ experience and insights to create a model that can be replicated across other regions. Read on for the full details about this exciting partnership project. #BiobasedConstruction #EastAfrica #ClimateAction #RegenerativeEconomy

  • Built by Nature is sharing today's post from our European Network Lead Joe Giddings, providing his reflections on last week's Forum Bois Construction event in Paris. In addition to his comprehensive commentary on the substance of the conference below, Joe offers this observation on the dynamics between innovation and regulation: "Government regulations always play catch-up to innovation in the private sector, and we're seeing this play out in the construction sector in countries around the world. New regulations often appear, at first glance, more onerous for frontrunning companies seeking to innovate. This is the case today for timber and biobased materials in France, as the Government is catching up with a construction sector that has seemingly jumped ahead in efforts to decarbonise." Another observation: Forum Bois is a good example of Built by Nature providing a platform for the dissemination and advancement of new knowledge and solutions, in this case around fire safety and regulations: It was during a BbN-moderated discussion, led by our Knowledge and Innovation Lead Mona Menadi, that the French government representative Jean-Michel SERVANT provided a detailed presentation on substantial revisions to their building regulations. #timberconstruction #biobasedmaterials #buildingregulations

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    Networks | Built Environment | Climate Change Mitigation | Architecture

    Wood conferences hit different in France!! Last week I attended the Forum Bois Construction at the Grand Palais in Paris, and let me tell you, the Republic is not wasting any time! Here's a few things I learnt: 🔵 🔥 The French Government is adapting fire regulations for timber construction. Friday, they announced changes to building regulations that bring in enhanced protections, recognising the need to reconcile the fundamental goals of people's safety and climate change mitigation. Look out for new rules around building heights, sprinklers, encapsulation and non combustible zones on facades! 🥼 🧪 To back this up, the Government is investing in major fire safety research and testing programmes for timber. Fabienne Robert from CERIB is leading one of these, the SAFETI project, cofunded by Built by Nature and ADEME (the French Agency for Ecological Transition - a public body that works to fight climate change) 🌍 🔥 Zooming out, fire safety regulations for timber buildings are advancing rapidly worldwide. Daniel Brandon from Halliwell Fire Research, Joachim Schmid from Ignis - Fire Design Consulting, and Luke Bisby from The University of Edinburgh highlighted changing regulations in Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, USA, UK & New Zealand. Governments are catching up in response to rapidly evolving biobased construction techniques, spearheaded by timber, being adopted as the construction industry responds to climate change. 🪴Straw, hemp and earth are a big part of the picture too! I was impressed by Nuno Florêncio at a+ samueldelmas architectes urbanistes, who are completing construction of a new school in Châtenay for 570 pupils using a combination of rammed earth and timber. Check it out! 🌲 🌲 🌲 What about forests? Climate change is driving the spread of pests and wildfires, as warmer temperatures spread north. Forests across France are suffering. This is going to heavily impact the type of wood that are available. Can we adapt fast enough? Thanks to my conference pals... Mona Menadi Ben Walker Cécile Dap Steven WARE Andrew Waugh Julia Knaak

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  • A quick video recap from Built by Nature CEO Paul King, who attended last week's Build for Biodiversity summit in Copenhagen: highlighting the need to design for biodiversity on-site, but also to look upstream for impacts and thinking about where our building materials come from. Paul concludes with what he sees as the opportunities for Denmark in biobased materials... given the amount of agricultural land in the country. #timberconstruction #biobasedmaterials #biodiversity

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    Gik du glip af Paul King, CEO hos Built by Nature, på Build for Biodiversity? Så får du et lille recap fra ham herunder! Han talte blandt andet om påvirkningerne på biodiversitet og hvordan vi kan bygge i samklang med naturen. I videoen fortæller han også lidt om sin oplevelse i København og syn på bæredygtighed og biobaserede materialer i Danmark.

  • Encouraging news from the UK Government: New, ambitious plans to increase the use of timber in construction to boost the domestic timber industry, economic growth, rural jobs and housebuilding targets, were announced yesterday by Environment Minister Mary Creagh CBE MP at the Timber in Construction (TiC) Summit in London. Built by Nature is inspired to see the UK government's renewed commitment to sustainable construction through the Timber in Construction Roadmap -- an initiative to help realise the goal of 1.5 million new, affordable homes while emphasising the pivotal role of timber in reducing the built environment's carbon footprint. By promoting the use of sustainable, low-carbon building materials and modern construction methods, this roadmap paves the way for a regenerative economy and the creation of green jobs in the forestry and timber sectors. We look forward to collaborating with government, industry partners and our own Network and Frontrunners to turn these possibilities into a new reality. #timberconstruction #decarbonisation #sustainableconstruction #housingtargets

  • Great media coverage in leading Danish construction industry publication Dagens Byggeri on Built by Nature CEO Paul King's information session on Tuesday with Frontrunners Arup at their offices in Copenhagen. Paul was in Denmark to explore some of the country's groundbreaking solutions in regenerative construction and to promote the Principles for Responsible Timber Construction https//https://lnkd.in/gyZsNQZd while continuing to advocate for the BbN vision of a built environment in harmony with nature. At Arup, Paul described both the opportunities and challenges facing more sustainable construction – especially as they relate to the role of wood and other bio-based materials – as the future is becoming increasingly hybrid. This combination of conventional materials such as concrete, glass and steel with sustainable wood and other innovative, biobased materials such as hemp, algae and seaweed will be based on an a comprehensive understanding of the total environmental impacts of all materials – from raw material extraction and production to emissions on the construction site itself. You'll find the full article below (in Danish). #biobasedmaterials #hybridconstruction #decarbonisation

  • ❗ It's not too late to register for the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products 9th annual Healthy Buildings Conference and Expo (Wednesday 26th February 2025 at the Human Rights Action Centre in London). Tomorrow, Built by Nature UK Networks Lead Anna Lisa McSweeney will be introducing the mass timber buildings session at 12:00, giving an overview of Built by Nature, our mission, and the Principles for Responsible Timber Construction https://lnkd.in/gHxtVaJN, as well some of the BbN-funded solutions including the IMPACTT project and Measuring Mass Timber.   At 16:20 Anna Lisa will be a panelist during the Biogenic Carbon and Regenerative Design session, alongside Louise Townsend FRSA, Woodknowledge Wales, and Jonathan Fashanu from Dash House group -- discussing regenerative design as a mindset shift. Full details below! #masstimberconstruction #regenerativedesign #responsibletimber

  • 📣 Check out this latest addition to the Built by Nature Knowledge Hub: A new report from #SustainablePublicAffairs, co-funded by Built by Nature and #SustainableFoundations VZW, underscores the crucial role of natural, biobased building materials in achieving the EU’s climate goals while unlocking economic opportunities for bioeconomy and rural development. The report, "Understanding and Engaging with the EU Policy Landscape for Natural Building Materials", highlights key policy opportunities to accelerate the uptake of materials such as timber across Europe’s construction sector. The insights presented in the report were derived from an analysis of the EU policy landscape as of January 2025, augmented by a series of anonymised interviews conducted with researchers, experts from civil society organisations and think tanks, trade associations and EU institutions. Key recommendations from the report include: 👉 Fostering EU policies to enable responsibly sourced NBMs through sustainable land use and cultivation policies, and stronger localised supply chains. 👉 Creating EU policy incentives to boost demand for NBMs via investment in skills, demonstration projects, trust-building, and regulatory harmonisation. 👉Building a stronger NBM ecosystem by uniting stakeholders across the value chain to advocate for NBMs at the EU level. “Natural building materials must be part of the solution to decarbonise how we build, to achieve a built environment in harmony with nature,” according to Paul King, CEO of Built by Nature. “We work with networks of frontrunner organisations across Europe that use local resources responsibly. They are contributing to the transition of the construction sector and helping to create economic opportunities for rural areas. As concluded by this report, EU policy can work as an enabler to natural building materials, including timber, by creating incentives that foster sustainable supply and demand across the value chain.” “A fundamental shift in the way we build is needed for the EU to meet its climate targets,” said Henry Kaeding from #SustainablePublicAffairs. “This report shows that EU policy can unlock the potential of natural building materials, ensuring they are at the heart of the EU’s construction and bioeconomy policy." The report comes at a pivotal moment as the EU enters a new policy cycle (2024-2029) with a strong focus on boosting sustainable and affordable housing. Built by Nature urges policymakers to prioritise natural biobased materials as part of a holistic approach to decarbonising construction while revitalising rural economies. #decarbonisation #biobasedconstruction #EUpolicy #bioeconomy

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