
FIEC aisbl speaks for small, medium & large construction firms of its 32 national member federations in 27 EU countries.

About us

Created in 1905, FIEC (aisbl) is the European Construction Industry Federation, representing via its 32 national member federations in 27 countries (24 EU & Norway, Switzerland and Ukraine) construction enterprises of all sizes, i.e. small and medium-sized enterprises as well as “global players”, carrying out all forms of building and civil engineering activities.

Company size
2-10 employees
Innovation, Infrastructure, Construction 4.0, Environment, EU Affairs, EU Green Deal, Health & Safety, Public Procurement, Circular Economy, and Pact for Skills


Employees at FIEC EU


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    🆕📽 FIEC VIDEO OF THE MONTH is now out! Watch and share 👉 In this video, short interviews with:  - Niko Demeester (Embuild.Brussels Chief Executive Officer) - Nina Kreutzman (European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW)) - Philippe Moseley (European Commission, DG GROW - Team Leader) - Benoît Chauvin (President of EIC - European International Contractors) - Maria-Angeles Asenjo (FIEC EU Vice-President) 🎤 We heard some reactions to our #Construction #Manifesto - #EU Term 2024-2029 and recorded some first statements released by a few colleagues and experts who provided their preliminary feedback on the impact of the 🔟 key messages by FIEC EU and EIC - European International Contractors calling on actions to be taken to keep on "Building a resilient and sustainable Europe together". The importance - and the need - to talk about the Manifesto is crucial to spread the sector's asks addressed to the new Members of the European Parliament as well as the other EU institutions and policy-makers. Manifesto 🌐

    Some reactions to the joint FIEC and EIC "Construction Manifesto for Action - EU Term 2024-2029"

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    Elevating #Ireland: The vital role of #Construction in #building #sustainable #Growth! 📢 Check out the latest updates on the ANNUAL CONFERENCE of our Irish member Construction Industry Federation (CIF) that will be held on 2️⃣ 4️⃣  September in #Dublin. The online event agenda continues to evolve with new industry leaders joining CIF's speaker lineup. AGENDA + info and all details on how to register and attend the event are available at this link 👉 The invited experts will be sharing their #knowledge and insights at the conference and offering their perspectives on crucial industry topics. Discussions will cover a broad spectrum of key issues and trends in the sector. Here is a non-exhaustive snapshot of what you can look forward to: - Government initiatives to support #economy, industry and development - #EnergyEfficiency#Innovations in low carbon utilities and #infrastructure. - Planning System Improvements: Streamlining processes for better #housing and infrastructure delivery. - #Education and #Training: Increasing pathways into the construction industry and fostering a diverse #workforce. - Sustainable Construction Practices: Exploring the latest techniques and #technologies shaping the future.

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    We are proud to report about the wide success of the initiative launched by one of our two Romanian member federations, FPSC-FEDERATIA PATRONATELOR SOCIETATILOR DIN CONSTRUCTII ROMANIA, the other one being ARACO. 👏 14 September: #Romania celebrated the National Construction Day "La Multi Ani!" 👷♂️🏗👷♀️ It is a pleasure to see how FPSC recognised the role and contribution of the people making a difference for the construction industry, and those who have been committing to the sector on a daily basis. ❗ Have a look at this published list of 'Who is Who-Who does What' as 'recognised people' of this 2024 edition - Among the other, FIEC President Piero Petrucco and DG Domenico Campogrande 👉 FIEC EU President Piero Petrucco and Director-General Domenico Campogrande, seized this unique opportunity to share their messages on this key initiative.   "In order to be representative and efficient, a European organisation needs the active participation of its affiliates. At FIEC, we therefore welcome the dedication shown by our Romanian member federations. I am convinced that this will even be reinforced now that in the current mandate Romania has a seat in the FIEC Steering Committee." - stated President Petrucco in his wish for a "Happy National Construction Day 2024". Full statements on FIEC website: A DIVE INTO HISTORY- DID YOU KNOW THAT...? Since 2018, the date of 14 September has been a officially dedicated to the celebration of the #construction #industry by Law No. 350, which established this important recurrence as a recognition of the vital role that - construction #teams, from unskilled #workers to #engineers - play in developing the #economy and contributing to Romania's GDP. The chosen date also holds historical significance and is a milestone in the activity and consciousness of Romanian builders, as it marks the day, back in 1895, when the Danube #Bridge at Fetești-Cernavodă - a landmark #project in Europe at that time - was inaugurated in the presence of the King of Romania and the exceptional engineer Anghel Saligny.


    organizatie din sectorul constructii care are reprezentativitate recunoscuta de Tribunalul Bucuresti conf. Legii dialogului social nr. 62/2011, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare

    Marcel CIOLACU, PRIM-MINISTRUL ROMÂNIEI, președinte Partidul Social Democrat ne urează La Mulți Ani de ZIUA CONSTRUCTORULUI: Marcarea Zilei Naționale a Constructorului reprezintă un gest de firească recunoaștere a importanței unui sector devenit pilon strategic pentru dezvoltarea țării, prin volumul de investiții pe care le atrage și prin contribuția în creștere la PIB-ul economiei românești. Din poziția de prim-ministru, dar și ca simplu cetățean al acestei țări, nu pot decât să mă bucur văzând numărul în creștere al șantierelor de construcții, în toate zonele de infrastructură, mai ales că vorbim și despre capacitatea de care dau dovadă constructorii români de a lucra la nivelul de exigență al celor mai noi standarde în domeniu și de a-și asuma finalizarea la termen a unor obiective uneori extrem de complexe. V-am transmis și cu alte ocazii, ori de câte ori am avut prilejul de a interacționa cu reprezentanți ai acestui sector, faptul că sunt mândru de tot ceea ce ați reușit în ultimul timp, spulberând practic prejudecățile celor care susțineau că firmele românești nu ar fi capabile să construiască autostrăzi, școli, spitale, stadioane sau alte infrastructuri de utilitate publică. Iată că ați dovedit că se poate! Și, foarte important, prin această implicare ați reușit să contribuiți cu 8% la PIB-ul anual al României, o pondere care a crescut de la an la an, ceea ce a făcut ca acest sector al construcțiilor să se transforme treptat într-un veritabil motor al economiei românești. Avem la ora actuală un ritm fără precedent al investițiilor, iar în ultimii doi ani România a avut, pentru prima oară în ultimii 30 de ani, o creștere economică bazată pe investiții, iar lucrul acesta se datorează în mare parte sectorului construcțiilor. Avem perspective reale de a continua în ritmul acesta prin marile obiective de investiții incluse în Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență și prin alte programe de finanțare nerambursabile, orientate spre dezvoltarea și modernizarea rețelei naționale de infrastructură rutieră și feroviară, eficientizarea energetică a clădirilor și consolidare seismică – lucrări care țin de sectorul construcțiilor și pe care Guvernul este ferm angajat să le susțină asigurând cofinanțările de care este nevoie de la bugetul de stat. Provocarea este să atragem și să folosim transparent și eficient finanțarea pe care România o are alocată în exercițiul financiar european actual și prin PNRR. Vă invităm să citiți restul articolului aici:

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    Last Saturday 14 September, on the occasion of the "National #Construction Day", one of our two Romanian federations FPSC-FEDERATIA PATRONATELOR SOCIETATILOR DIN CONSTRUCTII ROMANIA - the other one being ARACO - turned their attention to an important recurrence for the sector: decision makers from specialised universities, representatives, confederations, trade unions, professional associations and central and local public authorities publicly expressed their appreciation for the activity of the builders and the people working in #construction. Messages of support, gratitude and recognition have been received and collected. FIEC EU President Piero Petrucco and Director-General Domenico Campogrande were honoured to wish HAPPY NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION DAY and dedicate an article on the last FIEC Newsletter. You can read it also online on our Website, together with the full quotes addressed by Mr Petrucco and Mr Campogrande to celebrate this important initiative and recognise the importance of contruction for the economy and society. Visit this page 👉 FPSC in the press - read this full news story in Romanian language: 👉

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    FIEC EU is onboard and will join the Forum! 🔔 Save the Date 1️⃣3️⃣ November 2024, Warsaw 👇

    👤Lev Partskhaladze, President of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine, will moderate the Recovery Construction Forum 3.0, which will take place on November 13, 2024 in Warsaw, Poland. He will moderate an open dialogue with government officials. 💬"We must quickly rebuild Ukraine and make it better than before. Therefore, it is already necessary to work on the development of typical projects of social facilities: educational institutions, hospitals, etc. We need to create jobs, attract investments, develop better recovery practices," Lev Partskhaladze notes. We will talk about this and other themes during the Recovery Construction Forum 3.0. Recovery Construction Forum 3.0 will become a platform for further communication between the construction industries of partner countries to accelerate the reconstruction of Ukraine. 👉We suggest you to make acquaintance with the program via the link: Join the communication between the construction industries of the partner countries to accelerate the reconstruction of Ukraine. Organizers: Confederation of Builders of Ukraine, Premier Expo Ukraine Supported by: European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC EU ) WE WILL WIN AND REBUILD EVERYTHING! 💪 TOGETHER TO VICTORY!  GLORY TO UKRAINE! 💙💛

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    🎥 "Energie, climat - L'Europe au Diapason" : l'importance de la mobilisation de l'ensemble des acteurs de la filière au niveau européen dans l'objectif de décarbonation 🏗️ Revivez la première table ronde de l'Espace Filière d'#INTERMATParis 2024 ! Avec pour invités : Domenico Campogrande - directeur général de la Fédération de l’Industrie Européenne de la Construction (FIEC EU ) - Belgique, Riccardo Viaggi - secrétaire général du CECE , Michel Petit-Jean - secrétaire général de l'ERA ( ERA - European Rental Association ) et Flora Ghebali - fondatrice de coalition et candidate aux élections européennes sous la bannière "Europe Ecologie les Verts". ▶️ ____ 🎥 ‘Energy, climate - Europe in tune’: the importance of mobilising all players in the sector at European level to achieve the decarbonisation objective 🏗️ Relive the first round table of the Espace Filière at INTERMAT Paris 2024! Invited guests: Domenico CAMPOGRANDE - Director General of the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) - Belgium, Riccardo Viaggi - Secretary General of the CECE, Michel Petit-Jean - Secretary General of the ERA (European Rental Association) and Flora Ghebali - founder of the coalition and candidate in the European elections under the ‘Europe Ecologie les Verts’ banner. ▶️ #INTERMAT #Conference #LowCarbon #Décarbonation #Construction

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    FIEC EU President, Piero Petrucco, intervened in the #EU Roundtable on Climate Resilience hosted by the European Commission. An “Excellent conversation with stakeholders on #climate #risk management. Lots of food for thought for the work on climate adaptation and #preparedness in the next 5 years. The climate conditions will become ever harsher, but together we have a chance to do something about it.” - said Wopke Hoekstra, EU Commissioner for Climate Action.

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    Key initiative by our 🇩🇪 member, Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie , to support ♀️👷♀️ #women in #Construction and much more. #Frauenetzbau 👇

    ❓ Was bewegt den Bau?  ❓ Wie schaffen es Frauen 👷♀️, die gläserne Decke zu durchbrechen und was kann die Politik dazu beitragen? ❓ Wie kann der enorme Wohnungsbedarf gedeckt werden? Klara #Geywitz, Bundesministerin für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen, und Peter Hübner, Präsident der BAUINDUSTRIE, haben genau über diese Fragen gesprochen. Die BAUINDUSTRIE-Initiative #FrauenNetzwerkBau hatte zum digitalen Lunch-Talk eingeladen – und rund 150 Frauen haben sich dazugeschaltet. Bundesministerin Klara Geywitz betonte, dass Frauenförderung und Vernetzung auch der verstärkten Besetzung von Fach- und Führungspositionen dienten. Vernetzung hieße, sich gegenseitig zu helfen, die Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in der Branche und die Wirksamkeit von Frauen in der Branche zu steigern. Präsident Peter Hübner: „Wir brauchen mehr Austausch untereinander und müssen zeigen, welche Potenziale wir in der Branche haben, um auch für Frauen attraktiver zu werden. Die Erhöhung der Produktivität sollte dabei im Fokus stehen.“ Zudem müsse die öffentliche Hand durch einfache Prozesse und weniger Bürokratie den Spielraum geben, die von ihr gestellten Ziele umzusetzen. Interessiert? Werden Sie Mitglied unseres FrauenNetzwerks-Bau und melden Sie sich hier anmelden: 👉 #FrauenNetzwerkBau #Baubranche #BAUINDUSTRIE #Frauenförderung

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    Hauptgeschäftsführer Zentralverband Baugewerbe

    Nach der Olympiade und den Paralympics findet vom 10. bis 15. September in Lyon die nächste globale Meisterschaft statt: die worldskills2024, die Meisterschaft der weltbesten Handwerker! Wir drücken allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern die Daumen, unserem Nationalteam Deutsches Baugewerbe ganz besonders. Teilnehmer und Trainer haben sich hervorragend vorbereitet! Kann losgehen; Jungs, haut rein ! Das Deutsche Baugewerbe Bayerische Baugewerbeverbände Bauwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg e.V. Bauwirtschaft Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. Baugewerbeverband Schleswig-Holstein Fachgemeinschaft Bau Berlin und Brandenburg Wolfgang Schubert-Raab Frank Dittmar Thomas Reimann Tobias M. Riffel Laura Lammel Marlen Schlosser Cornelia Höltkemeier Cornelia Rupp-Hafner Iris Rabe Dr. Sebastian Reddemann Sina Rintelmann Prof. Dr. Ralf-Peter Oepen Christian Lindner Henning von Daake Andreas Demharter Thomas Möller Holger Braun Christian Ullrich Rainer von Borstel Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH) WorldSkills Lyon 2024

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    Viel Erfolg 💪Good luck! 👷♂️👷♀️ #NationalteamBaugewerbe in #Lyon for the 47th #WorldSkills Competition #France Follow Das Deutsche Baugewerbe 📌 10-15 September 👇

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    Morgen geht’s los! Unser #NationalteamBaugewerbe ist sicher in Lyon angekommen und mitten in den letzten Vorbereitungen für die Weltmeisterschaften der Berufe. Hier schon mal die ersten Eindrücke unseres Teams 🔥 WorldSkills Lyon 2024 WorldSkills Germany Für 🇩🇪 starten: 💪 Maurer Aaron Masuch (21), Landessieger 2022 Nordrhein-Westfalen 💪 Fliesenleger Robin Liebler (22), Deutscher Meister und Vize-Europameister aus Baden-Württemberg 💪 Stuckateur Franz Lehnert (21), Deutscher Meister aus Bayern 💪 Zimmerer Linus Großhardt (20), aus Baden-Württemberg Beton- und Stahlbetonbauer: 💪 Muhammed Ali Lamain (19), Deutscher Meister aus Baden-Württemberg, und 💪 Louis Ritschel (19), Deutscher Vizemeister aus Bayern Wolfgang Schubert-Raab drückt dem Nationalteam Baugewerbe die Daumen: “Ich bin schon jetzt unglaublich stolz auf diese Mannschaft. Sie alle haben sich nach einem erstklassigen Ausbildungsabschluss bereits in Wettbewerben auf Regional- und Bundesebene oder in internen Ausscheidungswettkämpfen durchgesetzt und zählen zu den besten Bauhandwerkern des Landes. Sie haben sich intensiv auf die Weltmeisterschaft vorbereitet, zusammen mit ihren großartigen Trainerinnen und Trainern, den Betreuern und vielen Unterstützern aus unserer großen Baugewerbe-Familie. Jetzt braucht es noch das nötige Quäntchen Glück für einen fairen Wettkampf. Wir drücken die Daumen: Auf geht´s! Ihr packt das!“ Alle Updates und Infos auf unserer neuen Seite 👉 💯 #TeamGermany #Baugewerbe #EinTeam #UnserTeam Die Teilnahme des Teams bei den internationalen Wettbewerben ist nur mit der großzügigen Unterstützung der Sponsoren möglich: Danke an Würth Deutschland, BRZ Deutschland GmbH, Collomix, Sievert SE, NEVARIS Bausoftware GmbH, an STABILA_Official, an VHV Versicherungen und Zertifizierung Bau

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