Being present at the Journées des Entreprises ECAM Brussels Engineering School? ✅ Learning new people ? ✅ Getting in touch with young potential? ✅ Having fun with colleagues ? ✅ ✅ ✅ #Infrastructure #Bruxelles #Rénovation #Ingénierie #TPFEngineering #BruxellesMobilité Philippe Thibaut Alessandra Pace Ben Taher Nasser Nicolas Muller
About us
TPF Engineering is the Belgian multidisciplinary engineering cluster of the TPF Group. Since its establishment in 1948, the subsidiary has grown on the construction and renovation market of infrastructure, industrial and prestigious buildings both in the secondary and tertiary sector. The maintaining of the ISO9001 certification since 1999 proves its efforts to implement a rigorous work methodology. This applies to the projects on behalf of multinationals as well as SMEs and allows ensuring end-to-end project realisation, from the feasibility study on until the acceptance of the works. Together with its devoted team of project and construction management (ECPM) experts, TPF Engineering accompanies and guides you through your entire projects. Whether your project involves structural engineering, civil engineering, architecture (in collaboration with its architectural office Arcoteam) or technical building services (industrial refrigeration, HVAC, electricity, energy, fluids, data processing, high environmental quality building services, etc), TPF Engineering contributes to the realization of your projects during all project phases from studies, permit applications, tendering until the site works supervision. The perfect symbiosis of the above services allows us to have a perfect project overview and as a result to offer a complete and high-quality service, while ensuring compliance with budget, scheduling and the environment.
- Website
External link for TPF ENGINEERING
- Industry
- Construction
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Forest, Bruxelles
- Type
- Self-Owned
- Founded
- 1948
- Specialties
- Techniques spéciales, Génie Civil, Stabilité, Bâtiment, PEB, BREEAM, and Project Management
Avenue de Haveskercke 46
Forest, Bruxelles 1190, BE
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In Evere verrijst binnenkort Matisse 16, een ambitieus stadsontwikkelingsproject ontworpen door Neutelings Riedijk Architects in samenwerking met AXENT ARCHITECTS. Gelegen nabij een toekomstige metrolijn en strategisch gepositioneerd tussen de luchthaven van Brussel en het stadscentrum, zet dit multifunctionele project in op een vernieuwende mix van wonen, werken en retail. Matisse 16 wil met een vooruitstrevende architectuur en een levendige invulling nieuw elan geven aan de wijk.
Notre projet Goujons, Citygate 1 est en lice pour les Green Solutions Awards 2024/2025, une compétition qui récompense les solutions les plus innovantes et durables dans le domaine du bâtiment. Si, comme nous, vous croyez en des espaces de vie plus écologiques et durables, prenez quelques secondes pour voter et nous aider à porter ce Un grand merci pour votre soutien et votre engagement en faveur d’un avenir plus vert ! 🌿💚 #GreenSolutionsAwards #VoteForGoujons #Citygate1 #SustainableBuilding #GreenFuture
WE NEED YOU ??? Notre projet Goujons, Citygate 1 est sélectionné pour les Green solution Awards 2024/2025. Le prix du public est décerné au plus grand nombre de vote ? Le projet Goujons c’est 35 appartements subsidié Citydev, un centre social d santé implémenté par Solidarimmo et Médecins du monde. Pour voter c’est par ici ; MO ;, Solidarimmo, Médecin du monde, Immo Louis Dewaele. Entrepreneur ; Louis De Waele. Arch ; BAEB Bureau D'Architectes Emmanuel Bouffioux Ing ; TPF, PS2 - Bureau d'études #construction21 #greensolutionawards #architecure #awards #Bruxelles
🚧 Moderniser les infrastructures pour une mobilité urbaine plus sûre et durable ! 🚧 Chez TPF ENGINEERING, nous sommes fiers de contribuer, en partenariat avec Egis Structures, à une mission essentielle pour Bruxelles Mobilité : l’assistance à la maîtrise d’ouvrage pour la création, la rénovation et l’exploitation des tunnels et caniveaux à câbles en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. Le projet GER Louise-Stéphanie mobilise notre expertise pour assurer des infrastructures modernes, sûres et adaptées aux défis de la mobilité urbaine. Mais notre mission ne s’arrête pas là ! Nous réalisons également les inspections de l’ensemble des tunnels de la capitale. À ce jour, nous avons déjà inspecté les tunnels Boileau, Delta, Reyers et Tervueren, contribuant ainsi à la sécurité et à la durabilité du réseau bruxellois. 🎥 Découvrez les coulisses du projet dans ce reportage « Vis ma vie d’Ingénieur qui supervise les tunnels » réalisé par Bruxelles Mobilité ! ⬇️ #MobilitéUrbaine #Infrastructure #Bruxelles #Rénovation #Ingénierie #TPFEngineering #BruxellesMobilité
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🔜 🥳 Vous l’attendiez ? La 3e édition du Stoemp by the Brussels Construction Night est en route et promet déjà d’être mémorable ! 💥Cette année, nouveau traiteur, nouvelles saveurs et toujours la même ambiance chaleureuse. Restez connectés, car la semaine prochaine, nous lançons l’ouverture des inscriptions. Ne manquez pas l’occasion de réseauter avec les acteurs clés du secteur et de partager un moment mémorable. 📆 Bloquez la date du 28 novembre dès maintenant et préparez-vous à vivre une soirée exceptionnelle ! Les détails arrivent très bientôt… 🎥 by Verou Social Networks Encore une fois, merci pour votre soutien pour l'édition de 2024: In Advance sa Buildwise Constructiv FEDERALE Assurance-Verzekering Group S vzw BENOR asbl Echelle de Performance CO₂ Belgique Embuild Plus Lemaire Ingénieurs HOME PERSPECTIVE Van Marcke The Kitchen Company Cegelec Belgium BAM Interbuild bv @design plus TPF ENGINEERING SOCATRA SA ARGEA Tectum Group Eurovia Thomas & Piron Bâtiment Alphaplan Group North America / FloorShaver Bureau d'études Pierre Berger S.A. EDK Alexandre DE CESCO Laurent Schiltz Jean-Christophe Vanderhaegen
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Innovating Brussels: project Matisse 16 to shape a vibrant urban landmark in Evere The Matisse 16 site, Evere, next to a future subway station, between Brussels airport and the city centre, holds great potential for a modern and vibrant multifunctional programme, bringing new energy to the neighbourhood. While surrounding outdated facilities drive companies away to Flanders and the city centre, the new Matisse 16 project will enhance the area with a vibrant mixed-use future proof urban landmark. The project Matisse 16, which includes two buildings with a diverse program, establishes itself as a frontrunner in the transformation of the business district to current standards, creating a lively and dynamic area for its various users. The landscape becomes an important and integral part of the design, with a green, healthy and beautiful environment for the users and visitors of the plot; all while increasing biodiversity, water retention and reducing wind eGects. Want to know more about the project? Go to our website: Design team: Neutelings Riedijk Architects (architectural design), Axent Architects (architectural engineering), Atelier Caneva-s (landscape architecture), Ney & Partners (stability), SOCOTEC (fire-safety), Sweco (acoustics), SuReal (sustainability, building physics), TPF (MEP) #matisse16 #evere #brussels #matisse
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🏆 We are pleased to announce that the project City-Gate I – Goujons has been selected in the “Building” category for the 10th edition of the Green Solutions Awards 2024-2025! The international grand finale is scheduled to take place at COP30 in Belém, Brazil, in November 2025, where the top projects will be honoured at a global ceremony. Organized by the Construction 21 network, this prestigious international competition highlights the best practices in sustainable buildings, districts, and infrastructures, inspiring professionals worldwide to accelerate decarbonization. Being selected is a recognition of our expertise and an incredible opportunity to enhance our visibility and increase brand awareness among our peers. The Goujons project in Brussels (Anderlecht) is part of the vast City-Gate I programme, a large-scale urban renewal initiative spread across three locations. In addition to 35 subsidised housing units, the project includes an Integrated Health and Social Centre (IHSC) covering 1 556 m². This passive horseshoe-shaped building features a rooftop with eight greenhouses and landscaped areas, accessible to all co-owners. Thanks to its high-performance insulation and photovoltaic panels, the building requires minimal energy needs and operates without gas for heating, making it a zero fossil energy building. A multidisciplinary team, including TPF ENGINEERING, BAEB Bureau D'Architectes Emmanuel Bouffioux, Louis De Waele Immo and PS2, was responsible for the design and construction, with TPF Engineering providing structural engineering and technical building services and serving as the EPB advisor. Our team was involved in all stages of the project, from preliminary design to final acceptance, as-built documentation preparation. #News #TPF #Awards #Infrastructure #Brussels #COP #Projects
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Photographic mission at Quartier des Trèfles - Fonds du Logement - Commune Anderlecht Fonds du Logement de la Région de Bruxelles Capitale - Woningfonds van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk G The Quartier durable des Trèfles is a new Fonds du Logement development, offering 461 very low-energy apartments in three housing estates. Located in Anderlecht, this project blends harmoniously into a booming neighborhood with excellent accessibility and all amenities nearby. Îlot Aqua - 156 logementsArchitectes : CERAU et Carnoy-Crayon Entrepreneurs : Louis De Waele et VALENS Acoustique Venac – architecte paysagiste JNC International Limited – Stabilité TPF ENGINEERING Coordinateur sécurité santé bureaups2 PS2
TPF ENGINEERING reposted this
Innovating Brussels: project Matisse 16 to shape a vibrant urban landmark in Evere The Matisse 16 site, Evere, next to a future subway station, between Brussels airport and the city centre, holds great potential for a modern and vibrant multifunctional programme, bringing new energy to the neighbourhood. While surrounding outdated facilities drive companies away to Flanders and the city centre, the new Matisse 16 project will enhance the area with a vibrant mixed-use future proof urban landmark. The project Matisse 16, which includes two buildings with a diverse program, establishes itself as a frontrunner in the transformation of the business district to current standards, creating a lively and dynamic area for its various users. The landscape becomes an important and integral part of the design, with a green, healthy and beautiful environment for the users and visitors of the plot; all while increasing biodiversity, water retention and reducing wind eGects. Want to know more about the project? Go to our website: Design team: Neutelings Riedijk Architects (architectural design), Axent Architects (architectural engineering), Atelier Caneva-s (landscape architecture), Ney & Partners (stability), SOCOTEC (fire-safety), Sweco (acoustics), SuReal (sustainability, building physics), TPF (MEP) #matisse16 #evere #brussels #matisse
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K-Nopy: A Sustainable Masterpiece for the Netherlands Embassy in Brussels! 🌿🏛️ On January 23, 2025, K-Nopy, the brand-new headquarters of the Netherlands Embassy in Belgium and their Permanent Representation to the European Union, was officially inaugurated in the presence of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands! This exceptional project, developed by our Belgian subsidiary, Eaglestone Belgium, marks a major milestone in innovative and sustainable architecture. 🏆 With a BREEAM-Outstanding certification and a record score of 98%, the highest ever achieved in Belgium, K-Nopy embodies our vision of bold, avant-garde real estate, seamlessly blending into its surroundings with creativity, humanity, and modernity at its core. At Eaglestone, we are proud to have contributed to this iconic achievement. K-Nopy opens a new chapter, not just for the Netherlands Embassy but also for sustainable architecture in Europe. 🌍✨ 👏 Congratulations to the Eaglestone Belgium team and our partners for delivering a building that redefines sustainability, innovation, and aesthetics. A true showcase of the future of real estate! Discover more: Photo credit: Dennis Ravays #EaglestoneGroup #DrivenByPassion #KNopy #SustainableRealEstate #Innovation #Creativity #Boldness #Vision #AvantGarde #Humanity #Harmony #Diversity #Modernity