CloudWalk, Inc.

CloudWalk, Inc.

Tecnologia da informação e serviços

São Paulo, São Paulo 39.297 seguidores

We are the next generation payment network

Sobre nós

We are democratizing the payments industry in Brazil, by empowering entrepreneurs through technological, inclusive, and life-changing solutions. Based in Brazil, CloudWalk is a high-end global payment network built on modern technology and proprietary blockchain, focused in bringing a revolution to the payment ecosystem for small and medium-sized businesses. As a unicorn, the company has provided its customers with more than R$ 1 billion in savings by charging fair fees on its transactions and is now present in more than 300.000 businesses across 5.000 brazilian cities. With investors such as the Valor Capital Group, HIVE Ventures and Coatue, the company has already raised US$ 365.5 million in investments and R$3.4 billion in FDICs for anticipation of receivables in its network of financial solutions. In 2022, it was the only brazilian fintech to be featured in the "The Retail Tech 100" ranking by CB Insights, on the "Protection Solutions for Payments and Frauds".

Tecnologia da informação e serviços
Tamanho da empresa
201-500 funcionários
São Paulo, São Paulo
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Payment Services e Blockchain


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    R. Eugênio de Medeiros, 303

    São Paulo, São Paulo 05425-070, BR

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  • 440 N Wolfe Rd

    Sunnyvale, California 94085, US

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Funcionários da CloudWalk, Inc.


  • Ver página da empresa de CloudWalk, Inc., gráfico

    39.297 seguidores

    🏆 A InfinitePay, plataforma de serviços financeiros da CloudWalk, Inc., atingiu a maior nota no ranking da Google Play Store no setor financeiro. Esta conquista reflete o nosso foco em entregar a melhor experiência aos empreendedores brasileiros, os verdadeiros heróis dessa história. Agradecemos a todos os clientes pela confiança e à equipe pelo trabalho que tornou isso possível. #InfinitePay #Fintech #CloudWalk

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  • Ver página da empresa de CloudWalk, Inc., gráfico

    39.297 seguidores

    🎉 Huge congratulations to our CEO, Luis Silva, for completing the OPM program at Harvard! Over three relentless years, Luis has shown that vision, grit, and unwavering determination can break through any boundary. His top 10 leadership insights are as powerful as they are practical, echoing his journey from a humble background to one of the world’s top institutions. Luis, your journey and dedication continue to inspire us every day. Here’s to pushing limits, leading with impact, and building a better future together! 🥂 #Leadership #Harvard

    Ver perfil de Luis Silva, gráfico

    Founder and CEO at CloudWalk InfinitePay | Harvard OPM 62 | Singularity University GSP14 & EP10

    10 Game-Changing Leadership Secrets I Learned at Harvard After grinding through 3 years while running my company CloudWalk, Inc., I finally made it. No college degree. No fancy schools. Just pure grit and determination to graduate at one of the world's most prestigious institutions. Today, I'm sharing the game-changing lessons that transformed my leadership. Not because they're from Harvard—but because they work. A kid from public school made it to Harvard. Here's what I learned: 1 only dead fish go with the current if you are doing something different and your customer pays a lot for it and outsiders don’t understand, it’s their problem, not yours. be opinionated, do it big, do it right, do it with style, do it with passion 2 make your customer hero Customer will always remember how he/she felt when your product changed their lives for better. Select your customers, the most important feature for them, be the best on it, and have the courage to charge for it 3 cash first, profit seconds It’s unbelievable the amount of people that when looking at companies just look at revenue. Don’t be that person, go deep 4 expect great things from your employees and yourself ‘Limit is a barrier created only by the mind’ 5 macro trumps micro so follow what is happening in the world stage and how that it is going to affect your business 6 hope is not strategy. hope is much more than strategy Lead with hope and love, take the shot and enable others to take the shot 7 if your company disappears tomorrow, who will miss it? The answer for that question is your competitive advantage 8 make decent profit, decently 9 improve the society for better 10 take care of yourself, your family and your company. In this order. Celebrate yourself!

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  • Ver página da empresa de CloudWalk, Inc., gráfico

    39.297 seguidores

    🚀 Inovação e conexão: Time de Operações da CloudWalk, Inc. está promovendo esta semana um encontro transformador. Reunimos mais de 100 talentos do nosso time em São Paulo para uma experiência única de colaboração e inovação. O encontro vai além do networking. São diversas palestras e ações realizadas durante o team building, além de um desafiador hackathon focado em IA para potencializar as entregas dos times e uma premiação surpresa. 🏆 O ponto alto até agora foi a participação dos próprios clientes em uma visita ao nosso escritório. Eles compartilharam como a InfinitePay transforma seus negócios diariamente, mostrando como o trabalho feito no dia a dia tem impactado os seus negócios! #TeamBuilding #InfinitePay #Cultura #Inovação #IA

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  • CloudWalk, Inc. compartilhou isso

    Ver perfil de Julio Vasconcellos, gráfico

    Partner at Atlantico - Venture Capital Investor

    "The Case for Venture in Latin America" was the theme of my presentation at this year's LAVCA annual conference in New York. I am sharing the slides here with the hope that they can help VCs, founders, and LPs to make the case for why "LatAm does it best" when it comes to creating world-class technology companies. Please repost and share the love. The pitch is simple, and uses data to refute some of the classic objections we often hear (depicted in the memes in the slides - trust me, it was funnier live): 1. Successful Latin American companies were forged in a challenging business environment; they are stronger and more resilient precisely because they have had to overcome such adversity as tax complexity, high cost of capital, lacking infrastructure, and talent scarcity 2. Companies that win in Latin America historically have won for longer (more resilient market caps) and have also won bigger (higher market share and returns than comparable peers in the US) 3. Tech (globally) shows concentration of returns and value in the winners. When you compound tech (sector) concentration with LatAm (geographic) concentration you magnify the opportunity and results of tech winners in LatAm (or "market dynamics trump market size" as we posit). This has given rise to the Triumphant Three - the triad of LatAm tech companies that are the world's best in what they do: Mercado Libre (commerce+finance+logistics+ads), Nubank (digital bank+financial services), and iFood (food delivery+restaurant ecosystem). (More data on these in Atlantico's annual digital report) 4. We are seeing LatAm companies expand globally, with a number of unicorns showing global traction (Wildlife Studios in gaming, Wellhub in wellness, Hotmart in digital content / creator platform, and CloudWalk, Inc. in payments) 5. Established tried and true paths to liquidity as companies go public in both the US and local stock markets and exit via billion-dollar acquisitions. Latin America has delivered more billion-dollar exits and created more market cap than other emerging economies like India and Southeast Asia despite historically having less than 1/10th the level of venture capital 6. LatAm venture portfolios reflect the tech company success stories outlined above. Over the last decade, LatAm venture funds have significantly outperformed global venture benchmarks (Cambridge Associates, Burgiss) and over-indexed on funds in the global top quintile as well as global top quartile (24% of LatAm funds perform in the global top quintile, and 52% in the global top quartile). If we filter for just DPI (distributed capital), the story also holds (10% in global top quintile and 43% in global top quartile) 7. Investments in venture capital have also outperformed investments in historically high-yielding fixed income (CDI in Brazil), the local stock market, as well as the S&P500. Finally, we go through reasons to remain optimistic in the future. We welcome your questions and comments. Enjoy!

  • CloudWalk, Inc. compartilhou isso

    Ver página da empresa de InfinitePay, gráfico

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    🏆  InfinitePay é destaque no Kwai Ads Awards 2024! Até o caramelo já está comemorando conosco! A InfinitePay, plataforma de serviços financeiros da CloudWalk, Inc., conquistou o primeiro lugar na categoria Collab de Milhões no Kwai Ads Awards, realizado pelo Kwai for Business. O case vencedor? A campanha "Tap da InfinitePay com Joelma" - uma produção inovadora que transformou a artista em empreendedora por um dia, apresentando nossa tecnologia através de um clipe com jingle original.  Os números impressionam: +686 milhões de visualizações do desafio +11,6 milhões de views em vídeos com o filtro da campanha "Conseguimos explicar uma tecnologia nova e pouco conhecida usando uma linguagem simples e direta, por meio de um jingle original que 'gruda na cabeça' e um meme que gerou um engajamento enorme da nossa comunidade", conta Vitória Zeponi Guedes, Head of Content da CloudWalk, Inc.. A premiação aconteceu durante o Kwai for Business Summit 2024, reunindo os principais nomes do marketing digital brasileiro em São Paulo. Veja mais abaixo! #InfinitePay #KwaiAdsAwards #Marketing #Fintech #Inovação #CloudWalk

    InfinitePay é vencedora do Kwai Ads Awards por campanha com Joelma e cachorro Caramelo

    InfinitePay é vencedora do Kwai Ads Awards por campanha com Joelma e cachorro Caramelo

  • Ver página da empresa de CloudWalk, Inc., gráfico

    39.297 seguidores

    Cerca de 60 pessoas do time de Inteligência Artificial da CloudWalk, Inc. voaram para São Paulo na semana passada para seu team building anual, psicodélico e antropofágico. Uma semana louca e intensa, com atividades como: - Palestra sobre a história de São Paulo: desde a era dos descobrimentos, quando navegadores portugueses deixaram suas casas para explorar novos territórios, até a busca pelo El Dorado, a mítica cidade feita de ouro. - Tour a pé pelo centro de São Paulo, uma meca para comerciantes, onde é possível encontrar de tudo: muitos povos, várias realidades sobrepostas, resultado de 500 anos de antropofagia. - Um jantar coletivo no Carlino, o restaurante mais antigo da cidade, fundado em 1881 e exemplo da influência italiana na construção da São Paulo moderna. - Um dia no teatro, dedicado a compartilhar nossas histórias pessoais. Diferentes jornadas, interesses, dores e alegrias unidos em torno do desejo de participar ativamente da construção do futuro. - Uma exploração da indústria de pagamentos: fizemos um empréstimo, escolhemos algo para vender nas ruas da cidade e fomos trabalhar, assim como fazem os usuários da InfinitePay todos os dias. Depois nos reunimos com clientes da CloudWalk para entender como podemos ajudá-los mais efetivamente em sua busca diária pelo El Dorado. - Compartilhamento de conhecimento de forma coletiva: sem estrutura, sem planejamento e sem inspeção, onde diversos tópicos foram discutidos, desde caça com arco até investimento imobiliário. - Para finalizar, uma grande Festa AI, a maior de nossa história. Pessoas de carne e osso e agentes de AI (com presença marcante do Claudio, nosso bot de IA, em várias versões) celebraram juntos em uma festa psicodélica. A fanfarra balcânica, com sua energia carnavalesca caótica, abriu a festa e deu o tom. Veio uma tempestade – que deixou boa parte da cidade sem energia –, mas sobrevivemos e continuamos dançando ao som de cumbia psicodélica e techno francano. O team building da equipe de IA faz parte do nosso caminho rumo ao futuro. A Inteligência Artificial está no coração da CloudWalk, e interagimos com ela de maneira exploratória e antropofágica. Saiba mais em:

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  • Ver página da empresa de CloudWalk, Inc., gráfico

    39.297 seguidores

    Pablo de Mello Leonardo, COO of CloudWalk, Inc., and Thiago Scalone, CTO of CloudWalk, participated in the global event SoftPOS Partner Day | Tapping into the Future, hosted by Mastercard in New York City on this Monday (October 14th). During the panel, Pablo de Mello shared how the company is becoming one of the fastest-growing fintechs worldwide. He also highlighted that InfinitePay, CloudWalk's financial services platform, has already reached 2.5 million customers. The conversation was moderated by Stefany Bello, Head of Digital Partnerships, Fintech & Enablers at Mastercard. "We are grateful to Mastercard, especially Anna Oshchepkova and Perry Barnett, for the invitation. It was a great opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to democratizing access to the most innovative financial services available today. More than just presenting our products, we were able to show how they are positively impacting the lives of millions of entrepreneurs," said Pablo. Scalone, CloudWalk's CTO, emphasized that this growth was only possible thanks to the use of technology, particularly artificial intelligence. He also added: “Creating a secure environment capable of delivering both PIN and PIN-less experiences for our customers was essential to the solution’s growth.”

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  • Ver página da empresa de CloudWalk, Inc., gráfico

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    A InfinitePay, plataforma de serviços financeiros da CloudWalk, Inc., atingiu R$ 1 bilhão em crédito concedido a micro, pequenas e médias empresas no Brasil. Nosso sistema, baseado em IA, analisa mais de 1.200 parâmetros para determinar o score de crédito dos clientes. Os empreendedores podem escolher a frequência de pagamento, com a opção de descontar uma fração das vendas diárias via maquininhas de cartão. Fabricio Costa, Diretor de Serviços Financeiros da CloudWalk, em entrevista ao Valor Econômico, contou como a InfinitePay resolve as principais “dores” dos empreendedores, com taxas de juros mais baixas, recebimento instantâneo e flexibilidade para pagar. "Começamos como uma maquininha, em 2019, mas nos últimos dois anos lançamos conta inteligente, cartão, sistema de gestão de vendas, loja on-line e mais uma série de produtos que formam um ecossistema para os micro e pequenos empreendedores cuidarem dos seus negócios", disse. Leia a reportagem completa: #FinTech #Crédito #Empreendedorismo #CloudWalk

    InfinitePay, da CloudWalk, já emprestou R$ 1 bilhão e quer chegar a R$ 2 bilhões até o fim do ano

    InfinitePay, da CloudWalk, já emprestou R$ 1 bilhão e quer chegar a R$ 2 bilhões até o fim do ano

  • Ver página da empresa de CloudWalk, Inc., gráfico

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    🎙️🤖 Groundbreaking News: CloudWalk Report by AI Podcast Launch! 🚀 We're thrilled to announce the debut of our revolutionary podcast series: CloudWalk Report by AI! 🎉 What makes it truly unique? This podcast is entirely created and narrated by AI! 🦾 In this innovative series, we'll take you on an AI-guided journey through the cutting-edge developments at CloudWalk, exploring how technology, design, storytelling, and philosophy are shaping our future in the fintech world. 🔍 What to expect: - Behind-the-scenes insights - Bold innovations - Our unique company culture - The people driving CloudWalk's success All brought to you through the lens of advanced AI technology! 🎧 Don't miss our first AI-narrated episode: "CloudWalk: Redefining Finance, One Transaction at a Time" Join us as we uncover the stories and ideas that make CloudWalk the exciting, dynamic company it is today. Experience the future of podcasting and fintech innovation in one groundbreaking series! Whether you're a fintech enthusiast, an AI aficionado, or simply interested in the future of finance and technology, this podcast is for you! #CloudWalkAI #AIpodcast #FintechInnovation #TechPodcast #FinancialTechnology #CloudWalkReport #AInarration

    CloudWalk: Redefining Finance, One Transaction at a Time

    CloudWalk: Redefining Finance, One Transaction at a Time

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