Blossom Social reposted this
ETF Fitness 2! Blossom Social 🏋️ Barry's Canada. Last night we brought together finance creators & ETF folks for an evening of finance, fitness, post-workout smoothies and then tacos (of course)! I really love the idea of bringing people together for fun activities without it just needing to be solely around alcohol. I’m planning on keeping these going! It’s a fun way to hang out and build our networks in this industry. We are seeking more ETF people in the space who are into this kind of thing! So let me know if that’s you. For the next one we are looking at an Othership visit 🛸 a Pickleball Game 🏓 or a Midnight Runners run🏃 Thank you Maxwell Nicholson Sarah Banks Natasha Ekaputri Jonathan McGuire Owen Jansen Azia T. Tobin Tang and Joyee Yang for attending and a fun night!