Technologies at ABB are enabling the global transition to a low-carbon society. Here are some of our 2024 headline highlights: ✅ Supplying an innovative hybrid electric propulsion package and extensive design and engineering aid to (Washington State Department of Transportation) Washington State Ferries’ new maritime vessels, to support sustainable transportation through electrification and automation. ✅ Improving the environmental footprint at a world-leading science laboratory, in Switzerland. Upgrading to our high-efficiency digital motors and advanced control tech for cooling and ventilation will enable greener research at high-energy facilities like CERN. ✅ Stabilizing power grids as Spanish islands transition to green energy. Working with Red Eléctrica, our flexible, integrated synchronous condensers ensure existing grids remain reliable and resilient as they integrate more renewable energy sources. Read all about our low-carbon solutions in our Integrated Report 2024: #EngineeredToOutrun
Herstellung von Automatisierungsanlagen
Zurich, ZH 3.651.091 Follower:innen
Helping industries outrun with our leading technologies in electrification and automation.
ABB ist ein führendes Technologieunternehmen in den Bereichen Elektrifizierung und Automation, das eine nachhaltigere und ressourceneffizientere Zukunft ermöglicht. Durch die Verbindung von technischer Expertise und Digitalisierung sorgt ABB dafür, dass Industrien hohe Leistungen erbringen und gleichzeitig effizienter, produktiver und nachhaltiger werden, um ihre Ziele zu übertreffen. Bei ABB nennen wir das «Engineered to Outrun». Das Unternehmen blickt auf eine über 140-jährige Geschichte zurück und beschäftigt mehr als 105 000 Mitarbeitende weltweit. Die Aktien von ABB sind an der SIX Swiss Exchange (ABBN) sowie an der Nasdaq Stockholm (ABB) kotiert.
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- Herstellung von Automatisierungsanlagen
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- 10.001+ Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Zurich, ZH
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- Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
- Spezialgebiete
- ABB Ability, Robotics, Industry, Motors and generators, Drives, Smart buildings, E-mobility, Marine vessels, Data centers, Renewable energy, Technology, Energy, Utilities, Transport, Infrastructure, Oil, gas & chemicals, Semiconductors, Measurement & analytics, Control rooms, Factory of the Future, Sustainability, Automation, Electrification und Electric Vehicles
Affolternstrasse 44
Zurich, ZH 8050, CH
Beschäftigte von ABB
How can a single plant turn both seawater and rainwater into drinkable water? Singapore’s first dual-mode desalination plant is making it possible, producing 30 million gallons of potable water daily. With our advanced automation, measurement, and analytical technologies – along with high-efficiency variable speed drives and motors – the plant optimizes every stage of the process for maximum efficiency. Our ABB Ability™ System 800xA distributed control system delivers a user-friendly digital platform, enabling engineers to achieve centralized monitoring and precise control with ease. Learn how our innovative desalination solutions are helping the water industry outrun: #EngineeredToOutrun #ABB
ABB Annual General Meeting Mark your calendars! Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, March 27 2025, at 10:00 am (CET). Follow all the event action via our live broadcast! ABB shareholders who have registered their shares at ABB's Share Register are eligible to ask questions in person during the live event. We will not answer questions on LinkedIn during the livestream. Find more details on:
Annual General Meeting of ABB Ltd
Printers aren’t just for paper anymore – they’re building the next generation of sustainable infrastructure 🏢⬇️ The German Red Cross (DRK) is breaking new ground with one of Germany’s first 3D-printed non-residential buildings, using cutting-edge technology to construct its new headquarters. How? With the support of our IRB 6700 six-axis robot – expertly layering building materials with precision and speed. This approach not only accelerates construction but also minimizes waste, making it a win for both efficiency and sustainability. See how we’re reshaping the construction industry – one printed layer at a time: #EngineeredToOutrun #ABB
Last week, we hosted our fourth Accelerator, an event which combines hackathon-style competition focused on driving innovation with #AI and other emerging technologies, and our flagship AI Boost conference. This time the AI Boost was dedicated to the future of manufacturing. The event started with keynote speeches by Carolina Granat, our Head of Human Resources, Alec Joannou, Group Chief Information Officer, and several global IS (Leaders) and local Leaders from the Americas region. Like the three previous events held in 2024, this one was organized by a global team led by Peter Alkema, Head of IS Technology & Platforms. They joined efforts with the local team in Mexico led by Eliel Carreto Moreno, Country IS Manager and Cesar Vazquez , Global IS Solution Architecture Manager. See the full recap video here: Some of the key highlights: - Hackathon-style event: 400+ participants worked on 170+ use cases, with the support of 30+ external partners. Vast majority of the projects used AI to drive innovation and bring business value. - AI Boost conference: 800+ people registered for 16 panels delivered by industry leaders and ABB experts, focused on the future of manufacturing. - Participants engaged in more than 12.000 hours of learning initiatives related to the March event in San Luis Potosi. Special congratulations to this edition hackathon winning teams🏆: - The first place: Accelerating Product Configuration and Quoting with AI-Powered Knowledge Graph led by Patrick Dubois (Process Automation Business) - The second place: Engineering AI Platform to enhance the efficiency of automation engineers led by Lukas Bartos (Process Automation Business) - The third place joint to: Leveraging AI to improve order lookup & fulfillment, and boost customer satisfaction led by Deepan Vora (Electrification Business), and Simplifying Sales Activity to grow ABB Business by providing an AI Assistant led by Federica Bergamelli (Electrification Business) Thank you to all the teams for their outstanding innovations, and to all the Accelerator participants for their engagement! The next Accelerator will take place on May 26 - June 1 in Shanghai, China - stay tuned! #EngineeredToOutrun #ABBAccelerator
In 2024, we continued to promote social progress. Our highlights include: ✅ Empowering employees at a sheltered workshop in Belgium, used by social enterprise AMAB, by leveraging the power of tech. Our collaborative GoFa cobots are supporting workers with disabilities by handling repetitive or physical tasks, so employees can take on more complex roles. ✅ Setting a new standard for sustainable urban development, with innovative UK tech start-up Automated Architecture (AUAR). Our ABB robots streamline the construction process and cut labor costs for affordable housing, while smart tech solutions for homeowners enhance energy efficiency. ✅ Upskilling the workforce of tomorrow by advancing education and innovation around robotics, in collaboration with New Age Makers’ Institute of Technology (NAMTECH). A School of Robotics in India will train students, professionals and businesses to successfully navigate the digital era. Learn more in our Integrated Report 2024: #EngineeredToOutrun
Meet the newest members of our Item Picking family: the Robotic Fashion Inductor and the Robotic Parcel Inductor 🤖 Engineered for next-level logistics efficiency, these AI-powered modules excel in item singulation, picking, and sorter induction. Transform your logistics with our cutting-edge automation. Learn more:
Three words to define the future of data centers? We asked our team at Data Centre World London, and their answers are in! 🎤
"If we could keep all the methane emissions from the energy sector in the pipe, that would be the equivalent of removing all the cars in the world off the road." Check out the latest episode of our podcast on tackling methane emissions with host Fran Scott and special guest David T. Allen, Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Resources at the The University of Texas at Austin. Watch the full episode here: #EngineeredToOutrun #ABB
"Töissä kalenteri täyttyy helposti palavereista ja joskus tuntuu, että töitä pitäisi jatkaa myöhälle iltaan niin, että kaiken saisi tehtyä…" Kuulostaako tutulta? Työn ja vapaa-ajan tasapaino ovat avain hyvinvointiin. Mitä se tarkoittaa käytännössä? Lue alta Ollin kokemuksia ⬇️ "Töissä kalenteri täyttyy helposti palavereista ja joskus tuntuu, että töitä pitäisi jatkaa myöhälle iltaan niin, että kaiken saisi tehtyä. Ainakaan omasta kokemuksesta se ei kuitenkaan usein kannata, vaan on parempi sulkea läppäri, lähteä esimerkiksi ulos liikkumaan ja jatkaa seuraavana päivänä virkeämpänä. Pitkälle venyvät työpäivät heikentävät ainakin omaa työtehokkuuttani varsinkin, jos työpäivien venymisestä tulee tapa eikä poikkeus. Nykyisessä tiimissäni tuntuu, että vapaa-ajan tärkeys huomioidaan hyvin. Tärkeimpinä työelämän joustoina näen etätyön mahdollisuuden ja liukuvat työajat, jotka auttavat oman arjen rytmittämisessä. Itse vietän osan vapaa-ajastani erilaisissa urheilutapahtumissa, ja hyvät etätyökäytännöt helpottavatkin tapahtumiin lähtemistä huomattavasti, kun muilla paikkakunnilla oleviin kisoihin voi siirtyä jo edellisenä iltana. Työnantaja myös kannustaa käymään erilaisissa liikuntatapahtumissa tarjoamalla henkilöstölle niihin liittyviä etuja." Lisää tarinoita pääset lukemaan linkin kautta:
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