Cosmovici Intellectual Property

Cosmovici Intellectual Property


Geneva Area, Switzerland, Geneva 1.455 Follower:innen

”Simplicity is complexity resolved. ”


We are a team of professional lawyers specializing in intellectual property. Our experience in the field, the quality of the work done and our excellent customer relationships are our best recommendation. We use our knowledge, innovative spirit and creativity to offer our customers protection and new opportunities for expansion. We believe that in the field of intellectual property more than strategic thinking and consultancy is needed. What is needed is a global approach! Cosmovici Intellectual Property's mission is to defend and promote its clients intellectual property rights by encouraging innovation and professionalism in the field. Get to know our team on or tweet us @IPCosmovici.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Geneva Area, Switzerland, Geneva
Trademarks, Industrial Designs, Patents, Know How, Business Methods, Ideas, Copyrights, Software and Technology, Franchising, Licensing, IP Valuation, Domain Names, Mediation, Counterfeit, Unfair Competition und Personal Data Protection


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    Rue du Commerce 4

    Geneva Area, Switzerland, Geneva 1204, CH


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    Explore the evolving relationship between fantasy sports and intellectual property (IP), focusing on legal challenges related to player likenesses, team logos, and sports data. Learn about key legal cases and best practices for IP compliance in the digital age. #FantasySports #IntellectualProperty #SportsLaw #DigitalRights #FanEngagement"

    Fantasy Sports and Intellectual Property: Legal Implications in the Digital Age

    Fantasy Sports and Intellectual Property: Legal Implications in the Digital Age

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    Exciting News for Innovators and SMEs! Starting September 1, 2024, Romania joins the Unitary Patent (UP) system, expanding the coverage to 18 EU Member States and nearly 19 million people! This integration boosts the European internal market for innovation and technology, creating more opportunities for businesses and inventors. Benefits for Innovators and SMEs: Enjoy lower costs, streamlined processes, and uniform protection across participating countries. This means greater legal certainty and the potential for economic growth in a unified market. Growing Demand and Opportunities: With over 34,000 requests since the UP’s launch in June 2023, including a surge in interest from companies seeking patent protection in Romania, the system’s appeal is clear. Centralized legal proceedings through the Unified Patent Court make protecting innovations across Europe easier and more efficient. Stay ahead in the world of innovation with the Unitary Patent system! #Innovation #UnitaryPatent #Romania #SMEs #TechGrowth

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    In a significant legal update, Disney has successfully overturned a $600,000 verdict previously awarded to Rearden. The case revolved around claims that Disney used Rearden’s motion-capture technology without permission in their 2017 live-action remake of "Beauty and the Beast." Rearden alleged that a former employee stole their Contour facial-capture technology and transferred it to Digital Domain 3.0, which Disney then worked with on the film. Originally, a jury awarded Rearden over $250,000 in actual damages and an additional $345,000 from Disney’s profits. However, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar ruled that Disney could not be held liable for the infringement. The judge concluded that Disney was unaware of any misuse of Rearden’s software by their contractor and thus couldn’t be responsible for policing it. This ruling overturns the previous verdict and comes on the heels of Disney settling similar copyright claims with Rearden related to other films, including "Avengers: Age of Ultron" and "Guardians of the Galaxy." #DisneyWin #CopyrightCase #BeautyAndTheBeast #LegalVictory #MotionCapture #CourtRuling #FilmIndustry #IntellectualProperty #DisneyNews #EntertainmentLaw

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  • Unternehmensseite von Cosmovici Intellectual Property anzeigen, Grafik

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    Trade Secrets are a form of intellectual property (IP) that protect confidential business information providing a competitive edge. To qualify as a trade secret, the information must be commercially valuable, known only to a limited group, and protected by reasonable steps like confidentiality agreements. Trade secrets can include technical information (e.g., manufacturing processes, software code) and commercial information (e.g., client lists, marketing strategies). Protection against trade secret theft involves using Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), Non-Compete Agreements (NCAs), strong IT security, and restricted document access. Unlike patents, trade secrets do not offer "defensive" protection, allowing others to independently develop and patent similar information. #TradeSecrets #IntellectualProperty #BusinessProtection #Confidentiality #NDAs #NCAs #CyberSecurity #CompetitiveAdvantage #IPProtection #BusinessSecurity

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  • Unternehmensseite von Cosmovici Intellectual Property anzeigen, Grafik

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    Paris 2024 has introduced a new trend in Olympic sponsorship with extensive product placement. Winning athletes received their medals on Louis Vuitton trays and used Samsung flip phones for "victory selfies," showcasing a significant push by sponsors to integrate their brands into the Games. Samsung and LVMH's high-profile placements highlight a growing trend to leverage the Olympics for commercial gain within the constraints of existing advertising rules. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is embracing this trend, with Los Angeles 2028 already planning to build on Paris' approach. LA28 has raised over $1 billion in sponsorship and aims to surpass $2 billion, with an expected auto sponsor announcement by year-end. A key element in this evolving strategy is the increasing importance of intellectual property. The IOC's ability to control and monetize its branding and sponsorship assets is crucial, as it allows for innovative commercial partnerships and product placements while maintaining regulatory compliance. This focus on intellectual property is vital for maximizing revenue and ensuring that the Olympics remain a premier global event for sponsors and advertisers. The increased product placement has sparked debate about its impact, with some fearing it may lead to excessive commercialism. Despite this, the IOC is committed to evolving this trend, seeing it as a way to enhance revenue and global brand visibility. #Paris2024 #OlympicSponsorship #ProductPlacement #BrandIntegration #Olympics2024 #InnovationInSports #CommercialTrends #IntellectualProperty #GlobalVisibility

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    Happy National Day, Switzerland! As a Geneva-based law firm specializing in intellectual property, we celebrate the innovation and creativity that our beautiful country fosters. Today, we honor Swiss heritage, unity, and the spirit of invention that defines our nation. Wishing everyone a joyful and inspiring Swiss National Day! #SwissNationalDay #Switzerland #IntellectualProperty #Innovation #Geneva

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    We’re excited to share that our colleague, Paul Cosmovici, will be a guest lecturer for the European Intellectual Property Law course at ASE. His extensive experience in IP law will provide students with invaluable insights into the field. #CosmoviciIntellectualProperty #IPlaw #ASE #Education

    Unternehmensseite von Facultatea de Drept ASE anzeigen, Grafik

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    Vă prezentăm echipa cursului de Dreptul european al proprietății intelectuale din cadrul programului de Master „Dreptul European al Afacerilor”! 🇪🇺 🔹Claudiu Ignat, titularul cursului, este avocat definitiv în cadrul Baroului Dolj din anul 1997, titular al cabinetului de avocatură Ignat Claudiu. Ca activitate profesională, are diverse supraspecializări printre care se numără consultanță, mediere și litigii. Este mediator autorizat și formator în domeniul medierii, evaluator de programe de mediere precum și președintele Consiliului de Mediere. 🔹Paul Cosmovici, invitatul practician, este fondatorul Cosmovici Intellectual Property. A obținut un LL.M. la Universitatea Columbia și este membru al barourilor din Geneva, New York și Paris, precum și avocat european specializat în mărci și desene industriale. Este recunoscut pentru angajamentul său de neegalat în atingerea excelenței în domeniul proprietății intelectuale. 🔹Cristina Sappa, invitatul străin, este profesor-cercetător la Școala de Management IÉSEG. Predă în italiană, franceză și engleză dreptul afacerilor și dreptul comparat al afacerilor, dreptul proprietății intelectuale, dreptul contractelor, dreptul internațional al contractelor, dreptul brevetelor, dreptul industrial. Domeniile sale de cercetare sunt: dreptul proprietății intelectuale, în special date deschise, AI/IoT – inteligență artificială / Internet of Things, secret industrial. 🔗Mai multe informații: 🔗 #dreptASE #master #DreptulEuropeanalAfacerilor

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    The IOC and WIPO have formed a powerful alliance to protect the heart and soul of sports: intellectual property. This groundbreaking partnership will shield the creativity and innovation that drive our favorite athletes and competitions. From the iconic Olympic brand to the groundbreaking gear that shatters records, IP is the backbone of sports. By joining forces, the IOC and WIPO are ensuring a future where athletes and sports organizations can thrive, knowing their ideas and creations are safeguarded. This is a monumental step forward for the entire sports world! #IPprotection #sportsinnovation #olympics #WIPO #athletewelfare #fairplay

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  • Unternehmensseite von Cosmovici Intellectual Property anzeigen, Grafik

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    As the world gathers in the City of Light, Paris 2024 aims to deliver an extraordinary celebration of sports, unity, and excellence. With a vision rooted in inspiration and innovation, the Games will not only showcase athletic prowess but also leave a lasting legacy for future generations. The success of Paris 2024 relies on the support of Rights Holders. Their exclusive use of the Games' properties is crucial. Protecting these rights ensures the event can be funded and organized, benefiting athletes and sports globally. The IOC utilizes revenue from the Games to support athletes and sports organizations, distributing $3.4 million every day! Safeguarding commercial rights is essential for the integrity of the Games. Unauthorized use of trademarks or properties harms stakeholders and the global sports movement. Improper use or misappropriation of these rights, including ambush marketing, violates the French Code of Sport and the French Code of Intellectual Property, undermining the efforts to promote athletes and everyday sports practice in France. Paris 2024 is committed to protecting the intellectual property rights of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in accordance with French legislation. This commitment supports the IOC, the IPC, and the Partners, ensuring the Games' success and fostering a legacy where sport changes lives. #Paris2024 #OlympicLegacy #RightsHolders #ProtectIP #SupportAthletes #GlobalSports #SportUnityExcellence #IOC #IPC #SportsIntegrity

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    In a true David vs. Goliath story, Irish fast-food chain Supermac’s has triumphed over global giant McDonald’s in a long-running legal dispute over the “Big Mac” trademark in the EU. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in favor of Supermac’s, revoking McDonald’s exclusive use of the “Big Mac” name for chicken products and restaurant services in the EU. Key Highlights: 1. Victory for Small Businesses: This ruling is a major win for small businesses worldwide, spotlighting the issue of “trademark bullying” by large corporations. 2. Expansion on the Horizon: With this decision, Supermac’s is set to expand its footprint across Europe and potentially the UK, bringing its unique flavors to more customers. 3. Commonsense Approach to Trademarks: The ECJ emphasized that trademarks should be actively used and not just reserved to block competitors, ensuring fair competition in the market. Pat McDonagh, the founder of Supermac’s, celebrated the decision, stating, “This significant ruling takes a commonsense approach to the use of trademarks by large multinationals. It represents a significant victory for small businesses throughout the world.” This nine-year legal battle started in 2015 when Supermac’s sought to register its name in the EU, prompting McDonald’s to oppose, citing confusion with its Big Mac burger. However, the ECJ found McDonald’s did not sufficiently use the trademark in relation to restaurant services, leading to this landmark ruling. #SupermacsVictory #TrademarkBattle #DavidVsGoliath #SmallBusinessWin #FairCompetition #IrishSuccess #BigMacCase #BusinessTriumph #SupermacsExpansion

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