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Wädenswil, Zürich 4.725 Follower:innen

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Seit 1989 engagiert sich OceanCare für die Ozeane und ihre Bewohner. Mit Forschungs- und Schutzprojekten, Kampagnen, Umweltbildung sowie dem Einsatz in internationalen Gremien unternimmt die Organisation konkrete Schritte zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in den Weltmeeren. Seit 2011 ist OceanCare UN-Sonderberaterin für Fragen im Meeresschutz.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Wädenswil, Zürich
Tierschutz, Meeresschutz, Unterwasserlärm, Tierrettungen, Lobbying, Politische Arbeit, Fundraising, Campaigning, Mobilisierung, Plastikverschmutzung, Charity und Tierschutz


Beschäftigte von OceanCare


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    📣 We must stop harming our planet and start caring for it. We must protect and restore the Ocean so its inhabitants can survive and thrive. Because our planet is blue. 📣 🌊 OceanCare is marking this year's #WorldOceansDay with the publication of the Declaration “Because our Planet is Blue” and is launching an international campaign to encourage governments to tackle the dire state of the Ocean as a matter of urgency. The Ocean covers more than 70 % of the Earth's surface and provides significant benefits to the global community, which depend in large part on the maintenance of ocean processes, marine biodiversity and related ecosystem services. However, the scale of human-made threats to the Ocean, such as plastic pollution, underwater noise and the impact of the climate crisis is alarming. 🌏 We call on the world’s governments to use the #UN Ocean Conference in June 2025 to agree upon taking effective action to tackle the most pressing issues. Join us in this crucial fight for our oceans. Sign the #petition now: 👉 https://lnkd.in/dr38DFdy #BOPIB #BecauseOurPlanetIsBlue #OceanCare

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    🌊 OceanCare is very pleased to see the amendments proposed by the Let's Be Nice to the Ocean Coalition, incorporating key elements from our #BecauseOurPlanetIsBlue initiative. There is an urgent need for States to call for much more ambitious text included in the final Declaration of the UN Ocean Conference. With the Ocean facing unprecedented threats, bold and ambitious commitments in the final are essential. Anything less than decisive action is not an option — we must act now to give the Ocean a chance to recover. ➡️ Support us by signing our initiative to demand bold action: https://lnkd.in/dZiqRq7y #OceanProtection #UNOC3

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    𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 📣 Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean has published a compilation of amendments aimed at strengthening the ambition and scope of the draft Nice Ocean Action Declaration, currently circulating at UN Headquarters in New York. 🔍 These amendments have been drafted by The Varda Group, which coordinates #LetsBeNicetotheOcean, and by our partner Ocean & Climate Platform, as well as by 20 associated stakeholders. 📅 On 13 December 2024, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) released a zero draft of the Nice Ocean Action Plan, prepared under the responsibility of the Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the UN of Australia and Cape Verde, the two co-facilitators appointed by the UN General Assembly in July 2024. This zero draft triggered a broad variety of comments from both UN member States and civil society organisations (CSOs). According to the letter which accompanied the zero draft, the conversation is set to continue at least until 1 May, 2025. ⏱️ A revised version (REV1) began circulating in February, incorporating some notable but limited improvements. However, to the best of our knowledge, UNDESA has not officially published it. We have therefore integrated the stakeholders’ contributions into the February 2025 REV1 version. 🙏 This compilation reflects the depth of expertise, ambition and commitment of CSOs and other contributing organisations in shaping a strong and actionable Nice Ocean Action Declaration and Plan. https://lnkd.in/dMjzA8jH

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    Wie viel Plastik verbrauchen Sie wirklich? Finden Sie es heraus & werden Sie aktiv! Die Schweiz zählt zu den weltweit grössten Plastikverbrauchern – pro Kopf rund 127 kg – doch wie viel Plastik fällt in Ihrem Alltag an? 🤔 Machen Sie mit bei #thebigplasticcount von unseren Partnern Greenpeace Switzerland, Gallifrey Foundation, EA - Earth Action  der grössten Plastikzähl-Aktion der Schweiz! Eine Woche lang zählen Sie jede Plastikverpackung und erhalten Einblick in Ihren persönlichen Plastik-Fussabdruck. So schaffen wir gemeinsam Bewusstsein für das Problem und setzen ein Zeichen für Veränderung! 👉 Hier mitmachen: https://lnkd.in/dNatGJTz Doch Bewusstsein allein reicht nicht – unnötiges Einwegplastik muss verboten werden! 🛑 OceanCare fordert den Bundesrat auf, das Umweltschutzgesetz konsequent anzuwenden und Einwegplastik wie Takeaway-Verpackungen endlich zu verbannen. 💪 Seien Sie dabei und unterstützen Sie unsere Petition! Gemeinsam können wir Druck auf die Politik ausüben. Jetzt unterzeichnen: https://lnkd.in/eHKqeb55 #Plastikreduktion #Plastikpetition #Umweltschutz

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    Spain’s Marine Protection Commitments: Urgent Action Needed This week, OceanCare participated in a meeting at the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD) alongside 11 ocean conservation organisations to stress the urgent need for Spain to meet its marine conservation commitments. 📢 The key issue: The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 sets the 30x30 target — protecting 30% of EU land and sea by 2030. Within this, the 10x30 target requires 10% of these areas to be under strict protection, meaning no extractive or harmful activities in key biodiversity zones. 🔍 Spain is falling behind on strict protection: According to the latest results of the Objective 10x30 report, less than 0.1% of Spanish Mediterranean waters are currently under strict protection — so far from the EU-mandated target. Strictly protected areas are crucial to halting biodiversity loss, mitigating climate change, and ensuring the health of marine ecosystems. At the meeting, we called on MITERD to: ✅ Approve coherent management plans for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) ✅ Implement strict protection of 10% of its waters by 2030 Spain has made ambitious commitments. Now, it’s time to turn promises into action. 🌊 #MarineProtection #Biodiversity #MarineConservation ClientEarth, Ecologistas en Acción, Marilles Foundation, GEN-GOB, Greenpeace España, Asociación Tursiops, Oceana, SEO/BirdLife, WWF España, Bluewave Alliance

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    🚨 North Sea Oil Spill: How Many More Disasters Before We Act? A devastating accident in the North Sea has led to an oil spill, fires, and explosions aboard the Stena Immaculate tanker, which was carrying up to 100,000 tonnes of Jet A-1 fuel. The tanker was struck by the cargo vessel Solong near the Humber Estuary off the coast of England. The full extent of the spill remains unclear, but the timing could not be worse -this disaster is unfolding near critical wildlife breeding areas, putting seabirds like gannets, kittiwakes, guillemots, and puffins at grave risk and also wading birds and waterfowl now arriving to breed in adjacent areas. Oil spills have long-lasting consequences. Jet fuel, while lighter than crude oil, is highly toxic. If ingested  by animals, it can be fatal. Past spills have led to mass die-offs, with ecosystems struggling to recover for years. At OceanCare, we hope a major spill can be avoided, but this tragedy underscores a larger truth: oil spills are not isolated accidents. They are symptoms of our deep reliance on fossil fuels and the rapid pace of shipping operations. This dependency and the urge to increase the supply chain’s capacityis fueling climate change and endangering our future. How many more disasters will it take before we change course? Join us in calling for an urgent transition away from fossil fuels before more lives are lost. #BecauseOurPlanetIsBlue. 🌎 🔗 Take action now: https://lnkd.in/dZiqRq7y #StopFossilFuels #EndOilAndGasExploration #OceanProtection

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    Das Team SWISS RAW rudert für den Meeresschutz! 🌊 Im Juni 2025 startet Team «SWISS RAW – Pazifik» zu einem der härtesten Ruderrennen der Welt: 4444 km über den Pazifik, von Monterey (Kalifornien) nach Kauai (Hawaii) – ohne fremde Unterstützung! Und das Beste: Sie rudern nicht nur für die Herausforderung, sondern auch für den Schutz der Meere! 🌍 Als gemeinnützige Organisation spendet SWISS RAW den gesamten Erlös der Pazifiküberquerung 2025 an OceanCare. Ein grosses Dankeschön an das Team für seinen unglaublichen Einsatz und sein Engagement! Gemeinsam können wir viel bewegen und die Meere schützen. #SWISSRAW #PazifikChallenge #Meeresschutz

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    Peter Bolliger hat uns bei einem unserer 48-Stunden-Trainings begleitet und exklusive Einblicke geschaffen – vielen Dank! Ein besonders wichtiger Punkt für uns: Der Erlös sowie alle überschüssigen Gelder gehen an die Meeresschutzorganisation OceanCare die sich für den Schutz der Weltmeere und ihrer Bewohner einsetzt. Wer also unser Projekt unterstützt, trägt gleichzeitig auch zum Erhalt der Ozeane bei! 🌊💙 ****** Peter Bolliger joined us during one of our 48-hour training sessions and captured exclusive behind-the-scenes insights – thank you! One cause especially close to our hearts: All proceeds and surplus funds go to the marine conservation organisation OceanCare, which is committed to protecting world’s oceans and marine life. So, by supporting our project, you’re also helping to preserve the ocean! 🌊💙 #team #swissraw #oceancare #switzerland #pacificchallenge #worldstoughestrow

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    🌊 Defending The Deep – Stop Deep-Sea Mining Before It Starts! OceanCare stands with the #DefendTheDeep initiative to stop the launch of deep-sea mining before it’s too late. The deep sea — one of Earth’s largest carbon sinks and home for some of the planet’s most unique marine life — is under imminent threat. Once started, deep-sea mining would become one of the largest extractive operations in ocean history, with irreversible consequences for marine ecosystems and the climate. Scientists warn that the impacts of deep seabed mining operations on the Ocean would act cumulatively to existing stressors such as climate change, pollution and overexploitation, likely causing direct and irreversible environmental and ecological effects, risking damage and loss of habitats and species. 🚨 That's why we must unite to #StopTheMachines and Say NO to deep-sea mining before it begins. Tell world leaders to use the 2025 UN Ocean Conference to agree on a global moratorium on Deep-Sea Mining – sign the #BecauseOurPlanetIsBlue petition: https://lnkd.in/dZiqRq7y The time to act is now! #StopDeepSeaMining #OceanProtection

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    ⌛ The clock is ticking. Our deep sea - Earth’s largest carbon sink and a haven for some of the planet’s most unique life - is under imminent threat from deep-sea mining. With the International Seabed Authority rushing to conclude a Mining Code and The Metals Company/NORI's exploitation application looming, we’re ramping up our fight to secure a healthy ocean for current and future generations. In 2025 we must unite together to “Stop The Machines” and “Say NO to deep-sea mining”. A deep-sea mining moratorium is essential to ensure that decisions are made on the basis of sound and independent science, to prevent irreversible harm to marine ecosystems and species and to protect our shared common heritage for current and future generations. 📢 The time to act is now! We urge policy makers, industry leaders and ocean lovers alike: join the call for a moratorium and stop the machines. Visit defendthedeep.org to take action. #DefendTheDeep #StopTheMachines

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    Marine species are facing an invisible but deadly threat: Underwater Noise pollution. 💥⚠️ Yet the Zero Draft for the upcoming UN Ocean Conference in Nice (#UNOC3) largely ignores this critical issue. Seismic surveys undertaken when searching for new oil and gas deposits in the Ocean produce some of the loudest human-made noise in the Ocean. These intense airgun blasts — repeated every 10-15 seconds, 24 hours a day, for weeks or months — can travel hundreds of kilometers through water, causing severe harm to marine life. The impacts are devastating and could result in whales abandoning critical feeding grounds, fish catch rates plummeting by 40-80%, killing krill larvae just to name some of the consequences. The current UNOC3 draft declaration lacks concrete commitments to address underwater noise pollution. OceanCare’s #BecauseOurPlanetIsBlue campaign calls for clear commitments – we must ban offshore oil and gas exploration and phase out existing fossil fuel extraction. ❌🛢️ This would not only protect the climate but also eliminate one of the most harmful sources of underwater noise pollution. The Ocean needs more than vague promises – it needs decisive action. 🌊 📢 Sign our petition – Link in comments! #MarineProtection #OceanHealth #UnterwaterNoise #Pollution

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    As global ocean governance faces challenges amid the crisis of multilateralism, the European Union's proposed Oceans Pact represents a crucial opportunity to consolidate and strengthen Europe's approach to marine conservation ahead of the 3rd UN Ocean Conference (UNOC3) in June 2025. 🌊 OceanCare has participated in the Call for Evidence process by submitting a comprehensive set of recommendations outlining key priorities for protecting and restoring our blue planet at this critical juncture. Given the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, we advocate for a holistic framework across all ocean-related policies. Our submission addresses: ·     The need to establish the Protection Principle as central to the Pact ·     Immediate action to end destructive fishing practices ·     Reduction of plastic production and pollution at source ·     Transformation of shipping with mandatory speed limits ·     Support for a moratorium on deep-sea mining ·     A sustainable energy transition without false solutions ·     Ambitious implementation of global ocean commitments The window to address ocean decline is rapidly closing. The European Oceans Pact presents a critical opportunity for the #EU to demonstrate leadership in ocean conservation, aligning with the EU Biodiversity Strategy and ensuring delivery of SDG14 when multilateral cooperation is most needed. 🌎 #OceansPact #MarineConservation #OceanProtection #SDG14 #UNOC3

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    🌍 We Need 42 More Ratifications for the High Seas Treaty to Enter into Force. Two years after the historic High Seas Treaty was agreed upon, it still needs to enter into force. With only 18 out of the required at least 60 ratifications, the Ocean remains vulnerable to pollution and exploitation. Fabienne McLellan, Managing Director of OceanCare highlights: “The BBNJ Agreement provides the necessary tangible tools to protect marine biodiversity in international waters, but they can only be used once the Treaty enters into force and is properly implemented.” Every day of delay brings more damage to marine ecosystems, which are vital to the planet's health. The Ocean cannot wait any longer. 🌊 With the UN Ocean Conference just three months away, the time is now for world leaders to step up. Why is the BBNJ Agreement so important? 🔹 The Treaty is key to protecting 30% of the Ocean by 2030. 🔹 It enables the creation of Marine Protected Areas and requires environmental impact assessments, restricting harmful activities. 🔹 It provides real tools for conservation—but only if enough countries ratify the Treaty. Let’s make our voices heard! 📢 Sign our petition and demand immediate action: #BecauseOurPlanetIsBlue. https://lnkd.in/dZiqRq7y #HighSeasTreaty #OceanConservation #BBNJ

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