Greenpeace East Asia

Greenpeace East Asia


Hong Kong,Hong Kong 7,281 位关注者

Greenpeace East Asia has offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, Taipei, and Tokyo, protecting our climate & biodiversity.


Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning network that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. It comprises 26 independent national/regional Greenpeace organizations with presence in over 55 countries across Europe, Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, as well as a coordinating and supporting organisation, Greenpeace International. Greenpeace is an equal opportunity employer with a longstanding commitment of providing a work environment that respects the dignity and worth of each individual. We recognise and value the benefits and strengths that diversity brings to our employees and the whole organisation and we thrive in an environment that encourages respect and trust. We do not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of age, ancestry, citizenship, colour, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristic and would like to invite you especially to apply.

51-200 人
Hong Kong,Hong Kong


  • Units 2202B-2205, Port 33, 33 Tseuk Luk Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon

    CN,Hong Kong,Hong Kong


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    查看Carbon Tracker的公司主页,图片

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    Automakers need a pragmatic strategy to transition to an electric fleet or face obsolescence. Our latest blog from Ben Scott compares 2 OEMs, Toyota and BMW, their strategies in the automotive transition, and what it means for the wider industry

    BMW & Toyota: A Tale of Two Tailpipes - Carbon Tracker Initiative

    BMW & Toyota: A Tale of Two Tailpipes - Carbon Tracker Initiative

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    查看Yi-Ting Tseng的档案,图片

    Community outreach campaigner at Greenpeace

    We've got something VERY exciting coming up and this event is not be be missed as you'll get to hear directly from youth changemakers that are making a global impact 🌏 倒數兩週!有一場不容錯過的線上分享,這場分享可以直接聽見來自台灣及全球不同地區的青年氣候領袖如何運用創意推動氣候行動!一起來關注台灣青年在全球氣候行動中的一席之地! ✨ Greenpeace Global Youth Network Panel Event ✨ ✨ From Local to Global: young activist driving climate justice ✨  📅 Tuesday 24th September(9/24 週二)  ⏳ 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CET(臺灣時間 17:00-18:30) 🎤 Hosted by the Greenpeace Global Youth Network  🗓 Add to your calendar: 💻 Zoom Link: Join us for an inspiring panel all about the rise of youth climate activism and how the climate movement is linking with social justice movements, hear from examples of real-life strategies being used by youth climate activists and learn how we build a multigenerational climate movement! The amazing speakers joining us are: - Jasmine Wu, COP28 Delegates & Taiwan base team Jasmine 2023 年出席 COP28,是長年與綠色和平合作推動氣候行動的政大永續社社長 😍 - Lucy Meilen, Coordinator of the Climate Pilgrimage & of the movement les Soulèvements de la Terre 氣候朝聖與地球靈魂運動協調員 - Liyang Network 原住民青年環境組織 - Siosiua Alo Veikune, Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change 太平洋島嶼青年對抗氣候變遷的行動者 The panel will be led by Greenpeace’s very own Bianca Castro from Roots- Greenpeace. Due to limited availability of speakers, we’re only hosting this in one time zone. Expect energy, passion, and different perspectives on how we tackle the climate crisis together! 🗓 Don't forget to add to your calendar: 💻 Zoom Link: ✨On behalf of the Greenpeace Youth Community team✨

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    查看George Patrick Richard Benson的档案,图片

    Economic Transformation / Resilient Communities / Just Governance

    Two big pieces of news from China this summer that I wanted to reflect on for a moment: S&P Global (1) is showing that "new energy vehicles" (NEV) demand exploded in the first-half of 2024, including battery electric (BEV) at 12% and plug-in hybrids (PHEV)s at 85%! This builds on a prior 83% growth of PHEVs and 20% growth for BEVs in 2023. S&P Global is predicting that China, the world's largest passenger vehicle market, will be 75% NEVs by 2029. It puts BC and Canada's push for zero emissions vehicles in perspective! The second piece of news is that China cut coal power-plant approvals by 80% in the first half of 2024, according to Greenpeace East Asia (2). As they wrote: "In the first half of 2024, China’s total coal capacity of 11.7 terawatts (TW), or 11,700 GW, was for the first time exceeded by wind and solar capacity, which by the end of June accounted for 11.8 TW. Combined wind and solar capacity by the end of the first half 2024 accounted for 38.41% of total generation capacity, while coal accounted for 38.08%. Of all new capacity connected to the grid during the first six months of 2024, wind and solar power accounted for 84.2% of all new-connected capacity." This builds on the findings of the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) in Helsinki (3), which earlier this year suggested that China may have already peaked its total emissions in 2023, when it was reported that total emissions fell by 3% in March 2023. I worry that debates about energy and economic policy in Canada are becoming increasingly disconnected from the global reality. If we are not swift and strategic, we risk being left out of a global transformation that we can and should be leaders in. Let's try to keep our eyes on the bigger picture.

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    🌿🌏 Have you ever thought that the frequent use of single-use #plastic might affect our ecosystem and the health of wild animals? A recent #research by Greenpeace East Asia and universities in Hong Kong and Taipei revealed alarming levels of microplastics in wild mammal feces across Hong Kong's countryside. With 85% of samples containing microplastics, urgent action is needed to combat this pervasive issue! Greenpeace urges corporates and governments to support reduction targets at the upcoming "Global Plastics Treaty" meeting in South Korea in November this year, it's time to take a stand against plastic pollution. The findings underscore the critical need for plastic reduction at source and robust regulations to protect our environment and wildlife. Learn more 👉🏻 #PlasticPollution #GlobalPlasticsTreaty #Sustainability #Greenpeace

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    查看Solutions for Our Climate (기후솔루션)的公司主页,图片

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    💪 South Korean citizens march for climate justice! 💪 Two of #SouthKorea’s major carbon emitters, Samsung Electronics and POSCO, were spotlighted during today's #ClimateJusticeMarch, with citizens and activists holding actions outside the Samsung Gangnam flagship store and nearby areas. 🔎 The Climate Justice March attracted 20,000 citizens and more than 300 civil society groups across the country, coming together to raise awareness of the seriousness of the #ClimateCrisis and urging the government and companies to act. Read more: #ClimateAction #RenewableEnergy #FossilFuelPhaseOut

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    🎉🎉 Greenpeace East Asia #Taipei office has a new address! With 13 years of history, the Greenpeace East Asia Taipei office celebrated its first day at our new location yesterday, thanks to the hard work of our HR and Office Moving Team. Our new space is designed for #inclusivity, featuring shared desks, ample meeting rooms, and facilities catering to diverse needs, including accessible toilets and breastfeeding areas. The design reflects Greenpeace’s global mission to bring #JEDIS (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Safety) values to life. We’re also excited to announce that our 12 conference rooms are named after key Greenpeace campaigns in #Taiwan. For instance, the largest room, “Yushan,” highlights our 2021-2022 study on microplastic pollution. Come work with us in our new office and beyond! 👉Climate & Energy Campaigner 氣候及能源環境專案主任>> 👉Campaigner 環境專案主任>> 👉Community Outreach Campaigner 公眾動員暨發展主任>>

    查看Yi-Ting Tseng的档案,图片

    Community outreach campaigner at Greenpeace

    綠色和平台北辦公室搬家啦! 綠色和平 2011 年在台北成立,隨著組織規模擴大、員工人數隨之增加,於是 2016 年搬到了重慶南路上,座落在總統府斜對面。考量到都更因素,辦公室啟動搬家計畫,今天正式在新的復興北路辦公室開幕啦! #多元共融辦公室 新的辦公室涵蓋更多元使用的功能,在同仁可以居家辦公的選擇之下,以共享辦公桌為主,並且搭配充足數量的會議空間,加上多元友善的廁所及哺乳空間,讓不同需求的同仁跟來賓都可以安心使用。視覺上,則大量採用綠色和平全球辦公室一致的主色系。特別感謝搬家小組的辛勞,你們太棒啦! #具有重要意義的會議室名稱 我們 12 間會議室名稱,在我毛遂自薦之下,規劃出由同仁們參與提案及投票的活動,最終我們選定以綠色和平在台灣推動過的專案場域命名,例如,最大間的會議室「玉山」,是來自塑膠專案在 2021-2022 年做的研究「難逃塑命:臺灣保育類野生動物及棲地微塑膠污染調查」。 這項研究調查發現遠離都會區的自然環境也收到塑膠的污染,隨著報告的發布及媒體的大量關注之下,玉山國家公園管理處宣佈提升環境標準,要求休憩服務據點不售賣樽裝水、不使用即棄餐具,並加強宣傳「垃圾減量不落地」。 每一間會議室都有很重要的倡議推動故事,未來有機會再跟大家分享。會議室開箱如下: 玉山/Yushan 塑膠研究 小琉球/Xiaoliuqiu 海洋及塑膠專案 墾丁/Kenting 海洋及氣候專案 綠島/Lyudao 海洋專案 高雄港/Kaohsiung Port 海洋行動 東港/Donggang 海洋行動及研究 深澳/Shenao 氣候研究 瑞芳/Ruifang 塑膠研究 貢寮/Gongliao 核四行動 鹿野高台/Luye Highland 塑膠行動 大稻埕/Dadaocheng 氣候行動 阿里山/Alishan 氣候研究 #八年前成為志工至今成為志工統籌 回顧重慶南路辦公室啟用那一年,志工團隊擴大志工經營,開啟核心夥伴的招募及訓練,我也在那時候成為核心志工,我們有一個很可愛的名字「禮德」Leader,謝謝當時帶給我許多美好體驗的志工統籌 Yozen Chen,想念你了! 八年的時間,我對於獨樹一格的辦公室,有著很多的感情。打包物資的時候,看見了八年前我參與反空汙行動的牌子,我還記得當時內心的慷慨激昂,那些熱忱跟著我一起成長,如今我也接棒成為志工統籌,繼續與志工夥伴們一起努力。 在重慶南路辦公室關閉前,全體同仁在辦公室門口大合照,謝謝辦公室這八年來的款待。 感謝你,重慶南路一段109號的辦公室 😘 今天,全體同仁在新的地方拍了大合照 我們將繼續在新的地方認真的推動環境倡議工作! Greenpeace East Asia #DiversityAndInclusion #FlexibleWorkplace #SustainableWorkplace #VolunteerFriendly #OpenOfficeCulture

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    This past weekend, Greenpeace East Asia Taipei office held a #volunteer #workshop in Taichung, where we discussed ocean protection actions from deep sea mining to illegal fisheris, and how we bring the message to the wider public. The #enthusiasm of our volunteers is particularly inspiring and encouraging for our Community Outreach Campaigners Cheril Chiang and Yi-Ting Tseng! Can't wait to help build a #community and make a difference? Apply now to be a Community Outreach Campaigner! #Taipei👉 #HongKong👉 #outreach #peoplepower #jobs #greenjobs

    查看Cheril Chiang的档案,图片

    Community Outreach Campaigner

    去年初成為GP一員,把對我自己收益良多的 #dragondreaming 系統帶到志工培訓,不但產出3個環境行動小組,也結識一群真的可以成為「伙伴」的核心志工們🥹 今年,最佳神隊友意婷,再度召集核心夥伴群,整合出更明確的框架和目標,辦了2天的 #綠色和平海洋志工工作坊 ,還邀請到我們超專業的不同部門的同事來分享專案資訊、群眾溝通技巧等等…. 無論是志工還是同事,大家都很有各自不同的才華與個性,共事起來實在太快樂太爽快了!身為工作人員自己也覺得很有收穫💚 看到這次來參加的新夥伴,也都展現出對環境的熱情,對於之後大家的攤位設計充滿期待🤩如果這些熱情可以持續這樣擴散出去,影響到更多人,就太好了🥹 工作的動力來源,就是能見證這些閃閃發亮的時刻發生的時侯了✨✨

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    查看Kate Kalinova的档案,图片

    Sustainability | Climate | International Communication

    Big news today with South Korean citizen's securing a landmark victory in #Asia's first climate lawsuit! 🌏 🎉 Background - Initial petition filed by 19 youths in March 2020. It was later combined with three others holding the Korean government accountable for #climate inaction. - The plaintiffs include over 60 children, such as the world’s youngest plaintiff, a 20-week-old embryo nicknamed ‘Woodpecker’. The Verdict Three months after the final public hearing on May 21st the verdict is out – with Article 8.1 of #SouthKorea's Carbon Neutrality Act #unanimously found #unconstitutional for violating citizen's basic rights for not setting any targets from 2031 to 2049. Following the landmark Dutch Urgenda case and the victory of 2,000 elderly Swiss women at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the decision of South Korea’s Constitutional Court's decision to recognize hashtag #humanrights violations linked to climate inaction is long overdue, especially as it is the first of its kind in Asia. Read more: #ClimateLawsuit #BreakingNews #ClimateAction

    [Statement] Asia’s first climate win for future generations: South Korea's lack of climate response "unconstitutional"

    [Statement] Asia’s first climate win for future generations: South Korea's lack of climate response "unconstitutional"

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    📢 BREAKING - Citizen's victory in #Asia's first climate lawsuit! 🔎 Background - Initial petition filed by 19 youths in March 2020. It was later combined with three others holding the Korean government accountable for #climate inaction. - The plaintiffs include over 60 children, such as the world’s youngest plaintiff, a 20-week-old embryo nicknamed ‘Woodpecker’. ⚖ The Verdict Three months after the final public hearing on May 21st the verdict is out – with Article 8.1 of #SouthKorea's Carbon Neutrality Act #unanimously found #unconstitutional for violating citizen's basic rights for not setting any targets from 2031 to 2049. Following the landmark Dutch Urgenda case and the victory of 2,000 elderly Swiss women at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), the decision of South Korea’s Constitutional Court's decision to recognize #humanrights violations linked to climate inaction is long overdue, especially as it is the first of its kind in Asia.  Read more: #ClimateLawsuit #BreakingNews #ClimateAction

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    China has approved far less new coal power capacity so far this year. The majority of the new coal permits were issued by inland provinces — while power-hungry coastal regions did not hand out any, our project lead Grace Yuhe Gao M.P.A. told Xiaoying You and Caixin Global. Gao warned that a coal rebound is possible unless the government ensures such capacity doesn’t expand further. Without more support to connect more wind and solar power to the grid, there is also a risk that China’s carbon emissions will plateau at a high level after they peak.

    Chart of the Day: China’s Plummeting Approval of New Coal Power Capacity

    Chart of the Day: China’s Plummeting Approval of New Coal Power Capacity
