MMG Limited

MMG Limited


Southbank,Victoria 170,739 位关注者

We Mine for Progress.


Founded in 2009, MMG’s vision is to create a leading international mining company for a low carbon future. We mine to create wealth for our people, host communities and shareholders with an ambition to grow and diversify our resource, production and value, by leveraging Chinese and International expertise. We are guided by our Code of Conduct and our values of thinking safety first, respecting each other, working together, doing what we say and wanting to be better. We are committed to responsible environmental and social performance and effective governance of our operations. We operate and develop copper, zinc and other base metals projects across Australia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Peru. Headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, we are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx 1208) with an international shareholder base. A long-term outlook, our pride in mining, our commitment to shared international standards and our respect for people, land and culture underpins our success. We are MMG and we mine for progress. #WeMineForProgress #Mining #Resources #MMGLimited #MMGinPictures #MineralFactMonday #GeoScience #Geology #Science #MiningEngineering #Copper #Zinc #SocialDevelopment #Sustainability #Environment #CommunityEngagement #Agriculture #Investment #SocialInvestment #China #Australia #Rosebery #Tasmania #LasBambas #Peru #Kinsevere #DRC #Africa #DugaldRiver #Queensland #Borroloola #NorthernTerritory #Canada #Exploration #WomenInSTEM #femaleempowerment #Womeninmining #AusIMM #ICMM #MatesInMining #TrusttheSigns #RUOK #自杀预防 #世界预防自杀日 #PrevenciónSuicidio #DiaMundialDaPrevençãoDoSuicídio #JournéeMondialePréventionSuicide #PréventionSuicide

5,001-10,000 人
Mineral exploration and production


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    Most things needed for a sustainable future – wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles – are metal intensive. Reaching net zero by 2050 will require an estimated 3 billion tons of metals to support the clean energy transition, requiring an estimated 300 mines to be built. To meet demand while staying on track with the world’s sustainable development goals, we need to embrace circularity—focusing on both the production and use of metals. Learn how ICMM members are embracing circularity:

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    MMG Las Bambas has taken a step forward to strengthen the education infrastructure in the region, by commencing the construction of the Las Bambas School Reinforcement Program (PREB) in the Ccollpayoc sector of Chumille community.    The local students had faced challenges due to lack of appropriate spaces for schooling and education. This project intends to provide students and teachers with a safe and comfortable environment to learn and grow.    In addition to improving the educational infrastructure, this project will help build local management capacities and promote the development of the community, strengthening the ties between the community and the mining company.    #wemineforprogress #LasBambas #ourcommunity #mining #Peru     

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    MMG Rosebery Mine, Manager – Maintenance Operations Craig Singleton, attended MINEExpo International in Las Vegas recently for a firsthand look at a range of innovations and cutting-edge technology that could transform mining operations, including looking at the next generation Diesel-Electric trucks, to add to our current fleet of three diesel electric loaders. Craig also spoke on a panel ‘The Digital Future of Mining’ to discuss the successful implementation of Hexagon’s fatigue detection system technology in our underground truck fleet. He spoke about how the Operator Alert System has helped to strengthen the safety measures already in place to protect Rosebery’s 600 strong workforce and alerts our people in real time about their fatigue risk. #wemineforprogress #Rosebery #Roseberymine #ourpeople #mining

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    In early September, MMG Kinsevere facilitated the return to school for 123 secondary students through its sponsorship program, providing equal opportunities for underprivileged children in surrounding villages. It was terrific to see the girls in the program express their excitement and ambition as they resumed their academic year.      A mentoring session was organised to inspire this next generation, with distinguished guests including Ms. Therese Lukenge, former provincial minister. She commended MMG’s contributions to village development and encouraged students to persevere in their education.      The event, held in partnership with Waza Alliance, also celebrated 18 graduates who obtained their secondary school diplomas.     Since 2007, Kinsevere has been committed to supporting youth education and building and supporting 11 operational schools across 26 villages.     --------- Début septembre, MMG Kinsevere a facilité la rentrée scolaire de 123 boursiers du secondaire grâce à son programme de parrainage, offrant des opportunités égales aux enfants défavorisés des villages environnants. C’était formidable de voir les filles du programme exprimer leur enthousiasme et leur ambition en retournant en classe. Une session de mentorat a été organisée pour inspirer cette nouvelle génération, avec des invités distingués, dont Mme Thérèse Lukenge, ancienne ministre provinciale. Elle a salué les contributions de MMG au développement des villages et a encouragé les élèves à persévérer dans leurs études. L’événement, organisé en partenariat avec l’ONG Waza Alliance, a également célébré 18 finalistes ayant obtenu leur diplôme de fin d’études secondaires. Depuis 2007, Kinsevere s’engage à soutenir l’éducation des jeunes, en construisant et en soutenant 11 écoles opérationnelles dans 26 villages.      #wemineforprogress #Kinsevere #ourcommunity #mining #DRC 

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    MMG Las Bambas’ Manos Seguras (Safe Hands) Program was recently launched to help raise awareness of finger and hand safety, and to help educate our team of the controls we have in place to eliminate or minimise potential finger and hand injuries and risks.    To promote this program, Las Bambas recently held a street parade. The event included floats, figures and messages referring to hand protection and care.      Initiatives such as these seek to raise awareness and educate all the employees about the importance of caring for their hands, and to help promote a safer work environment for all.    #wemineforprogress #LasBambas #ourcommunity #mining #Peru  

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    MMG CEO Cao Liang visited our Rosebery Mine operation last week to spend time with our people and hear about the exciting future plans for the Tasmanian operation.     He went underground to see a jumbo in action and had a firsthand look at our diesel electric loaders that are reducing emissions and using less fuel.     Cao Liang also toured the process plant where he spent time in the control room, discussed the recovery of our five payable metals into four separate products and heard about the improvement plans.     He engaged with our people across site about the work they are doing and some of the challenges they face in their roles.     Cao Liang was impressed with the work being done to make Rosebery Mine a success and showed his appreciation for the work of our 600 strong workforce.    #wemineforprogress #Rosebery #Roseberymine #ourpeople #mining 

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    A high-profile Belgian delegation led by Consul General of Belgium in Lubumbashi, Ms. Hilde Van Inthoudt, recently visited MMG’s Kinsevere Mine.    The delegation, including ULB Rector Annemie Schaus and UMONS Rector Philippe Dubois, came together as part of our ongoing relationship with the University of Lubumbashi (UNILU).       Yi Chen, Acting General Manager Kinsevere, took the opportunity to demonstrate the mine’s operational performance and social responsibility initiatives.      The visit also highlighted the revitalization of Kinsevere’s graduate program and the site’s focus on mentoring opportunities for young professionals.    Many of MMG’s workforce in the DRC are proud UNILU graduates.     Thank you to the UNILU representatives for this special visit.     ---- Une délégation belge de haut niveau, conduite par la Consule générale de Belgique à Lubumbashi, Mme Hilde Van Inthoudt, a récemment visité MMG Kinsevere.      La délégation, comprenait la rectrice de l’ULB Annemie Schaus et le recteur de l’UMONS Philippe Dubois, s’est reunie dans le cadre de notre relation permanente avec l’Université de Lubumbashi (UNILU).      Yi Chen, directeur général par intérim de Kinsevere, a profité de l’occasion pour présenter les performances opérationnelles de la mine et ses initiatives de responsabilité sociale.     La visite a également mis en lumière la revitalisation du programme de diplômés de Kinsevere et l’accent mis par le site sur les opportunités de mentorat pour les jeunes professionnels.      Une grande partie d’agents de MMG en RDC sont fiers d’être diplômée de l’UNILU !  Merci aux représentants de l'UNILU pour cette visite spéciale.    #wemineforprogress #Kinsevere #mining #DRC 

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    MMG recently participated in the China Minmetals Corporation’s (CMC) Investor Day in Shanghai. The Investor Day was attended by CMC Vice President Mr Zhu Kebing and leadership members of its eight listed companies.  MMG’s CFO, Song Qian presented at the event and highlighted the company’s global asset portfolio, operational performance, key initiatives and strategic planning.   The event focused on a united commitment to continuous improvement as well as promoting the development of intrinsic and market value, and acting as a responsible major shareholder. The Investor Day was well received by investors. #wemineforprogress #CMC #mining 

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    Mark Davis, CEO of Glencore Copper Africa, recently led a delegation to the Kinsevere mine. The team, including executives from Mumi and KCC, reviewed the Kinsevere expansion project, which is nearing completion.        Yi Chen, Acting General Manager Kinsevere, showcased the project’s hybrid owner performance model. The delegation praised the strategy and operational readiness.         Both companies expressed a desire for enhanced collaboration in project management and operations, aiming to develop a new model for regional cooperation.        Début septembre, Mark Davis, PDG de Glencore Copper Africa, était à la tête d’une délégation des a dirigé une délégation des cadres de Mumi et KCC, pour une visite du Projet d’Expansion de Kinsevere, en phase d’achèvement.   Yi Chen, directeur général par intérim de Kinsevere, a présenté le modèle de performance hybride du projet. La délégation a salué la stratégie et la préparation opérationnelle.   Les deux entreprises ont exprimé leur désir d’une collaboration renforcée en gestion de projet et opérations, visant à développer un nouveau modèle de coopération régionale.       #wemineforprogress #Kinsevere #mining #DRC 

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    Las Bambas recently presented a modular bridge to the Velille district municipality in Chumbivilcas. This project will benefit the community by connecting the Chaychapampa River to the district's urban area. The bridge is over 24 meters long and can support up to 18 tonnes. This structure is crucial for the local community, especially since the previous bridge collapsed in January due to heavy rains. The contribution fulfilled the agreement reached during dialogue with Velille authorities, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, and the Prime Minister's Office. Las Bambas financed over 500,000 soles for demolishing the collapsed structure, transporting materials from Lima, and covering construction and commissioning costs. Through these efforts, Las Bambas and local authorities continue to support the Velille district in Chumbivilcas. #wemineforprogress #LasBambas #ourcommunity #mining #Peru

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