Titelbild von Becker & Hickl GmbHBecker & Hickl GmbH
Becker & Hickl GmbH

Becker & Hickl GmbH

Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten

Technology Leader in Photon Counting


Becker & Hickl GmbH is technology leader in time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC). Founded in 1993, Becker & Hickl have introduced a proprietary time-correlated single-photon counting principle that made TCSPC more than 100 times faster than the existing devices. Moreover, bh introduced a multi-dimensional TCSPC process that records the photons not only versus the time in the signal period, but also versus other parameters, such as experiment time, wavelength, or spatial coordinates. The bh devices are designed to record multi-dimensional photon distributions, time-resolved images, sequences of photon distributions, or multi-dimensional time-tag data. The bh TCSPC products are complemented by bh picosecond diode lasers, detector modules, multi-spectral detector assemblies, and experiment control modules. Based on these components Becker & Hickl supply their own confocal fluorescence lifetime laser scanning microscope and FLIM upgrade kits for laser scanning microscopes of various manufacturers. Moreover, bh is supplier of TCSPC modules for commercial time-domain optical tomography instruments. Becker & Hickl currently supplies more than1600 TCSPC systems worldwide, organizes yearly 5 workshops around the world and distributes more than 1600 pages of TCSPC literature.

Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten
11–50 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Modular TCSPC Systems, Picosecond Diode Lasers, FLIM-Systems, Detectors, Fiber-Based Fluorescence-lifetime Systems for in-vivo Applications und Multi-Spectral TCSPC


Beschäftigte von Becker & Hickl GmbH


  • New SPCImage NG Runs Fast Global Fit of FLIM Data A global fit can significantly improve the signal-to-noise ratio of multi-exponential analysis of FLIM data. In the past, global fitting has only rarely been used because the calculation times were unacceptably long. Now, the GPU processing used in BH's SPCImage NG data analysis software has put the calculation times for global fitting in the range of a few 10 seconds to a few minutes. The reduced data processing times make the global fit attractive to a number of multi-exponential data analysis tasks in which the component lifetimes are unknown but invariable over the entire sample or over an area of interest. Please see application note, 'Fast GPU-Based Global Fit of TCSPC FLIM Data'. The figure below shows quantitative analysis of bound FAD, free FAD, and FMN in a live-cell sample. For download of new SPCImage NG software please see https://lnkd.in/eHG-E5wd. The downwload is free for existing SPCImage NG users.

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    B&H FLIM Integration into Zeiss ZEN Software - Next Level of User Friendliness at Full Performance Benefit twice from the new Becker & Hickl FLIM integration into the Zeiss ZEN Software, and enjoy unmatched user-friendliness at highest performance at the same time! For the Zeiss LSM980 we proudly present our new B&H SPCConnect software. It combines bh SPCM software and Zeiss ZEN software by TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). That means SPCM is running together with ZEN, with both software components freely exchanging commands, system parameters, and data. SPCM can run totally in the background, i.e. the Zen user does not even have to notice the B&H SPCM software running.   This unique integration enables the user to perform not only basic FLIM experiments, but also complex measurement procedures, such as automated Z-Stack recordings, fast time-series recordings, fast triggered accumulations, and many more.

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