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    How to Manage Change Credits to Ashley Nicholson, PMP, CSM, follow her for more useful content. ------ Here's the original post: Change isn't avoidable. But it doesn't have to be painful. Here's how to successfully navigate change (you'll thank me later): 1/ 10 steps to embrace change · Start at the top with leadership. · Lead with culture to guide the change. · Include everyone in the change process. · Engage, engage, engage your team and stakeholders. · Use reason and emotion to communicate the change. · Act in the new way of thinking. · Take risks and do not fear leading outside the lines. · Use informal solutions. · Use formal solutions. · Assess and adapt. 2/ 4 elements of effective change management plans · Strategic goals: ·What goals does this help the organization work towards? · Key performance indicators (KPIs): ·How will we measure success? ·Where are things now? ·Team and stakeholders: ·Who will manage the change? ·Who do we need to communicate changes? ·Who will be responsible for the change? ·Project scope: ·What steps can we take on this project to change? ·What is outside of the scope? 3/ Understand and use Kotter's 8 step model. · Create urgency: Show why change is important. · Build a strong team: Select leaders to make the change happen. · Picture the change: Make a clear plan for what you want the organization to be in the future. · Share the plan: Keep telling everyone about the plan and why it benefits them. · Eliminate problems: Find and fix things that are stopping the change. · Celebrate small wins: Make small goals and celebrate when you reach them. · Keep improving: Learn from what works and what doesn't and keep improving. · Make it part of how things are done: Change the way the organization works so that the change stays for a long time. 4/ Master the ADKAR change model. · Awareness: Help your team understand why change is needed and how it will affect them personally. · Desire: Create a desire within your team to support and participate in the change. · Knowledge: Share knowledge and skills with your team to implement the change effectively. · Ability: Allow your team to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world situations. · Reinforcement: Reinforce the change through recognition, rewards, and feedback to ensure it becomes a permanent change and part of the culture. Ready to embrace change and transform your career? Thanks for reading. Which approach or tip did you find the most useful? ------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    How Great Leaders Say "No" Credits to Nihar Chhaya, MBA, MCC, follow him for more insightful content. ------ Here's the original post: Constant requests. Favors. Deadlines. Setting boundaries at work is challenging. You want to keep positive relationships. And be seen as a team player. But boundaries are a part of self-care. How can you do it without burning bridges? Here are some ways you can set boundaries effectively: 💬 "Let’s find another way to address this." ↳ Promotes collaboration and problem-solving. 💬 "I am unable to do it but I know [Name] can help." ↳ Suggests someone else who might assist. 💬 "I can't attend the event but thanks for the invite." ↳ Politely declines while showing gratitude. 💬 "Is there some other way I can support you?" ↳ Redirects the request while still offering assistance. 💬 "I can’t attend this meeting, but can I get the notes?" ↳ Declines while showing interest in staying informed. 💬 "I can’t join this project, but I can offer some advice." ↳ Declines participation while offering support. 💬 "Let’s set a different deadline that works for us both." ↳ Shows willingness to adjust and help with your limits. 💬 "Can we look at this again in a few weeks?" ↳ Keeps the door open for the future without a firm no. 💬 "Thank you for thinking of me, but I have priorities." ↳ Shows respect while setting boundaries. Leadership involves knowing when to say "no." Preserve your energy and support your team. Protect your time while valuing others. ------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    4 Stages of Forecasting Credits to Josh Aharonoff, CPA, follow him for more impactful content. ------ Here's the original post: The 4 Stages of Forecasting from BEGINNER to ADVANCED Which stage is your business at🪜? Every month, I meet with founders who are looking for help around their financial model. I rarely see a company working with a level 4 forecast… and oftentimes, founders don’t realize how much more value can be unlocked with just a few tweaks. Let’s go over each stage, and what to think about as your company scales 🪜 LEVEL 1 - CREATE A REVENUE BUILD (Beginner) This is where most founders start with a forecast. This will oftentimes suffice for an early-stage company, as the focus here is simply on the business model and the details behind the blueprint for how the company plans to scale The key here is to think about these 2 things: 1️⃣ How will INPUTS result in OUTPUTS (eg: an investment in sales reps results in more sales) 2️⃣ What are the SOURCES of your revenue (eg: existing customers vs customers in your pipeline vs new customers) 🪜 LEVEL 2 - ATTACH A PROFIT & LOSS (Beginner / Intermediate) Your revenue build is important, but it's not the only area of your business you need to think about. At this stage, you start to introduce other costs. It's here where you'll also want to attach a dynamic headcount build, showcasing the details behind who is on your team, and who you will hire in the near future. 🪜 LEVEL 3 - INCLUDE A BALANCE SHEET & CASH FLOWS (Intermediate / Advanced) Most companies report on the accrual basis, especially as they scale. Under the accrual basis, the amounts reported on your profit & loss won't equate with your cash flows. It's here where you'll want to implement a 3 statement model showcasing the movements in your Balance Sheet, allowing you to dynamically showcase cash. 🪜 LEVEL 4 - INCLUDE HISTORICAL DATA AND DASHBOARDS (advanced) This stage involves you importing your existing data around your financial statements, allowing you to understand where you have been, and where you are going, all in one view. With this data in place, you can refresh your forecast each month, allowing you to tap into limitless dashboards for any business case. -------------- 🛎️ Want to take your 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 & 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗲𝗹 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹? Start with Josh’s CFO Dashboards Course: 💠 Organizing Your Data 💠 Creating Summarized Financials Report 💠 Creating Dashboards 💠 Bonus Templates -------------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    10 Soft Skills To Future-proof Your Career Credits to Reno Perry, follow him for more valuable content. ------ Here's the original post: People say “soft skills matter” But never share how to improve them. 10 soft skills that will future-proof your career. And 30 resources to learn them. I've curated the best books, TED talks, and online courses for you. 1. Effective Communication 📚 How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 🗣 10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation by Celeste Headlee 🎓 Improving Communication Skills - University of Pennsylvania 2. Adaptability 📚 Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson 🗣 Embrace the Shake by Phil Hansen 🎓 Developing Adaptability as a Manager - University of London 3. Problem-Solving 📚 Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman 🗣 Are You a Giver or a Taker? by Adam Grant 🎓 Creative Problem Solving -University of Minnesota 4. Leadership 📚 Start with Why by Simon Sinek 🗣 How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek 🎓 Inspiring Leadership through EQ - Case Western 5. Teamwork 📚 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni 🗣 The Secret to Great Opportunities? by Tanya Menon 🎓 Teamwork Skills - University of Colorado Boulder 6. Time Management 📚 Getting Things Done" by David Allen 🗣 How to Save the World from Bad Meetings by David Grady 🎓 Work Smarter, Not Harder - University of California, Irvine 7. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) 📚 Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman 🗣 The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown 🎓 Developing Your Emotional Intelligence - LinkedIn Learning 8. Creativity 📚 Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon 🗣 Your Elusive Creative Genius by Elizabeth Gilbert 🎓 Ignite Your Everyday Creativity - State University of New York 9. Resilience 📚 Grit by Angela Duckworth 🗣The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth 🎓 Building Resilience - University of Pennsylvania 10. Interpersonal Skills 📚 Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson and Joseph Grenny 🗣 Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe by Simon Sinek 🎓 Improving Your Interpersonal Skills - University of California, Irvine ------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    The Ultimate Productivity Cheat Sheet Credits to Howie Chan, follow him for more impactful content. ------ Here's the original post: Procrastination and anxiety is a doom spiral (the cause?) Avoidance. It all starts with avoidance. Time to stop avoiding. And start doing. How? By using proven tools of productivity. Here's my ultimate set of tools: 1/ Personal Kanban 2/ Eisenhower Matrix 3/ Eat The Frog 4/ Smart Goals 5/ Must, Should, Want 6/ 5 Second Rule 7/ Warren Buffett 15/5 Rule 8/ Tim Ferris Lead Domino 9/ No Multitasking Rule 10/ ABCDE Method 11/ 3-3-3 Method 12/ Pomodoro Technique 13/ Pareto Principle 14/ Time Blocking Use them to avoid your tasks. Prioritise, focus, and get them done. ------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    James Clear's Atomic Habits Credits to Josue Valles, follow him for more practical insights. ------ Here's the original post: Top performers swear by Atomic Habits. Here's a distilled cheat sheet to get you started: 1. CHANGE IS BEST MADE AT THE LEVEL OF IDENTITY. Start with who you wish to become, not just what you want to achieve. 2. THE HABIT LOOP 1. Cue 2. Craving 3. Reward 4. Response Understanding this loop is key to building new habits and breaking bad ones. Here's how it works: 1. Make it obvious (cue) → Habit stacking: After [current habit], I will [new habit]. → Design your environment: Make cues of good habits obvious. 2. Make it satisfying (reward) → Use immediate rewards: Reward yourself when a habit is completed. → Track your habits: Keep track to maintain motivation. 3. Make it attractive (craving) → Use temptation bundling: Pair an action you want to do with an action you need to do. → Join a culture where the desired behavior is the norm. 4. Make it easy (response) → Reduce friction: Make good habits easy to start. → Implement the two-minute rule: Start new habits by doing them for just two minutes. Getting rid of old habits will always be hard. But this process is more realistic than relying on sheer willpower alone. To dive deeper into this concept, I highly recommend Atomic Habits by James Clear. ------ Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    Maslow’s Hierarchy For Leaders Credits to Eric Partaker, follow him for more practical leadership content. ------ Here's the original post: Great leaders know this motivation secret: Notice how some workplaces thrive, while others seem to drag their feet? What's the secret? Using Maslow's Hierarchy to understand your team's needs. Maslow's simple pyramid covers 5 levels of needs: 1/ Basic needs, like fair pay and work-life balance 2/ Safety needs, like job security and benefits 3/ Belonging needs, like workplace inclusivity 4/ Esteem needs, like reward and recognition 5/ Growth needs, like training and development This isn't just psychology. It's a leadership manual. Embrace Maslow's insights... And unlock the full potential of your people. Your people will... • Become more engaged • Optimize performance • Reach their next level "Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." – Jack Welch Better attend to the needs of your people. And you'll unleash the power within. Which levels resonate with you the most? ------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    Top 10 KPIs Resources Credits to Nicolas Boucher, follow him for more valuable resources. ------ Here's the original post: All my KPIs Cheat Sheets in one Zip file 👉 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸: This is the collection of my most valuable KPIs resources Here are the top 10: 1. KPIs Cheat Sheet Comprehensive Cheat Sheet of the most important 50 KPIs on Accounting, Cash, CEO, SaaS, and Investor. 2. 50 Finance KPIs Top 50 most valuable KPIs for Finance Professionals. 3. KPIs Cheat Sheet Part 2 Comprehensive Cheat Sheet of 50 KPIS you need to know on Headcount, Capex, Balance Sheet, Tax, and Inventory with explanations and formulas. 4. 10 CAPEX KPIs The top 10 KPIs to help you measure your CAPEX with explanations and formulas. 5. 10 Accounting KPIs The 10 most important Accounting KPIs with explanations and formulas provided. 6. 100 KPIs The biggest single resource of KPIS with 100 of them including explanations and formulas. 7. 10 CFO KPIs The top 10 KPIs for CFO dashboards with explanations and formulas. 8. 10 Cash KPIs The top 10 Cash KPIs with descriptions and formulas. 9. 10 Finance Teams Metrics & KPIs Measure your finance team's performance with these valuable KPIs. 10. 10 Investor KPIs The top 10 KPIs to help investors with descriptions and formulas! ------ 🤖 Want to Become more efficient and secure your future by being the one who knows how to use AI! Start with 𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘀'𝘀 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗚𝗣𝗧 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲 Grab the offer here: 💠 2.5 hours of on-demand videos 💠 450+ prompts 💠 92 Pages of PDF 💠 Practical exercises 💠 Taken by more than 1,000 people ------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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    Leadership Skills Credits to Nihar Chhaya, MBA, MCC, follow him for more leadership content. ------ Here's the original post: 22 actions to be a leader worth following: 1. Be kind. 2. Build trust. 3. Show empathy. 4. Delegate wisely. 5. Keep your promises. 6. Send thank-you notes. 7. Stay calm under pressure. 8. Be available when needed. 9. Schedule weekly one-on-ones. 10. Praise openly and critique privately. 11. Keep meetings short and start on time. 12. Practice patience in decision-making. 13. Listen to others before speaking. 14. Ask for feedback, then act on it. 15. Invest in your team's growth. 16. Set a daily top-3 priority list. 17. Provide clear instructions. 18. Address issues directly. 19. Learn continuously. 20. Lead by example. 21. Admit mistakes. 22. Give credit. Leadership is both what you do and who you are. ➟ Authentic ➟ Confident ➟ Humble A leader's impact is measured by the success and growth of those they lead. Be the leader you would follow. ------- Follow Business Infographics to learn from the best visuals.

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