


Flonheim, Rheinland-Pfalz 330 Follower:innen is an independent ‘Initiative to develop a new generation of manned underwater habitats'.

Info is an independent ‘Initiative for Studies on Aquanautic‘. Our aim is to develop the European Underwater Research Station as a new generation of modular, serial underwater habitats for human occupation with emphasis on human scale and habitability. The facility and its mobile module will be open to several interdisciplinary applications, such as underwater archaeology, specialized tourism, space training missions etc. CalamarPark is a branch of Cabrito Consulting in Germany. Ocean Expert ID: 23107 (UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE) European Space Agency ESA Star / ESA Match Entity Code: 1000041588 Registered in the United Nations Ocean Decade Network

2–10 Beschäftigte
Flonheim, Rheinland-Pfalz


Beschäftigte von CalamarPark


  • Unternehmensseite von CalamarPark anzeigen, Grafik

    330 Follower:innen

    It was a great pleasure to meet the interdisciplinary team of the Costa Rican Exploration and Advanced Training Underwater Station (CREATUS) together with Alan Allen again. These meetings truly build bridges between several generations. From the experience of Alan Allen, who completed multiple oil spill research missions in the Hydrolab underwater laboratory in the 1970's, to CalamarPark's years of experience across all types of habitats, to fresh approaches to the topic by the CREATUS team. We are excited to assist with the mobile Humble-Tat and see a great future for the startup, especially for the origami concept for a mobile habitat. Luis Enrique Carranza Gabriela Flores Nayla Carvajal Frank Scharmann #diving #underwaterhabitat #creatus

    Prototipos AB

  • Unternehmensseite von CalamarPark anzeigen, Grafik

    330 Follower:innen

    CALL FOR SUPPORT! PLEASE SHARE! We don't believe that LinkedIn is just a platform for spreading success stories, but for activating the network when support is needed. That moment has now arrived for our project. As most of you know, we are working on building the European Underwater Research Station and deploying it in the Mediterranean Sea. We have spent a great deal of time building a robust and sustainable concept that addresses all areas of the endeavour. Hundreds of inputs from high-level specialists have been incorporated into this concept, so that we are not the only ones convinced of its feasibility. With regard to all previous projects of a similar nature, we have not only focussed on the construction and deployment of the Habitat system, but in particular on a long-term, sustainable and meaningful operation. Now there is only one hurdle left before the BAU moment. In order to submit the official application for EU funding, for which we already are in a promising evaluation process, we now need additional partners who could imagine taking their existing support to a new level, participating as newcomers in an exciting and pioneering project, or recommending us to appropriate contacts. The hurdle to overcome is lower than one would think and offers an opportunity to various goals including contribution to the preservation of the marine habitat. We would like to ask all other contacts to share and spread this post. We would promptly provide interested parties with the necessary information and outline any opportunities for collaboration. For information please contact Frank Scharmann #diving #underwaterhabitat #space #esa

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  • Unternehmensseite von CalamarPark anzeigen, Grafik

    330 Follower:innen

    Collaboration with Donchamp Acrylics Transparent elements in the European Underwater Research Station are of essential importance. They allow constant observation of the environment, provide psychological well-being and natural light. Thanks to modern acrylic technology, we are able to plan shapes and sizes that would not have been possible in the past. We are therefore more than pleased with the mutual MoU with Donchamp Acrylics, one of the world's largest makers of cast acrylic sheet and producer of engineered acrylic. This collaboration will ensure some very surprising and spectacular features of the habitat system that have been requested for implementation by users from various sectors. Michael McMurray George Papoutsoglou Constantinos Mylonas Thanos Dailianis Georgios Angelos Hatiris SAVAS CHATZINIKOLAOU Frédéric PONS Image by Donchamp Acrylics

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  • Unternehmensseite von CalamarPark anzeigen, Grafik

    330 Follower:innen

    Greece as the location for the European Underwater Research Station Greece was our favoured location from the very beginning. We are now delighted to have reached an agreement with the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) to develop and deploy the European Underwater Research Station off the Greek islands. The purpose-built concept of the facility is guided by numerous interdisciplinary inputs from potential users and the form-follows-function principle. It is intended to become the central contact point for all types of applications that require a prolonged human presence on the seafloor. The station pursues a non-invasive approach with the highest possible mobility, versatility and cost efficiency. For partnerships and opportunities, please contact Frank Scharmann Sérgio Bryton George Papoutsoglou SAVAS CHATZINIKOLAOU Blaž Likozar Jeremy Weirich Shellby Johnson-Rodney Dieter Heinz Frédéric PONS Attila Tottosi 💧🌎🔱 Michele Rosari Liz Taylor Andrew Webb-Buffington Brendon Traxler Didier Schmitt Daniel Neuenschwander Stefaan De Mey Alison Mattos #HCMR #NOAA #ESA #Eurocean #KemijskiInstitut #OTS #CREATUS #underwaterhabitat #diving

    HCMR and Cabrito Consulting have signed an MOU to develop a manned Underwater Research Station in Greece – Calamar Park Project The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) and Cabrito Consulting will collaborate for the implementation of the project “CalamarPark”. This will be a manned underwater station off the coast of Greece, with an expandable habitable area, which will be serviced by a mobile habitat. The HCMR is the most important marine research center in Greece, with three research institutes, a fleet of research vessels and two public aquaria. The Cabrito Consulting – HCMR collaboration is a unique opportunity to create an underwater habitat in Greek waters that will serve a multitude of research, education and commercial purposes. The facility will be known as the “European Underwater Research Station” and is intended to accommodate a group of up to eight inhabitants. To this end, two concepts are being pursued in parallel: a mobile design, which will be used for changing locations and operations, and a semi-mobile concept of a large habitat that can be transported to other destinations at longer intervals. Both concepts have a modular design so that both in-house and external systems can be connected using a standardized coupling. The design follows long studies on the requirements of multidisciplinary sectors, for which a network of eleven academic and private sectors has been established. These sectors include archaeology, marine conservation, space applications, marine science and education, as well as culture, advertisement and tourism. The project aims to make the island of Rhodes the center for the development of technologies for long-term stays on the seabed or in mid-water, to be reproduced and exported to other countries, based on the business cases specified, across the academic disciplines. Due to the central location of the Greek islands, the facility is mainly focused on missions from the 37 countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED), but will also be made available to other interested parties. For any information please contact Dr. C.C. Mylonas at

    HCMR and Cabrito Consulting have signed an MOU to develop a manned Underwater Research Station in Greece – Calamar Park Project

    HCMR and Cabrito Consulting have signed an MOU to develop a manned Underwater Research Station in Greece – Calamar Park Project

  • Unternehmensseite von CalamarPark anzeigen, Grafik

    330 Follower:innen

    Welcoming Andrew Webb-Buffington and the Global STEM Initiative (GSI) to the group of official supporters who expressed their intention to use the European Underwater Research Station for their purposes. As CalamarPark we always gladly support any activity that strengthens science education. „The mission of the GSI is to enhance global access to STEM education. We firmly believe that knowledge and innovation are universal, transcending borders and backgrounds. Together, we are forging a path to make substantial strides in leveling the educational playing field across the world!“ #stem #underwater #underwaterhabitat #marinescience

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  • Unternehmensseite von CalamarPark anzeigen, Grafik

    330 Follower:innen

    "The Baltic Sea is the most polluted sea in Europe. It is affected by biodiversity loss, climate change, eutrophication, overfishing and high levels of exposure to pollutants such as pharmaceuticals and waste, especially plastic waste. According to the latest studies (including WWF), ghost nets now account for around 30-50% of marine plastic. For more than 5 years, we have been searching for and recovering exactly these nets from the Baltic Sea on behalf of the WWF. We scan the seabed with sidescan sonar, verify the alleged site and then recover the nets. We are able to save some trapped animals, but for most of them any help comes too late. In the Baltic Sea alone, up to 10,000 nets are lost every year! Approximately 37,500 tons of fish are caught in it (5% of the total catch). You have to take a look at that. Absolute madness!"

    Profil von Dr. rer. nat. Florian Huber anzeigen, Grafik

    Maritime Archaeologist & Scientific Diver

    Die Ostsee ist das am stärksten verschmutzte Meer in Europa. Es ist vom Verlust biologischer Vielfalt, dem Klimawandel, der Eutrophierung, der Überfischung und der hohen Belastung durch Schadstoffe wie Arzneimittel und Abfälle, insbesondere Kunststoffabfall, betroffen. Nach neuesten Studien (u.a. WWF) machen Geisternetze mittlerweile rund 30-50 % des Meeresplastiks aus. Seit über 5 Jahren suchen und bergen wir im Auftrag des WWF genau diese Netze aus der Ostsee. Dabei scannen wir den Meeresboden mit Sidescan-Sonar, verifizieren die vermeintliche Fundstelle und bergen die Netze anschließend. Dabei können wir einige verfangene Tiere retten, doch für die meisten kommt jede Hilfe zu spät. Alleine in der Ostsee gehen jedes Jahr bis zu 10.000 Netze verloren! Ca. 37.500 Tonnen Fisch verfängt sich darin (5% des Gesamtfangs). Das muss man sich mal reinziehen. Absoluter Wahnsinn! #EUGreenDeal #EUBiodiversity #ZeroPollution #BeGreenGoBlue #ForNature #NatureRestoration #RestoreNature #OurBaltic #WWF #Geisternetze #Submaris #Ostsee #schleswigholstein

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  • Unternehmensseite von CalamarPark anzeigen, Grafik

    330 Follower:innen

    It is a pleasure to announce the support of Andrew Melchior and the 3rd Space Agency about the possible use of the European Underwater Research Station for arts and creativity projects. Andrew is renowned for his projects with David Bowie, Massive Attack, Björk and others. “As a lifelong fan of Doug Englebart’s approach to humanising our relationship with computers, 3rd Space Agency was founded to galvanise an extensive network of technology companies, developers and researchers in order to progress innovation in the media, entertainment and enterprise sectors.“ Arts & Creativity is one of the 12 utilisation sectors whose requirements are implemented in the concept. This diversification will amplify the interest and connection between the marine environment and the public and ensure financial sustainability over longer periods of time. #underwaterhabitat #diving #creativity  #marineconservation #marinetechnology #marinescience

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