📊 2025: Your Market Research Supplier is Going Public – What Does it Mean for You? 🔍 An Initial Public Offering (IPO) by a market research supplier inevitably brings significant changes for customers. To identify potential challenges early and address them effectively, it is crucial to carefully analyze the financial implications, strategic realignment, and the quality and scope of services offered. Since 2021, I have been supporting FMCG companies in comprehensively evaluating their existing processes and the use of market research data, developing tailored solutions, and negotiating and implementing these solutions collaboratively. Leverage my expertise to be fully prepared for your negotiations in 2025 and gain clarity on the following key aspects: 1. Financial Implications ✅ Review pricing adjustments: Monitor potential price increases or changes to pricing models. Are these justified? ✅ Keep contract terms in focus: Examine existing contracts and negotiate proactively to ensure planning security. 2. Strategic Changes ✅ Focus on short-term profits: Clarify whether the supplier continues to prioritize long-term partnerships or shifts its focus to short-term margin increases and quarterly targets. ✅ Evaluate alternatives: Explore alternative data sources and service providers to strengthen your negotiating position and reduce dependencies. 3. Quality and Service ✅ Monitor service and delivery quality: Ensure that the supplier continues to invest in service and quality despite going public. Being proactive and well-prepared will help you navigate the changes brought by your supplier’s IPO and secure the best outcomes for your business in 2025. Let’s work together to achieve this!
Marktforschungsdienstleistungen beanspruchen nach wie vor einen erheblichen Anteil am Gesamtbudget. Die Vergleichbarkeit zwischen Anbietern bleibt eine Herausforderung, da Servicebeschreibungen oft unklar sind und es schwierig ist, Unterschiede herauszuarbeiten. Trotz der großen Chance, Marktforschungsverträge an die sich ändernden Anforderungen anzupassen, werden Verhandlungen häufig verzögert und Ziele aufgrund von Zeitmangel und ineffizienter Herangehensweise nicht erreicht. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Verhandeln von Marktforschungsverträgen bei Nielsen / NIQ stehe ich FMCG- und Handelsunternehmen als vertrauenswürdiger, unabhängiger Partner zur Verfügung. Unabhängig von der geografischen Reichweite meiner Dienstleistung - sei es global, regional oder lokal - ist es mein Ziel, den Verhandlungsprozess zu optimieren und Sie bei der Erreichung Ihrer Ziele zu unterstützen. Ich begleite Ihre Fachabteilungen dabei effizient durch den gesamten Verhandlungsprozess.
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The past three years have shown that long-standing partnerships between global market research institutes and their clients have been put to the test. 🌍📊 Looking ahead, I am excited about many new projects in the coming year. 🚀 Until then, I wish you restful holidays and a healthy, successful start to 2025! 🎄✨
It's time for you to decide the direction you want to go again.
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
🚗 Take the Driver’s Seat in Your Market Research Negotiations! 🚘 Do you feel like you’re stuck in the backseat while your market research provider drives you somewhere you don’t want to go? ⁉️ Pressure through revenue commitments: Maintaining conditions now requires agreeing to higher future revenues. ⁉️ Locked in place: Switching to another provider feels out of reach. ⁉️ Data systems under threat: Rising transfer costs and restrictions jeopardize your internal data warehouse. ⁉️ Limited control over your data: New restrictions dictate how you can use your licensed data. ⁉️ Added costs for basic services: Services that were once included are now billed as extras. ▶️ It’s time to take back the wheel in your negotiations! In 2025, let’s ensure you’re in control of the route, steering your market research negotiations in the direction you choose—not where someone else wants to take you. I’ll help you fine-tune your contracts and regain full control over your data and terms. Let’s put you back in the driver’s seat—I look forward to the journey with you! #MarketResearch #ContractNegotiations #DataControl #DriversSeat
Amazon Fresh Withdraws from Germany
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
Amazon Fresh Withdraws from Germany Amazon has announced the discontinuation of its Amazon Fresh service in Germany, highlighting the challenges of the country’s online grocery market. Groceries account for only 3.7% of total e-commerce revenue in Germany, significantly less than in other countries. This may be due to the unique structure of the German grocery retail market: the high density of supermarkets with convenient parking makes in-store shopping more appealing to many consumers than online alternatives. To achieve long-term profitability, cooperation and consolidation among providers are essential. These strategies could also help increase the acceptance of online grocery shopping in Germany over time. https://lnkd.in/e3wr53ZP
Building Bridges, Not Divides
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
Building Bridges, Not Divides In my opinion, we often spend too much time thinking about the politics of other countries, usually focusing only on how it might impact us personally or our own country. That’s natural, of course, but what worries me far more is the depth of the divides that these election battles create among people—divides that might not heal even in ten years. Whatever government ends up leading the USA, it will be judged by its ability to bridge these divides and bring opposing sides together again. Diplomacy—in both domestic and foreign policy—will be key, just as in any serious negotiation. In every important negotiation, there comes a point when we have to focus on the fact that we’ll need to look each other in the eye and work constructively together for years to come. For elections, this point usually begins only after the results are announced. By the way, here’s a photo of my cat sporting a little toupee made from her own brushed-out fur—a quiet statement against the bizarre trend of consuming pets that seems to be emerging in parts of the USA! 🐾
Diversification is the Future 🌍
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
🔍 The Future of Market Research Data: Integration and Flexibility in Focus The days when data was sourced from just a single provider are over. 🌐 Modern companies now rely on their own systems, which enable the integration of various data sources—including highly sensitive data like margins—that would never be included in the systems of market research institutes. Thanks to advanced technologies, today’s data management systems can easily handle diverse data sources: from retail panel and household panel data to store-based information 🛒 and promotion data from service providers. The glue that holds all of this together is the GTIN code, which is now available in high quality—including product reference data—through GS1. This flexibility allows companies to source certain data from one institute and other data from another. ✔️ This is not only strategically sound to maximize data quality or coverage but also crucial for managing costs efficiently. 📈 Service providers and data integrators specializing in this type of data integration are giving businesses even more options. They enable flexibility and enhanced analytics capabilities, making it easier for companies to break free from the restrictions imposed by institutes. The goal of these restrictions is often to create dependency and, in turn, to push through annual price increases effortlessly. 💡 We must not forget: market research should empower FMCG companies by delivering precise analyses that generate insights, offering them at least a short-term competitive edge. 🏆 Over-standardization by market research institutes works against this goal—flexibility and a variety of data sources are the keys to success! 🔑 #nielseniq #niq #gfk #gs1 #circana #kantar
Aldi and Lidl are sharing direct data with Market Research Institutes as of 2025, this will happen in a couple of European markets, probably with a phased approach. Looking forward to seeing Aldi and Lidl sharing data at store level with the FMCG industry at a later stage, too.
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
📊 Die Entscheidung von Aldi und Lidl, ihre Scannerdaten ab Januar 2025 zur Verfügung zu stellen, ist sicherlich ein Schritt, der von vielen begrüßt wird. Allerdings sollten wir nicht vergessen, dass diese Daten bereits indirekt über Haushaltspanels von NielsenIQ und GfK YouGov erfasst wurden. Die „neuen“ Daten sind also weniger neu, sondern ermöglichen es uns vielmehr, die bisherigen Schätzungen genauer zu validieren. Wichtig ist aber auch, dass dies nicht nur in Deutschland vollzogen wird, sondern auch in anderen europäischen Ländern ansteht. ⚖️ Handelspanelanbieter wie Circana und NielsenIQ sollten auch weiterhin stark auf Haushaltspanels setzen. Diese Panels bieten eine Art Versicherung 🛡️, falls Handelsunternehmen ihre Kooperationen vorübergehend aussetzen. Genauso wie Produkte 🛒 aus den Regalen verschwinden können, könnten auch Daten gestoppt werden, wenn Unstimmigkeiten zwischen Handel und Institut auftreten. Die enge Zusammenarbeit 🤝 von Circana mit dem GfK-YouGov-Panel, das nun auf 50.000 Haushalte erweitert wird (NielsenIQ auf 30.000 HH), zeigt, dass dies verstanden wurde. 🔄 Ein altbekanntes Problem bleibt jedoch bestehen: Die Aufschlüsselung von Artikeln in Mischkartons 📦, wie sie bei Aldi und Lidl häufig vorkommen. Selbst die Discounter kennen oft nicht den genauen Split der verkauften Geschmacksrichtungen 🍌🍓. Dieses Problem wird durch die Scannerdaten nicht gelöst – hier wären individuelle Codes pro Variante erforderlich. 🔍 Spannend wird es auch, wie granular die Daten von Aldi und Lidl tatsächlich sein werden, besonders bei Eigenmarken 🏷️. Häufig werden Informationen maskiert 🛑, was die Analysen erschwert. 💡 Insgesamt bleibt abzuwarten, welche neuen Insights diese Daten wirklich liefern werden. Sicher wird sich NielsenIQ daran messen lassen müssen, insbesondere im Vergleich zu einer sicherlich stattfindenden Preiserhöhung 💸. Ein Blick 👀 in die Verträge hilft zu verstehen, ob Sonderkündigungsrechte bei einer besonders hohen Preisanpassung vereinbart wurden. 🏆 Glücklicherweise gibt es in Deutschland einen funktionierenden Wettbewerb im Bereich der Handelspanel-Marktforschung, der aus Circana (ehemals IRI) und NielsenIQ besteht. #nielseniq #circana #gfk #yougov https://lnkd.in/eqY8kHXX
Aldi und Lidl geben Marktforschern künftig ihre Kassendaten
Legendary Principle
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
"Quote prices that will yield a fair profit. Never change your price unless warranted by a change in specifications." How would we perceive a company with this principle today? 🤔 Would we trust it, or dismiss it as mere rhetoric? For me, this corporate code from Arthur Charles Nielsen, written in 1931, holds significant value. 💡 It built strong trust and fostered long-term contracts with clients. 🤝 However, in today’s market research industry, I often see my clients facing arbitrary price increases, hidden hikes through service reductions, or charges for services that were once included. 📉 Is this erosion of trust inevitable, or can we return to the principles that create lasting partnerships? 🔄💬 #TrustInBusiness #FairPricing #MarketResearch #ClientRelationships #LongTermSuccess #nielsenIQ #Circana #Gfk #Kantar
Globus bietet Direct Data an, welche aktuell als Key Account Daten von den Marktforschungsinstituten nicht angeboten werden dürfen (Ausnahme Konsumentenpanels)
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
Daten-Direktbezug bei Globus: Eine spannende Entwicklung für die FMCG-Industrie 🔍 Dass Globus seine Daten direkt an die Industrie verkauft, ist eine großartige Nachricht! 🎉 Für FMCG-Unternehmen bietet das eine riesige Chance: Sie können nun Abverkaufsdaten auf Einzelshopebene analysieren und ihre Preis- und Promotionsmodelle selbst gestalten – und das weitaus kostengünstiger als über die traditionellen Marktforschungsinstitute. 🛒📊 Ein weiterer Vorteil: Die Integration von Loyalty-Daten eröffnet tiefere Einblicke in die Shopper Journey. Somit entstehen noch bessere Möglichkeiten, das Verhalten der Konsumenten besser zu verstehen und gezielte Maßnahmen abzuleiten. 🔎👥 Mein Wunsch? Dass die FMCG-Unternehmen auch wirklich Zugriff auf alle Daten erhalten – inklusive Eigenmarken und Wettbewerber. Nur so lassen sich fundierte Analysen erstellen. Im „eigenen Saft“ zu schmoren, bringt wenig. 🧃 Insgesamt ein toller Schritt in Richtung Unabhängigkeit: Mit eigenen Data Warehouses wird die Abhängigkeit von den zunehmend dominanteren Marktforschungsinstituten reduziert, deren aktueller Fokus die Gewinnmaximierung mit fragwürdigen Ansätzen ist. 📈🚀 #Datenstrategie #FMCG #ShopperInsights #DataWarehouse #Marktforschung #RetailAnalytics #Globus #Kaufland https://lnkd.in/eMFUem96
Analyseportal: Globus fordert Geld für Daten
For those clients facing reference data price increases.
🎯 Ex-NielsenIQ - Expert in FMCG / CPG / Retailer Market Research & Negotiation 📣 Proper preparation prevents poor performance in your Market Research Negotiations
❓ DATA DEMOCRATIZATION IN MARKET RESEARCH: A MISSED OPPORTUNITY? Data democratization is advancing rapidly thanks to new technologies. In market research, product attributes – such as packaging size, brand, or ingredients – play a crucial role in segmenting and analyzing sales data in a meaningful way. 💡 Without these attributes, the data is barely usable for customers. But did you know that there is no central product information database available for institutes to access? Instead, they classify this data independently – often still manually, in stores, or with the help of manufacturers and online research. This process is very resource-intensive. In the past, these tasks were often outsourced abroad, which frequently led to significant declines in data quality. 🆓 In my opinion, institutes should increasingly rely on standards such as “Verified by GS1” to centrally cover most product attributes. This would reduce costs and allow more resources to be used to close gaps where GS1 doesn’t provide coverage, such as product attributes for private labels or customer-specific requirements. ❗ It is surprising, however, that some institutes are now charging an additional fee for reference data – which, in my view, is unjustifiable. The use of these attributes has always been part of the service. Rather than leveraging innovative approaches like artificial intelligence or shared data pools to create synergies, this route is being taken as a disguised price increase. 🛑 Customers facing such demands should be aware that not all market research institutes charge an extra fee for this data, and that there are also alternative sources for this information that are freely available. Under no circumstances should an additional fee be accepted for data that has always been an integral part of the licensed service. #MarketResearch #Innovation #DataDemocratization #DataQuality #verifiedbygs1