Titelbild von Fraunhofer ISITFraunhofer ISIT
Fraunhofer ISIT

Fraunhofer ISIT


Itzehoe, Schleswig-Holstein 4.513 Follower:innen

Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie ISIT: Forschung und Produktion an einem Standort


Das Fraunhofer ISIT in Itzehoe ist eine der europaweit modernsten Forschungseinrichtungen für Mikroelektronik und Mikrosystemtechnik. Herzstück des Instituts sind die Reinraumanlagen, groß genug, um nicht nur Forschung zu betreiben, sondern auch, um die entwickelten Mikrochips im industriellen Maßstab zu fertigen. 160 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler entwickeln im ISIT in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern aus der Industrie Bauelemente der Leistungselektronik und Mikrosysteme mit feinen beweglichen Strukturen für die Sensorik (Druck, Bewegung, biochemische Analytik etc.) und die Aktorik (Ventile, Scanner, Spiegelarrays etc.) einschließlich der dazu notwendigen Gehäusetechnik. Diese miniaturisierten Bauelemente finden ihren Einsatz in der Medizin, in der Umwelt und Verkehrstechnik, in der Kommunikationstechnik, in der Automobilindustrie und im Maschinenbau.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Itzehoe, Schleswig-Holstein
microelectronics, microsystems, technology, research, powerelectronics, micromanufacturing, mems, development und pilotproduction


Beschäftigte von Fraunhofer ISIT


  • 🚀 Pushing the Boundaries of #Battery Systems – Join us at the Battery Thermal Management Innovation Summit Europe in Stuttgart! 🔋 Fast charging and power delivery are often limited by conservative thermal management strategies. But what if we could unlock higher performance while ensuring safety and longevity—using only minutes of in-situ data? 📢 Daniel Astudillo Heras, Research Fellow at Fraunhofer ISIT, will present: “Pushing The Boundaries Of Battery Systems With Data-Driven, Temperature-Controlled Charging And Power Delivery” ✅ Discover how a data-driven approach enables temperature-constrained fast charging and maximum power delivery. ✅ Learn how to shift from data-to-model to data-to-control strategies for real-time optimization. ✅ Explore how to develop a cost-effective controller adaptable to new and existing battery packs. 📅 Don’t miss this game-changing session on the future of battery management! #FraunhoferISIT #BatteryTechnology #ThermalManagement #FastCharging #Innovation #EnergyStorage #Fraunhofer

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  • 🔊Fraunhofer ISIT at the #QNC Summit 2025 by FMD - Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland- Innovation for the future of microelectronics!💻🚀 On the 6th and 7th of March we were at the QNC Summit 2025 at the dbb forum in Berlin to present our progress in the field of quantum and neuromorphic computing. 💡 🎤With an exciting presentation and two poster contributions, we proudly presented our successes in manufacturing and simulation within the QNC.Space projects - accompanied by intensive discussions with our project partners about future developments! 🚀 Particularly inspiring were the presentations by start-ups, who shared their challenges and roadmaps - and showed how collaboration with #Fraunhofer Institutes strengthens their innovative power. In addition, the panel discussion with representatives from the BMBF, the microelectronics industry and start-ups provided exciting insights into the QNC ecosystem in Germany and Europe. The conclusion: Together we are driving the next generation of computing technologies! 🔬💻 #FraunhoferISIT #QNCSummit #QuantumComputing #NeuromorphicComputing #Innovation #Microelectronics #QNCspace #FutureTech

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  • Join us at Volta-X in Stuttgart! At the Fraunhofer-Allianz Energie booth, we’ll showcase an innovative solution for efficiently integrating charging stations and decentralized renewable energy sources into the distribution grid. 🔋🔌💦💨☀️ 🔊Spotlight: The Smart Energy Router (SER) 💡 The Smart Energy Router enables interconnection and power flow control in distribution grids. Based on Solid-State Transformer (SST) #technology, it actively adapts to #grid changes and modernizes #energy infrastructure.  Overcoming Key Challenges 🆘Industries and businesses face challenges in electrification, including: - Hybridizing power grids to integrate charging stations, batteries, and renewables  - Providing grid-support services (reactive power, MV/LVDC connectivity, voltage/frequency control)  - Developing DC microgrids for stationary and e-mobility applications Fraunhofer ISIT develops cutting-edge solutions for fast-charging stations and reliable megawatt-scale power supply using our project expertise.🔝 🚀The Smart Energy Router includes a configurable DC/DC power converter of 40 kW, acting as an energy hub for multiple assets up to the multi-MW scale. This strengthens resilient power supply for microgrids, charging infrastructure, and industrial sites—without costly grid expansion. Its compact, efficient, and reliable design ensures safe operation, thanks to integrated electrical isolation. Interested? Visit the Fraunhofer Energy Alliance booth from March 25–27, 2025, at Volta-X in Stuttgart. We look forward to connecting with you! 🫱🏼🫲🏼

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  • 👩🏼👩🏿👩🏾👩🏽🦰International Women's Day 2024: Shaping innovation together! 🦾🚀💡 Today we celebrate the women who are shaping the future with their passion, knowledge and courage! 🌍🔬 At Fraunhofer ISIT, great female scientists are developing groundbreaking technologies every day - from sustainable energy and microelectronics to innovative battery systems. Their work is making the world not only smarter, but also better. They show that progress is only possible when diversity and equality are embraced. Let us remember that today - and every day: Innovation knows no gender. 💪 #WomenInScience #WorldWomensDay #InnovationForTheFuture #FraunhoferISIT #Fraunhofer

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    🔍 Failure analysis as the key to quality assurance - Fraunhofer ISIT at the EPP InnovationForum+! 🚀 How can errors be detected early and avoided in the long term? Helge Schimanski, group manager modul services from Fraunhofer ISIT, will provide exciting insights into the world of failure analysis and root cause analysis at the EPP InnovationForum+. 💡 Find out how targeted failure analysis and precise tasks can help to identify the causes of failures and avoid future problems - for optimised production processes and maximum quality throughout the entire product lifecycle. 🦾💎 Your benefits at a glance: ✅In-depth expertise - Deepen your knowledge of the latest technologies. ✅Strategic exchange - Make valuable contacts with industry experts. ✅Future-proof innovation - Identify trends and opportunities early. 📢 Presentation: 'Assured Quality through Failure Analysis and Root Cause Analysis' 📅 When: 9 April 2025 📍 Where? EPP InnovationForum+ Find out how innovative analysis methods help to optimise production processes and ensure the highest quality standards. Take the opportunity to discuss with experts and gain valuable insights for your production!🔝 🔗 Register now and be part of it! #QualityAssurance #FailureAnalysis #FraunhoferISIT #EPPInnovationsForum #Microelectronics #Fraunhofer  

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    ✨🔬 Fraunhofer ISIT at the QNC Summit 25! ✨🔬 Fraunhofer ISIT's Dr. Shanshan Gu-Stoppel will give exciting insights into the future of quantum computing at the QNC Summit 25 of the FMD - Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland! On the 6th of March, she will give a presentation as part of several technology pitches on 'Innovative Enabling Technologies for Atomic Qubit Platforms': 🔊'Platform approaches for photonic system integration' Photonic technologies are a crucial building block for powerful quantum computers. Learn how innovative integration approaches are paving the way for scalable quantum platforms!📅 📅 When: 6 March 2025, 14:00 📍 Where? QNC Summit 25, dbb forum berlin Join us to discuss the latest developments in quantum research! #QuantumComputing #Photonics #Microelectronics #FraunhoferISIT #FMD #MEMS #Fraunhofer

    #EventAlert | 🔸🔸🔸 Morgen start der »QNC Summit 2025«! Zwei Tage voller Deep Tech Insights, Keynotes & Networking im 𝗱𝗯𝗯 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺 𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻! Kurzentschlossene können sich noch registrieren: https://lnkd.in/ejUgkDjA Auf der Agenda stehen u. a. Keynotes zu photonischer Quantentechnologie, Deep Dives zu Qubit-Plattformen und neuromorphen Ansätzen sowie exklusive Networking-Formate. **Einblick in die Agenda** 1️⃣ Donnerstag, 6. März: 🔸 Eröffnung der Veranstaltung durch Prof. Albert Heuberger Sprecher des Direktoriums des Fraunhofer-Verbunds Mikroelektronik und Vorsitzender des Lenkungskreises der FMD und Engelbert Beyer Ministerialdirigent »Technologieorientierte Forschung für Innovationen« (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) 🔸 Keynote von Prof. Carsten Schuck (Universität Münster) über photonische Quantentechnologie und neuromorphes Computing 🔸 Fachvorträge und Technologie-Pitchs zu Quantencomputing – Atomare Qubitplattformen: Bjoern Lekitsch (neQxt GmbH), Johannes Zeiher (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik). Tech-Pitches: Ammar Albadish (Fraunhofer IMS), Dr. Shanshan Gu-Stoppel (Fraunhofer ISIT), Dimitrios Kourkoulos (Fraunhofer IPMS), Carolin Rothhardt (Fraunhofer IOF). 🔸 Insights zu neuromorphem Computing mit Fokus auf memsritiven Ansätze: Martin Ziegler (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), Sven Beyer (GlobalFoundries) und Tech-Pitchs von Sven Zimmermann (Fraunhofer ENAS) und Andreas Stoll (Fraunhofer IIS) 🔸 Podiumsdiskussion zur Entwicklung des Ökosystems für QNC-Hardware mit Herrn Engelbert Beyer (BMBF), Sven Beyer (GlobalFoundries), Björn Lekitsch (neQxt GmbH), Benjamin Lilienthal-Uhlig (Fraunhofer IPMS) 2️⃣ Freitag, 7. März: ✨Highlight: Die 3. Edition des Wissenschaftlerinnen Frühstücks mit Keynote-Talks von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Ganesh (Fraunhofer IZM) und Alexandrea Swanson (#SheTransformsIT) 🔸 Technologische Perspektiven für neuromorphes Computing mit Bert Jan Offrein (IBM Europe) 🔸 Tech-Pitchs zu dem Stand und Herausforderungen der Hardwareentwicklung in den verschiedenen neuromorphen Ansätzen von Stephan Suckow (AMO GmbH) und Guillermo von Hünefeld (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI) 🔸 Einblicke in kryogene und photonische Qubit-Plattformen: Fachvorträge: Leon Koch / Walther-Meissner-Institute (WMI) , Prof. Hendrik Bluhm (JARA-Institut für Quanteninformation, RWTH Aachen und Forschungszentrum Jülich), und Klaus Jöns (Universität Padernborn). Tech-Pitches von Felix Reichmann (IHP), Tommaso Pregnolato (Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik) Lars Nebrich & Daniela Zahn (Fraunhofer EMFT). **Besondere Programmpunkte** 🔸 QNC Topic Lounges: Expert:innen stellen das FMD-QNC-Technologieportfolio vor 🔸 Virtueller FMD-Showroom: Mikroelektronik hautnah mit VR erleben 🔸 QNC Space Poster-Session: Innovationen von Start-ups und KMUs im Fokus 🙌🏼 Wir freuen uns darauf, euch morgen zu begrüßen!🙌🏼

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    🔬🚀 Fraunhofer ISIT at the 17th XMR Symposium - Innovations in Magnetic Sensor Technology! 🎤 The 17th XMR Symposium brings together international experts to discuss the latest developments in MR technology and magnetic systems. In his presentation 'Biased AMR sensor with monolithically integrated NdFeB magnets', our expert Dr. Björn Gojdka presents the prototype of an AMR sensor with integrated permanent magnets. The development was carried out in collaboration with Sensitec GmbH. The example shows how Fraunhofer ISIT's PowderMEMS® microfabrication process contributes to miniaturisation, functional integration and cost reduction. Dr. Björn Gojdka: "The PowderMEMS manufacturing process enables innovative microsystems in the fields of sensor technology, actuator technology and quantum computing. The industrial scalability of the process is a major advantage."🦾🚀 The symposium is aimed at technical and future-oriented experts from research and industry - especially from the automotive, e-mobility and industrial automation sectors. Key topics include: ✅New XMR technologies & sensor concepts ✅Condition monitoring & sensors for extreme environments ✅Magnetic materials & market requirements 📅Register now & be part of it! Take the opportunity to learn from leading scientists and industry experts, network and help shape the future of MR technology. #FraunhoferISIT #XMR #Sensortechnology #Automotive #Energyefficiency #Innovation #Research #PowderMEMS #Fraunhofer

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    🚀 Groundbreaking innovations are created when disciplines and institutions work together - the cooperation between Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY shows how interdisciplinary research accelerates technological progress and creates solutions for the challenges of the future. 🫱🏼🫲🏼🌍💡 We at Fraunhofer ISIT look forward to continuing our close cooperation with our colleagues at DESY, combining the best of two worlds: x-ray and MEMS technology!🦾🔝 #Fraunhofer #FraunhoferISIT #MEMS #Xray #innovation

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    Fraunhofer und DESY starten strategische #Kooperation zur Förderung von Innovation und Forschung Eine Delegation der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft und des Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotrons (DESY) hat heute in München eine Vereinbarung zur strategischen Zusammenarbeit unterzeichnet. Sie zielt darauf ab, Kompetenzen, Infrastrukturen und Wissen über die Grenzen einzelner Forschungseinrichtungen hinweg zu bündeln und damit neue Wege zur industriellen und gesellschaftlichen Verwertung zu erschließen. DESY zählt zu den weltweit führenden Teilchenbeschleunigerzentren und bietet mit Anlagen wie der Röntgenstrahlungsquelle PETRA III eine Plattform für internationale Spitzenforschung. PETRA III ist eine hochmoderne Röntgenlichtquelle der 3. Generation, die exzellente Forschungsergebnisse ermöglicht. Mit dem geplanten 4D-Röntgenmikroskop PETRA IV ist eine noch leistungsstärkere Strahlungsquelle in Planung, die ab 2032 die leistungsstärkste weltweit sein soll. Geplant ist ein maßgeschneidertes Zugangsmodell, das die Nutzung der Forschungsinfrastruktur und der damit verbundenen röntgenbasierten analytischen Methoden erleichtert. Damit könnten Fraunhofer-Forschende aktuelle industrierelevante Fragestellungen mit höchster Aussagekraft beantworten. Erste Pilotprojekte haben bereits das Potenzial der engen Zusammenarbeit von Fraunhofer und DESY aufgezeigt: ◻️ Forschende des Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology ISIT haben ein Spiegelsystem entwickelt, um Proben wie im Laserbereich für Untersuchungen mit Röntgenstrahlung an PETRA III umfassend abzurastern. ◻️ Forschende des Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS haben mit weiteren Wissenschaftspartnern Gehirnproben an einer Beamline an PETRA III untersucht. Ziel ist es, mit den gewonnenen Daten die Struktur der Hirnfasern zu charakterisieren und diese mit den Hirnfunktionen in Verbindung zu bringen. Diese Erkenntnisse sollen zur Weiterentwicklung von MRT-Techniken genutzt werden. Weitere Informationen zu der Kooperation zwischen Fraunhofer und DESY finden Sie hier: https://lnkd.in/dgZCtTZY Bild 1: © Fraunhofer / Markus Jürgens Bild 2 und 3: © DESY / Maike Bierbaum

    • Unterzeichnung der Kooperation (v.l.n.r.): Prof. Britta Redlich, Direktorin für den Bereich Forschung mit Photonen im DESY-Direktorium, Dr. Arik Willner, Administrativer Direktor (kommissarisch) sowie Bevollmächtigter des Direktoriums für Innovation & CTO, DESY, Prof. Helmut Dosch, Vorsitzender des DESY-Direktoriums, Prof. Holger Hanselka, Präsident der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Prof. Axel Müller-Groeling, Vorstand für Forschungsinfrastrukturen und Digitalisierung der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Dr. Katja Seidel, Direktorin Forschung, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
    • Blick in eine offene Experimentierhütte an PETRA III
    • Probenaufbau von Gehirnscheibchen an der Beamline P62 an PETRA III, einem Pilotprojekt zur Zusammenarbeit zwischen DESY, dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikrostruktur von Werkstoffen und Systemen IMWS und weiteren Wissenschaftspartnern.
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    🚀 STEM power at Fraunhofer ISIT - Shaping the future! 👩🔬💡 150 schoolgirls, countless exciting insights and lots of enthusiasm for science & technology! 💙 At the STEM fair for girls at Fraunhofer ISIT, young talents had the chance to discover their career opportunities in STEM subjects at the stands of regional companies. Why is this important? Because diversity creates innovation! Women in science and technology bring new perspectives, creative solutions and groundbreaking ideas - to the benefit of society as a whole. 🌍✨ That's why it's important to encourage girls early and show them that science needs clever minds like them! 💪🔬 #Fraunhofer #FraunhoferISIT #STEM #scienceisfemale #empowerment

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    🚢⚡ The future of shipping is emission-free - and Fraunhofer ISIT is helping to shape it! With €7.8 million in EU funding, the STEESMAT project is developing groundbreaking power supply systems for the next generation of environmentally friendly ships. The aim is to reduce emissions by up to 40 per cent through the optimal integration of modern DC technologies with renewable energy sources such as batteries, solar cells, fuel cells and wind turbines. 🌍 Together with 13 European partners, we are committed to a sustainable maritime industry. A milestone for a zero-emission future on the world's oceans!💧✅ 🔌🦾 Our contribution at Fraunhofer ISIT: As part of the STEESMAT project, Fraunhofer ISIT is set to develop a state-of-the-art Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation-based Solid-State Transformer (SST) model tailored for maritime applications, with a strong emphasis on distributed configurations. Additionally, ISIT will design a robust control strategy to enhance the stability of low-voltage DC (LVDC) micro-grids under transient conditions. #FraunhoferISIT #MaritimeCleanTech #STEESMAT #Sustainability #Shipping #Energytransition #Fraunhofer

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