🌍🤝 The FuelEU Maritime is Here to Stay! It is great to hear this strong commitment from Magda Kopczyńska, DG MOVE Director General, at the RLCFA's General Assembly. Last week, Frontier Fuels had the privilege of attending the 3rd Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels (RLCF) Alliance General Assembly in Brussels. The day kicked off with Magda Kopczyńska, emphasizing that the FuelEU Maritime regulations are here to stay, and the crucial role this will play as part of the EU's decarbonization strategy. We’re proud to contribute to the RLCFA's mission through our Project GreenWave - our initiative focused on accelerating the adoption of waste and residue based biofuels in maritime transport. A special thank you to Michał Kubicki for your support to Frontier Fuels and your dedication in guiding the Alliance to where it is today. And to all the participants - thank you for your valuable insights and shared commitment. Together, we’re charting a clear course toward a low-carbon future. For more information on the RLCF Alliance, visit: https://lnkd.in/egg549GC #RLCFAlliance #ProjectGreenWave #FuelEUMaritime #LowCarbonFuels
Frontier Fuels is a pioneer in the supply of sustainable biofuels for the marine industry. Integrating machine learning into the fuel development process allows Frontier Fuels to offer cost-effective solutions that can significantly reduce CO2 emissions for today’s shipping vessels. Member of the Marine Fuels Alliance, Maritime Cluster Northern Germany and the Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance. FF Frontier Fuels GmbH
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📢 Join ZERO44 and us for a webinar on FuelEU compliance with biofuels! 🗓 March 13 | 09:00 - 10:00 CET Understanding the latest regulatory requirements, market trends, and biofuel strategies is key to staying competitive in this new market environment. In this session, we'll provide practical insights into biofuel planning, availability, and pricing - plus, we’ll answer all your questions on blending and compliance. Looking forward to an insightful discussion - don’t miss out! 👉 Register here: https://lnkd.in/eUWCh3yu #Biofuels #FuelEU #Shipping #Maritime
📬 You are invited to our #expert panel with Frontier Fuels. Learn more about #FuelEU and the benefits of #biofuels. 🛢️ 🌳 Find out how you can determine the most cost-effective path to carbon #compliance and gain a competitive advantage. 🚀 In this free webinar we will: 🔹 provide you an overview of the regulatory requirements 🔹 share the latest market insights on availability and pricing 🔹 provide you with a practical guide on biofuel planning 🔹 answer all your questions on biofuel blending Frontier Fuels develops and supplies advanced biofuels for the maritime industry. As a fast-moving company, we were among the first to deliver biofuel to a shipping vessel in Germany. Our cost-effective biofuels offer a practical way to immediately reduce the CO₂ emissions of today's shipping vessels and are available in all German ports. We look forward to seeing you! 👉 Save the date: March 13, 09:00 - 10:00 CET Johann Maack Luc Siebinga Friederike Hesse
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📢 Join ZERO44 and us for a webinar on FuelEU compliance with biofuels! 🗓 March 13 | 09:00 - 10:00 CET Understanding the latest regulatory requirements, market trends, and biofuel strategies is key to staying competitive in this new market environment. In this session, we'll provide practical insights into biofuel planning, availability, and pricing - plus, we’ll answer all your questions on blending and compliance. Looking forward to an insightful discussion - don’t miss out! 👉 Register here: https://lnkd.in/eUWCh3yu #Biofuels #FuelEU #Shipping #Maritime
📬 You are invited to our #expert panel with Frontier Fuels. Learn more about #FuelEU and the benefits of #biofuels. 🛢️ 🌳 Find out how you can determine the most cost-effective path to carbon #compliance and gain a competitive advantage. 🚀 In this free webinar we will: 🔹 provide you an overview of the regulatory requirements 🔹 share the latest market insights on availability and pricing 🔹 provide you with a practical guide on biofuel planning 🔹 answer all your questions on biofuel blending Frontier Fuels develops and supplies advanced biofuels for the maritime industry. As a fast-moving company, we were among the first to deliver biofuel to a shipping vessel in Germany. Our cost-effective biofuels offer a practical way to immediately reduce the CO₂ emissions of today's shipping vessels and are available in all German ports. We look forward to seeing you! 👉 Save the date: March 13, 09:00 - 10:00 CET Johann Maack Luc Siebinga Friederike Hesse
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⚓ FuelEU Maritime Has Arrived – Is Your Fleet Ready? The FuelEU Maritime regulation is now in force, setting new emissions targets for shipping. The race to decarbonization has begun, and fuel choices will determine who stays ahead. 🚢 How easy is it to comply? A B30 blend of FAME and HFO can keep vessels within FuelEU limits until 2039. But as targets increase, relying only on today’s solutions won’t be enough. ⚠️ The real challenge? ▪️ Soaring demand for bio-feedstocks across transport sectors ▪️ Longer lead times and variability in product quality ▪️ Securing supply increasingly requires long-term offtake agreements At Frontier Fuels, we’re tackling these challenges by providing our shipping partners with sustainable, long-term fuel solutions. 💬 What’s your plan for meeting FuelEU’s targets? Let’s talk about navigating the transition together! #FuelEU #Maritime #Biofuels #FrontierFuels
Navigating FuelEU Maritime: What’s the Best Path Forward? 🌍🚢 At last week's Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V. event, we explored how the choice of renewable fuel will be critical to future competitiveness. From methanol to LNG to biofuels, the options are numerous—but selecting the right one requires balancing practicality, economics, sustainability, and availability. A well-planned FuelEU strategy is essential for staying ahead in maritime decarbonization. Thank you to the MCN team for hosting such a valuable platform for industry dialogue - it’s great to see the industry coming together on this critical topic! Want to discuss biofuels and decarbonization strategies? Let’s connect here on LinkedIn or via our website: https://lnkd.in/eaF4Sk_j #FuelEU #MaritimeDecarbonization #Shipping #Biofuels
We're excited to share that Frontier Fuels won second place at the 2024 Generation-D competition! 🎉🥈 A huge thank you to the Generation-D team, judges, and everyone involved for supporting our mission to transform the marine fuel landscape—this recognition is incredibly motivating for us. We're proud of the significant progress we're making in reducing CO2 emissions in the shipping industry and look forward to what lies ahead. Congratulations to all the teams—let's keep driving positive change together! 🌿🌍
⚓ Panel Discussion at the MCN in Rostock! 🌍 Johann was honored to represent Frontier Fuels at the Maritime Basic Training in Rostock, participating in a thought-provoking panel on Regulations, Flag, and Emissions Trading. Alongside Maximilian Riedel (Hapag-Lloyd) and Nils Beyersdorff (MARCARE), they explored the pressing regulatory challenges shaping the future of maritime operations and the path towards sustainability. 🚢 A special thank you to Katrin Caldwell and the Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V. team for organizing such an impactful event. These discussions are essential as we collaborate to drive innovation and build a greener, more sustainable future for the maritime industry. 🌱 #FrontierNews #SustainableShipping #Regulations #MCN
Navigating the Biofuel Boom in Shipping 🌍⚓ The maritime industry is steering towards a greener future, with biofuels poised to play a pivotal role. BP projects that biofuels will account for approximately 32% of marine fuel consumption by 2050—an impressive increase of over 40 times our current usage! However, this rapid shift raises a critical concern: where will the necessary bio-feedstock come from? As we face growing shortages and fierce competition from the aviation and automotive sectors, securing a reliable supply becomes increasingly complex. At Frontier Fuels, we’re tackling this challenge head-on. We’re committed to expanding the range of available bio-resources by exploring innovative biofuel options that are less competitive with other transport sectors. Our mission is to build a robust and scalable biofuel supply chain to support a sustainable future. Join us in driving this crucial change and shaping a greener world. 🌱 #FrontierNews #Biofuels #SustainableShipping #FutureOfTransport
Frontier Fuels hat dies direkt geteilt
MEET our FINALISTS: 👨🔬⛽♻️🚢 Frontier Fuels : Biotreibstoff aus Industrieabfällen Warum ist Frontier Fuels wichtig? 🌍 Die Schifffahrt braucht weiterhin Antriebsstoffe die CO2 intensiv sind. Deshalb ist es umso wichtiger, an der Produktion anzusetzen! Industrieabfälle finden oft keine Verwendung und Frontier Fuels nutzt diese Abfälle, um Biotreibstoff herzustellen. Der aktuelle Stand? 🚀 Momentan arbeitet das Start-Up an Pilotprojekten. Alle nötigen Zulassungen und ein Logistik Netzwerk stehen bereits! Das Team hinter Frontier Fuels? 🤝 Luc und Johann kombinieren ihre stärken optimal: Kraftstoffentwicklung und Data Science. Zusätzlich dazu wird das Team von erfahrenen Expert*Innen unterstützt. Die angebotenen Produkte? 🏡 Frontier Fuels bietet preisgünstige Biokraftstoffe für die Schifffahrt an. Diese Kraftstoffe werden aus Industrieabfällen hergestellt. Um geeignete Grundstoffe zu identifizieren, wird Machine-Learning-Technologie eingesetzt. Welche SDGs werden unterstützt? 🌟 ?! 7 - Affordable and clean energy 12 - Sustainable consumption and production 13 - Climate action Vision und Mission? 🌎 Frontier Fuels will zur Dekarbonisierung der Schiffahrt beitragen - ein Bereich, in dem hierfür noch deutlich zu wenige Lösungen existieren. Indem das Start-Up nachhaltigere und kostengünstige Alternativen anbietet, wird sichergestellt, dass nachhaltige Lösungen zur Verfügung stehen. Neugierig geworden?💡 Lerne unsere Finalisten persönlich beim Finalevent in München kennen! So bist du dabei: 1. Besuche unsere Webseite. 👉https://lnkd.in/eTuXrvdV 2. Buche dein kostenloses Ticket.🎟️ 3. Sei live vor Ort beim Finale dabei und erlebe Innovation hautnah! 🙌 #generationd #finalevent #socialinnovation #NachhaltigesBauen #Innovation
Frontier Fuels hat dies direkt geteilt
🎉 Sei beim Finalevent von Generation-D dabei! 🎉 Hast du schon gehört? Wir laden dich herzlich ein, Teil unseres Finalevents zu werden, auf dem wir die herausragenden Leistungen der besten sechs Teams unseres Wettbewerbsjahres – allundergorund, Frontier Fuels, Jause:Pause, Phaeosynth, SocialGuide und VetRec (allunderground, Frontier Fuels, jause_pause, Phaeosynt, SocialGuide, VetRec ) – präsentieren werden! 🚀💡 Am 21. September ist es endlich so weit! Wir öffnen die Türen zu einer inspirierenden Veranstaltung in den Brainlab Headquarters in München, wo Innovation und soziales Engagement aufeinandertreffen werden. 🏙️🎉 Deine Stimme zählt! 🌟 Aber das Beste kommt noch: Du hast die Chance, Teil der Jury zu sein und für dein Lieblingsteam abzustimmen! Deine Stimme wird den entscheidenden Zuschauerpreis bestimmen – eine Gelegenheit für dich, aktiv Einfluss zu nehmen und die zukünftigen Social Entrepreneure zu unterstützen. 💪✨ So bist du dabei: 1. Besuche unsere Webseite. 👉https://lnkd.in/eTuXrvdV 2. Buche dein kostenloses Ticket.🎟️ 3. Sei live vor Ort beim Finale dabei und erlebe Innovation hautnah! 🙌 #generationd #finalevent #socialinnovation